01-28-2019, 02:54 PM
(01-28-2019, 01:09 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: I think we blues do believe we are mounted on a moral high horse compared to you reds; I'll give you that. We on the Left do think that moral values are important; but it's certainly likely that most reds believe that as well, as long as they are of the traditional religious kind, or at least moral values of American self-reliance.
I see it this way: the Left tends to base its political thought on some sort of moral values. For modern American Left (and Americanised Left in Europe) generally right to self-expression is paramount. The individual needs to have his material needs satisfied to express himself, so the Left views its as a moral duty to ensure noone is hungry. Equality is another "moral high horse" for blues, who are reds or purples on my diagram.
The Right is divided. The "old Right" with its Christian values (black on my diagram) is very moralistic, while the anti-PC "new Right" (blue on my diagram) often takes pride in promoting unabashed egoism. For example Mencius Moldbug, the "founding father" of neoreaction, mocked idealism and described secular humanism as no more reasonable than theism. I like the Christian right on some issues (mainly concerning sexual morality), but for anti-PC types like Moldbug or the UK blogger Sargon of Accad I have no feelings save disgust.