(02-22-2020, 10:08 PM)ResidentArtist Wrote: Hey there, welcome to the board! Nice to see another person that's sort of from my generation. I'm a "Millennial In Name Only" and relate to Gen Z and the Artist archetype in a lot of ways, since I'm not a '90s kid, don't remember events like 9/11, and share the same sense of meme humor that you mentioned. What's the earliest news event you remember? Are there any historical figures from Artist generations you feel like you relate to?Sorry for the late reply! Don't remember much news before 2016, but something that terrified me is abandoned babies dying in cars during the summer. Also, a toddler fell into a sewer, who would've drowned or something if he wasn't rescued. I had a toddler sister at the time. I'm glad I didn't pay attention to the news any more than that.
And for the second question, eh, not really. If they're creative, harmless, compromising mediators, then I guess so. I can sort of relate to Anne Frank being a teen girl with big dreams in an increasingly hellish world, but at least my life isn't in danger, I don't think. I might relate to her more later on.
Unrelated, but I should give my thoughts on the Artist archetype. Even though I can't relate to them a TON, I still vibe with them and respect them. I very much respect Silents and Progressives, like Theo Roosevelt (favorite president), Woodrow Wilson, Booker T (also the name of a bookworm in this one Barney episode), MLK, and of course, Bernie. I like the way they lead and advocate, more than the Dubois type. Don't recognize any artists before the Compromisers, who I respect the least. a) Andrew Jackson. b) Weren't they responsible for that backroom deal that gave us a Republican president while taking troops out of the South? If they had been a little less compromising, maybe the Jim Crow laws and KKK wouldn't have happened. To say people's lives were ruined because of their decisions is a huge understatement. Imagine how much better African Americans would have it today if it weren't for them. They screwed up the High.