07-20-2016, 11:22 AM
(07-20-2016, 10:50 AM)radind Wrote: > I think that the most destructive force is the de facto state
> religion of Secular Humanism that tolerates no dissent.
That's an interesting statement. During the 1990s, I was spending
a lot of time arguing with feminists online and reading dozens of
feminist books and hundreds of feminist articles.
I ended up writing a book, "Fraternizing with the Enemy: A book
on gender issues for men ... and for women who care about men."
That book is available as a PDF file from my download page:
The 1990s started with feminists leading the charge at trashing
Clarence Thomas because he was a successful black man who married a
white women, which is something that I learned really infuriated women
in general, and feminists in particular. Then you had the whole thing
with Bill Clinton.
So after I'd written the book, and we entered the 2000s, I recognized
that "secular humanism" manifested the same kind of self-absorbed
intolerant hatred that feminism did, only on a much broader scale. So
I see feminism as the early manifestation of secular humanism, and I
see secular humanism as a metastasis of feminism.