08-15-2016, 07:49 PM
New York State, Siena (as if there were a mystery this year)
57% Clinton
27% Trump
3% Other (vol.)
50% Clinton
25% Trump
9% Johnson
6% Stein
1% Other (vol.)
Washington State, Elway:
Clinton 45
Trump 24
Johnson 7
Stein 4
...45-21 with a Likely Voter screen that in most elections favors Republican candidates for just about any office. I'm going with that.
...Clinton+Johnson+Stein vote adds up to 54, so this lead is practically insurmountable.
Binary race, Hillary Clinton (D) vs. Donald Trump ®
![[Image: genusmap.php?year=2012&ev_c=1&pv_p=1&ev_...NE3=0;99;6]](http://uselectionatlas.org/TOOLS/genusmap.php?year=2012&ev_c=1&pv_p=1&ev_p=1&type=calc&AL=2;;7&AK=0;;4&AZ=4;;1&AR=0;;6&CA=0;;6&CO=1;;4&CT=0;;5&DE=0;;5&DC=0;;9&FL=5;;4&GA=3;;4&HI=0;;7&ID=0;;6&IL=1;;6&IN=4;;1&IA=5;;2&KS=3;;2&KY=3;;4&LA=0;;5&MD=0;;6&MA=0;;1&MI=5;;4&MN=0;;4&MS=0;;5&MO=4;;1&MT=0;;5&NV=4;;1&NH=1;;6&NJ=0;;5&NM=0;;5&NY=1;;7&NC=1;;4&ND=0;;5&OH=1;;4&OK=2;;6&OR=0;;5&PA=1;;4&RI=0;;6&SC=4;;1&SD=0;;5&TN=2;;6&TX=2;;4&UT=0;;7&VT=0;;6&VA=1;;4&WA=5;;4&WV=0;;6&WI=1;;6&WY=0;;6&ME=1;;4&ME1=1;X;4&ME2=0;X;9&NE=0;;5&NE1=0;X;9&NE2=0;X;9&NE3=0;99;6)
Leader up with
60% or more -- saturation 80%
55-59% -- saturation 70%
50-54% -- saturation 60%
46-49%, margin 4% or greater saturation 40%
46-49%, margin 3% or less saturation 20%
(the usual color applies for the partisan leader, but yellow blue to green and red to orange below
40-45%, margin 4% or greater, saturation 40%
43-45%, margin 3% or less, saturation 20%
New Hampshire is an average.
![[Image: 10;4&ME1=1;X;6&ME2=1;X;4&NE=0;;5&NE1=0;X...NE3=0;99;6]](http://uselectionatlas.org/TOOLS/genusmap.php?year=2012&ev_c=1&pv_p=1&ev_p=1&type=calc&AL=2;;7&AK=0;;4&AZ=1;2/4;4&AR=0;;6&CA=0;;6&CO=1;12/15;4&CT=0;;5&DE=0;;5&DC=0;;9&FL=1;5/5;4&GA=2;5/5;4&HI=0;;7&ID=0;;6&IL=1;;6&IN=4;0/??;`&IA=4;0/12/1;1&KS=2;5/8;4&KY=2;15/??;4&LA=0;;5&MD=0;;6&MA=0;;1&MI=1;9/8;4&MN=0;;4&MS=0;;5&MO=2;2/5;4&MT=0;;5&NV=1;1/4;2&NH=1;5/5;4&NJ=0;;5&NM=0;;5&NY=1;;6&NC=1;9/9;4&ND=0;;5&OH=1;3/10;4&OK=2;;6&OR=0;;5&PA=1;9/8;4&RI=0;;6&SC=2;2/5;4&SD=0;;5&TN=2;17/4;4&TX=0;;4&UT=0;;7&VT=0;;6&VA=1;12/12;4&WA=1;21/7;4&WV=0;;6&WI=1;;6&WY=0;;6&ME=1;10/10;4&ME1=1;X;6&ME2=1;X;4&NE=0;;5&NE1=0;X;9&NE2=0;X;9&NE3=0;99;6)
Small states and districts in area or with shapes that allow confusion:
FL D4/4;4
ME D 10/10; 4
NH D15/8,4
Clinton (D)
Trump ®
Johnson (L)
The nature of this election cycle must change dramatically for Donald Trump to have any chance of victory.
57% Clinton
27% Trump
3% Other (vol.)
50% Clinton
25% Trump
9% Johnson
6% Stein
1% Other (vol.)
Washington State, Elway:
Clinton 45
Trump 24
Johnson 7
Stein 4
...45-21 with a Likely Voter screen that in most elections favors Republican candidates for just about any office. I'm going with that.
...Clinton+Johnson+Stein vote adds up to 54, so this lead is practically insurmountable.
Binary race, Hillary Clinton (D) vs. Donald Trump ®
Leader up with
60% or more -- saturation 80%
55-59% -- saturation 70%
50-54% -- saturation 60%
46-49%, margin 4% or greater saturation 40%
46-49%, margin 3% or less saturation 20%
(the usual color applies for the partisan leader, but yellow blue to green and red to orange below

40-45%, margin 4% or greater, saturation 40%
43-45%, margin 3% or less, saturation 20%
New Hampshire is an average.
Small states and districts in area or with shapes that allow confusion:
FL D4/4;4
ME D 10/10; 4
NH D15/8,4
Clinton (D)
Trump ®
Johnson (L)
The nature of this election cycle must change dramatically for Donald Trump to have any chance of victory.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.