06-20-2016, 09:47 PM
(06-20-2016, 02:08 PM)TnT Wrote: The devil is always in the details. Unfortunately, there are too many of us gun owners that like to sit around fondling our firearms and imagining heroic events taking place with us at the forefront. The beer guts and gray hair aren't going to carry us very far down the revolution road.
I don't anticipate anything like a real revolution, enough citizens with guns shooting at people in uniform to cause anything like attrition. However, violent incidents hitting the press do cause significant noise in the press and politicians do alter policy. After Waco, Ruby Ridge and OKC, the FBI, BATF and similar federal agencies were given new rules of engagement by Clinton 42, intended to reduce the number of incidents that made the government look bad. The population is in a different mood now, more fearful of terrorists, carless of privacy rights, ready to let the government use violence and paramilitary tactics. Still, I don't think it in the government's interest to provoke a spiral of violence.
The big thing for me is that spree shooters with political motivations are still being reported and pigeon holed as 'lone nuts' rather than people of courage and strong conviction. We've been free enough in turning parts of the Near East into free fire zones. Those who wish to return the favor aren't entirely unjustified and irrational. Americans, with their self centered views on their having a unique place in the world, have been and will be very slow to acknowledge this. As we demonized the Germans and Japanese during World War II, we're all too ready to demonize now those who want to treat us as we've treated them. Bush 43 wanted troops near the oil and American oil companies with the primary contracts. He was willing to kill the locals, take their wealth and totally discredit Western values and motivation. What was done then isn't going to be forgotten.
At least it won't be forgotten by 'radical Islam', you know, the folks where were there and have been shot at. Americans? We are quite capable of forgetting inconvenient history. The victims are apt to remain the bad guys in our eyes.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.