12-29-2016, 06:24 PM
Past isn't always prologue. The amount of fields being computerized and robotomized is unprecedented. It extends to virtually anything, including the design and maintenance of the robots. Machines were supposed to save labor. That is their purpose. We ought to reap the rewards.
That means giving up the precious Reaganoid libertarian economics. Work is not for everyone anymore; it is no longer the excuse to avoid paying taxes to help the poor and the different. We ought to be working less; that's the whole purpose of machines. That means the owners should not reap all the rewards. If they continue to do that, courtesy of Republican voters, there won't be an economy at all.
That means giving up the precious Reaganoid libertarian economics. Work is not for everyone anymore; it is no longer the excuse to avoid paying taxes to help the poor and the different. We ought to be working less; that's the whole purpose of machines. That means the owners should not reap all the rewards. If they continue to do that, courtesy of Republican voters, there won't be an economy at all.