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Berkeley ponders ordinance banning plastic straws
Freedom is rather hard to define. It is a good buzz word. To say you are free or not is powerful. What is it though?

Americans believe in Democracy and Human Rights. These are easier to define. Look at sovereign states. Look at the enumerated powers of Congress. Democracy says the majority, through their representatives, can impose a lack of freedom on a minority. The majority can pass said powers to the federal government through the Constitution and it’s amendments. The amendments include the Bill of Rights. This in many ways defines freedom, and denies the will of the majority. Neither federal, state nor local government can supposedly deny the Bill of Rights.

Supposedly. There is a amendment speaking of guns, and let there be guns, but it is hard to see where the Bill of Rights speaks of straws. Berkley is supposedly thus free to regulate straws. If the majority errs too much in the direction of the nanny state, or in any direction, power can be lost by those who drift far enough from the people. In the case of straws, some put financial concerns ahead of environmental. I have seen greed put ahead of responsibility often enough to favor the environment. We do need to become more responsible about the environment.

Unfortunately, the Supreme Court is appointed by politicians. What is written gets usurped by politics and modern fashion. I will grumble a lot about this, and the elite’s influence on representatives and other members of government. One can do little beyond grumbling and voting, alas. I am still stopping short of violence. I do not trust politicians, but democracy takes a clear majority united in world view, values and culture to restrain them.

Libertarians seem to put freedom ahead of democracy. They yammer about freedom, and in some ways it is good that the most sane among them do. Those that do not look at reality, who have to lie, are shunned for good reason. I oppose libertarians. The elites have imposed too much on the people. There is enough of kings, slaves are robber barons in the history books. There must be restraints on the power of the elite. Representative democracy is not ideal. I’ll again speak for direct vote networked democracy. Yet, until other restraints are placed on the government and the elites, I will use representative democracy as I can.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Berkeley ponders ordinance banning plastic straws - by Bob Butler 54 - 01-26-2018, 06:53 AM

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