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Rise Of Tribalism, Racism & Bigotry Most Associated With Which Turning & Why?
(05-03-2019, 08:12 PM)TheNomad Wrote: [quote dateline='1556924283']
HELEN WILLISBigotry and Tribalism are part of the human condition and exist outside of the Turning System.

That being said having lived in the Rural Midwest, and the Urban Midwest as well as the suburban South PBR is wrong as usual.  I actually experenced the most racism in highly diverse areas where "multiculturalism" (really anti-culture) was the norm.  The more monolithic the culture of the area (black or white) the less the prevalence of racism.

I believe this is due to the fact that diversity + proximity = war.

Nothing exists outside the Turning System.  How is that possible?  The Turning System is simply a scientific examination of information.  Since science is an examination of that which exists, all that exists is within the scope of the examination.

"diversity + proximity = war"

Really?  Any time folks from a different background live in close proximity, there is war?  Maybe that is because one side wants nothing to do with the other -- while that OTHER side is only trying to survive.  In some periods of history that is called Genocide.

I edited a post to suggest Vancouver, British Columbia. White Canadians in Vancouver and either Chinese-Canadians or recent immigrants from China seem to share a common interest in an orderly, prosperous society that cherishes formal education. Pit one group of losers (as in criminal gangs) against another set of losers, and whatever difference there is between the two groups of people will result in violence. If you want to predict what places will have ethnic strife, then look for high crime rates that indicate an overall failure of the society.

But it's known you have issues with integration unless it is on yo own terms.  That's a whole different thread/forum and possibly REALITY.

Quote:However, probably the fundamental REALITY on which America exists is DIVERSITY.  If you have forgotten what that means since crossing the Fence, that means folks of all different backgrounds coming together and MELDING.  It's the actual spine of America. 

Xenophobia is the opposite of America.  If you want to know what is America, turn off Chris Rock and "Daddy" and google Statue Of Liberty Inscription".  Now feel free to misrepresent and skew that inscription, but most of us know we are living in times of dual realities.  The difference with me?  I see both realities.  Many do not.  Therefore, they cannot meet in truth in reality with others.  They can only exist in the reality where THEY WIN.

Excellent. We are seeing lots of 'mixed' marriages that have children with ambiguities about their origins. But we are getting used to this, aren't we? We adapt to reality or it breaks us.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.


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RE: Rise Of Tribalism, Racism & Bigotry Most Associated With Which Turning & Why? - by pbrower2a - 05-03-2019, 11:32 PM

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