04-10-2020, 05:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 04-10-2020, 05:27 AM by Eric the Green.)
I foresaw that March 20-24 would be a major turning point in history. You can see that these dates correspond to the moment when the trend of the virus in the USA started to go straight up, and it hasn't waned virtually at all. I mentioned in my Feb.17 lecture in Oregon that the charts for March indicated health concerns. Four planets aligned in Capricorn, a sign of the state and executives, at that time, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto, and Saturn was moving into Aquarius, sign of legislatures in action. I was surprised though that this virus crisis would persist and still be rising off the charts in April. I thought it would be succeeded by other crises as the 2020s continue.
It seems now that it really is a trigger. Time will tell, but this pandemic has shown beyond all doubt the failure and utter incompetence of the USA as it's now constituted. I have predicted for many decades that the 2020s would see possible revolution and/or civil war in the USA in the 2020s, climaxing in 2025-28.
Now a facebook friend of mine has posted this article in The Atlantic.
Influenced by the planetary cycles that we both see, my friend writes as he posts this article:
"The 2nd American Revolution is about to begin. It will echo our founding and rhyme with the Civil War. You can bet on it."
quoting the article:
"Fear sweeps the land. Many businesses collapse. Some huge fortunes are made. Panicked consumers stockpile paper, food, and weapons. The government’s reaction is inconsistent and ineffectual. Ordinary commerce grinds to a halt; investors can find no safe assets. Political factionalism grows more intense. Everything falls apart.
This was all as true of revolutionary France in 1789 and 1790 as it is of the United States today. Are we at the beginning of a revolution that has yet to be named? Do we want to be? That we are on the verge of a major transformation seems obvious....."
In my reply I wrote:
In a few months we may be like these people who once had to reckon with "an executive who doesn't act" with a country in peril: https://youtu.be/pq56Kzc3jI4?t=464
and then I wrote this comment, quoting The Atlantic article:
"The men and women who made the French Revolution....had no model to follow, no plans, no platform agreed upon in advance. As the UCLA historian Lynn A. Hunt has argued, they made it up as they went along.....Human beings are responsible both for much of what is wrong and for much of what could be right about the world today. But we have to take responsibility. In hindsight a revolution may look like a single event, but they are never experienced that way. Instead they are extended periods in which the routines of normal life are dislocated and existing rituals lose their meaning. They are deeply unsettling, but they are also periods of great creativity. As some Americans take shelter in their homes from a newly arrived threat and others put their health at risk to combat it, we can all mourn lost certainties, but we can also set about intentionally creating new possibilities. To claim this moment as a revolution is to claim it for human action."
lyrics here (they match this quote very well, to say the least):
It seems now that it really is a trigger. Time will tell, but this pandemic has shown beyond all doubt the failure and utter incompetence of the USA as it's now constituted. I have predicted for many decades that the 2020s would see possible revolution and/or civil war in the USA in the 2020s, climaxing in 2025-28.
Now a facebook friend of mine has posted this article in The Atlantic.
Influenced by the planetary cycles that we both see, my friend writes as he posts this article:
"The 2nd American Revolution is about to begin. It will echo our founding and rhyme with the Civil War. You can bet on it."
quoting the article:
"Fear sweeps the land. Many businesses collapse. Some huge fortunes are made. Panicked consumers stockpile paper, food, and weapons. The government’s reaction is inconsistent and ineffectual. Ordinary commerce grinds to a halt; investors can find no safe assets. Political factionalism grows more intense. Everything falls apart.
This was all as true of revolutionary France in 1789 and 1790 as it is of the United States today. Are we at the beginning of a revolution that has yet to be named? Do we want to be? That we are on the verge of a major transformation seems obvious....."
In my reply I wrote:
In a few months we may be like these people who once had to reckon with "an executive who doesn't act" with a country in peril: https://youtu.be/pq56Kzc3jI4?t=464
and then I wrote this comment, quoting The Atlantic article:
"The men and women who made the French Revolution....had no model to follow, no plans, no platform agreed upon in advance. As the UCLA historian Lynn A. Hunt has argued, they made it up as they went along.....Human beings are responsible both for much of what is wrong and for much of what could be right about the world today. But we have to take responsibility. In hindsight a revolution may look like a single event, but they are never experienced that way. Instead they are extended periods in which the routines of normal life are dislocated and existing rituals lose their meaning. They are deeply unsettling, but they are also periods of great creativity. As some Americans take shelter in their homes from a newly arrived threat and others put their health at risk to combat it, we can all mourn lost certainties, but we can also set about intentionally creating new possibilities. To claim this moment as a revolution is to claim it for human action."
lyrics here (they match this quote very well, to say the least):