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Yes, Hillary Clinton is still winning. And yes, the media is lying to you.
Could Millennials Cost Clinton the Presidency?
Liberal young people were supposed to be part of her winning coalition, but they’re moving to third-party candidates in remarkably high numbers.

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik (I couldn't copy and paste this, but this picture is well worth a look. Young people are holding up signs saying "Whitewater, Benghazi, Clinton Foundation, Vincent Foster, Don't Trust Clinton" and "Monica L is better than you" perhaps showing just how fully the lies have affected millennials).
Josh Kraushaar
Sept. 16, 2016, 6 a.m.

One of the most sur­pris­ing ele­ments of this pres­id­en­tial cam­paign is the lack of en­gage­ment from Pres­id­ent Obama’s di­verse base of mil­len­ni­als and non­white voters—des­pite the pres­ence of the deeply-di­vis­ive Don­ald Trump in the race. Polling sug­gests the race is highly com­pet­it­ive, driv­en by Trump’s sup­port­ers say­ing they’re more likely to show up at the polls than Hil­lary Clin­ton’s. And the main reas­on Clin­ton finds her­self in trouble is that she doesn’t ap­peal to many of the same voters who flocked to back Obama in 2008 and 2012.

The mostly lib­er­al mil­len­ni­als were ex­pec­ted to be a crit­ic­al part of Clin­ton’s win­ning co­ali­tion, but it turns out they hold a dim view of her can­did­acy. In the Demo­crat­ic primar­ies, she won less than 30 per­cent of their sup­port against Bernie Sanders. A re­mark­able 77 per­cent don’t think she’s hon­est, ac­cord­ing to a new Quin­nipi­ac na­tion­al sur­vey. A slew of polls re­leased this week show these voters are mov­ing to third-party can­did­ates in re­mark­ably high num­bers. Liber­tari­an nom­in­ee Gary John­son and Green Party can­did­ate Jill Stein tal­lied a whop­ping 44 per­cent of the vote among mil­len­ni­als, ac­cord­ing to the Quin­nipi­ac poll—three times their sup­port among all voters. It’s not an out­lier: A CBS/New York Times sur­vey re­leased Thursday shows the two win­ning 36 per­cent of the same con­stitu­ency.

That’s the dif­fer­ence between a nar­row Clin­ton lead and a dead-even race. In a two-way con­test, Clin­ton leads by 5 (Quin­nipi­ac) and 2 (CBS/NYT). In a four-way race, Clin­ton’s lead shrinks to 2 (Quin­nipi­ac) or dis­ap­pears en­tirely (CBS/NYT). Without John­son and Stein in the field, Clin­ton holds a sub­stan­tial lead over Trump with mil­len­ni­als. But her 21-point ad­vant­age over Trump among mil­len­ni­als shrinks to just 5 points when John­son and Stein are on the bal­lot.

The Clin­ton cam­paign knows it has a prob­lem with young voters and is pro­mot­ing five events in Ohio with Bernie Sanders and Eliza­beth War­ren this week­end as ones that “lay out the stakes for mil­len­ni­al voters.” It’s pos­sible that as the elec­tion draws closer, lib­er­al young­er voters will re­luct­antly rally be­hind Clin­ton rather than risk giv­ing the elec­tion to Trump. But it’s also very plaus­ible that apathet­ic young voters will simply stay home.

Equally prob­lem­at­ic for Team Clin­ton is His­pan­ic voter apathy. Giv­en Trump’s rhet­or­ic on im­mig­ra­tion, it was easy to as­sume Lati­nos would re­gister and turn out at his­tor­ic levels. But in a poll of Flor­ida His­pan­ic voters con­duc­ted for Uni­vi­sion, Clin­ton is win­ning only 53 per­cent of the His­pan­ic vote in the state—7 points shy of Obama’s per­form­ance in 2012. A sur­pris­ingly high num­ber of His­pan­ic voters are un­de­cided. It’s not that they tol­er­ate Trump; it’s that they have very neg­at­ive views to­wards Clin­ton as well. Trump is also lead­ing in new Nevada polling, des­pite his low stand­ing with His­pan­ic voters in the state. Turn­ing them out will be crit­ic­al for Clin­ton to win.

The good news for Clin­ton is that it should be easi­er for her to win back Obama’s base than it will be for Trump to make in­roads where he’s un­der­per­form­ing (with col­lege-edu­cated white wo­men, in par­tic­u­lar). Demo­crat­ic op­er­at­ives are con­fid­ent that these core Demo­crat­ic voters will re­turn to the fold come Novem­ber. The bad news? The elec­tion is less than two months away, and Clin­ton still hasn’t closed the deal with what should be her party’s most pas­sion­ate sup­port­ers.


1. An­oth­er deeply Demo­crat­ic con­stitu­ency where Clin­ton is un­der­per­form­ing is the Jew­ish vote. A newly re­leased sur­vey com­mis­sioned by the Amer­ic­an Jew­ish Com­mit­tee found that she is win­ning just 61 per­cent of the Jew­ish vote to Trump’s 19 per­cent. When un­de­cided voters are pressed to choose, Clin­ton’s num­ber inches up to 66 per­cent. That would be the low­est share of the Jew­ish vote any Demo­crat­ic pres­id­en­tial nom­in­ee re­ceived since Mi­chael Duka­kis in 1988 (64 per­cent). It’s pos­sible she won’t do any bet­ter than Obama, who re­ceived 69 per­cent in 2012.

It’s a sign that Pres­id­ent Obama’s con­tro­ver­sial nuc­le­ar deal with Ir­an (which Clin­ton sup­ports) and his chilly re­la­tion­ship with Is­raeli Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Net­an­yahu are hav­ing an im­pact on Jew­ish voters’ long­time iden­ti­fic­a­tion with the Demo­crat­ic Party. Giv­en Trump’s own deep un­pop­ular­ity with Jew­ish voters, it’s un­likely to make a dif­fer­ence in this elec­tion—un­less Flor­ida ends up go­ing down to the wire. But the trend may have im­plic­a­tions for the fu­ture.

2. Even if Trump loses the pres­id­en­tial race, there’s a grow­ing pos­sib­il­ity he may end up with the most GOP elect­or­al votes since George W. Bush’s win­ning cam­paign of 2004. Trump’s strength with white work­ing-class voters has put him ahead in Iowa and Ohio, ac­cord­ing to polls re­leased this week. But he’s in danger of los­ing North Car­o­lina, which Mitt Rom­ney won in 2012. Still, if he traded North Car­o­lina for Ohio, it would be a net gain. And with new statewide polls show­ing him lead­ing in Flor­ida and Nevada, he’s got a lot of wiggle room to out­per­form Rom­ney.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

Messages In This Thread
RE: Yes, Hillary Clinton is still winning. And yes, the media is lying to you. - by Eric the Green - 09-17-2016, 06:13 PM

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