Zoomers: More of a coincidence if anything that people are using Zoom for educational purposes. Even though this term predates the coronavirus pandemic by at least three years, no one born in 1997 and earlier was probably required to use Zoom at all for education purposes. People born in 1998-2001 used Zoom for college classes and anyone born from 2002-2005 used Zoom for high school.
Homelanders: Yes, 1997-2002 is usually viewed as Gen Z, but they were born before the establishment of Homeland Security. 2003 is literally the definition of a Homelander, as they were the first to be born after the establishment of Homeland Security. Similar to how 1982 is the literal definition of a Millennial because they graduated high school after Y2K.
Quaranteens: People born in 1997-1999 were never teens during the pandemic, as they were 20-22 when it started. 2000-2001 were still teens, but they were already legal adults.
Quarantines: People born in 1990 were the first to start elementary school after the Oklahoma City bombing and people born in 1994 were the first to start elementary school after the Columbine shootings. Both were events (other than the pandemic and 9/11) that led to children being more sheltered, and were arguably turning points when it came to parenting. There were also other events that predate all of these that led to children being more sheltered. There is no "earliest starting year" you can use for this. Sheltering children more has been going on since the dawn of man.
iGen: People born in 1997-1998 (for the most part) were born before the iMac came out. People born in 1997-2001 (for the most part) were born before the iPod came out. People born in 1997-2006 were born before the iPhone came out. It's very ambiguous.
Echo Busters: Another bad one. Someone born in 2001 can easily have Baby Boomer/Prophet parents and someone born in 1989 can easily have Generation X/Nomad parents.
Homelanders: Yes, 1997-2002 is usually viewed as Gen Z, but they were born before the establishment of Homeland Security. 2003 is literally the definition of a Homelander, as they were the first to be born after the establishment of Homeland Security. Similar to how 1982 is the literal definition of a Millennial because they graduated high school after Y2K.
Quaranteens: People born in 1997-1999 were never teens during the pandemic, as they were 20-22 when it started. 2000-2001 were still teens, but they were already legal adults.
Quarantines: People born in 1990 were the first to start elementary school after the Oklahoma City bombing and people born in 1994 were the first to start elementary school after the Columbine shootings. Both were events (other than the pandemic and 9/11) that led to children being more sheltered, and were arguably turning points when it came to parenting. There were also other events that predate all of these that led to children being more sheltered. There is no "earliest starting year" you can use for this. Sheltering children more has been going on since the dawn of man.
iGen: People born in 1997-1998 (for the most part) were born before the iMac came out. People born in 1997-2001 (for the most part) were born before the iPod came out. People born in 1997-2006 were born before the iPhone came out. It's very ambiguous.
Echo Busters: Another bad one. Someone born in 2001 can easily have Baby Boomer/Prophet parents and someone born in 1989 can easily have Generation X/Nomad parents.