08-18-2017, 10:07 AM
(08-18-2017, 07:34 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: [Bob there is a reason that I refer to the MSM as the Lugenpresse. It is unfortunate that English lacks a word for that concept.When I first saw you use that term, I had to look it up. It is a very eloquent way of phrasing it. It reminds me of zeitgeist. In fact in the beginning of the English translation of Mein Kampf ther is a short chapter on the meaning of some words that don't have an equivalent and explanation as to why they were left in the text as is.
English is such an expression poor language, which is surprising as it evolved from German and given how much better it is at expressing things: such as its two words for shit - one for human, one for animal and the ability to combine them to make a deeper form of shit. Spanish is also good at expression, especially when it comes to profanity. Take for example, the slur puta / puto and how there is no real direct translation, or even how it has many variants of the term 'fuck' and how it can be used in so many contexts all of which change the meaning.