05-14-2019, 09:14 AM
(05-13-2019, 07:20 AM)taramarie Wrote: You don't know it either matey. It is not about suppressing yourself for one thing. That will only create a toxic inner core which will come out in other not so healthy ways.
Never saw him say this. Great story!
Wrong. Go check out tantra.
We agree on this one. I personally rather not be deliberately nasty, but I am human and not perfect. But it is also good to not suppress yourself either and work on it in healthier ways.However that said, anyone can interpret any of your own actions in any way they want. You are a fine example of this. Also my partners mother for that matter. You cannot control how others interpret what you say or do. Some people have a lens on the world where they see only what is already within themselves, and be damned if the other person involved never meant it in the way it was interpreted by the less than healthy recipient of the discussion. Here is a relevant video on the subject.
I saw the video, and after I saw the life-coach giving some bland advice on success -- with the host then 'exposing' him as a violent person I saw the fellow again, and I looked for some traits of a sociopath, the person who seems too good to be true and then proves rotten under the surface. I saw charm... and sociopaths usually charm people quickly (they have short time spans in which to do harm) so that they can swindle, cheat, or abuse their victims -- people that they can get to let down their guard. I have two second cousins who are sociopaths -- and they are charmers. One of them makes deals with public officials -- in strip clubs. Another became an accountant and worked for a hospital -- and drained company assets as an embezzler.
I think of what I would have done had I been in the accountant's place. He was making good money off his salary alone. Surely he got much help from his grandparents and might have been able to send them off on a second honeymoon -- somewhere in Europe. To be sure, his wife was something of a problem; her house was a regular stop for UPS to drop off stuff that she bought on a shopping channel. I can imagine wining and dining people on an expense account, but not in strip clubs.
I hope that those two fellows do not read what I have written.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.