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the authors' charts
In all this time, I never posted any info about the horoscopes of Neil Howe and William Strauss. Howe was born Oct.21, 1951 and Strauss Dec.5, 1947.

Neil has the aspect that I would immediately correlate with interest in generations: The Moon-Uranus conjunction in the family sign Cancer (ruled by The Moon itself). Uranus, of course, is the planet of the saeculum, since it orbits the Sun at the same rate as a saeculum, 83-84 years, and is said by Dane Rudhyar (greatest 20th century astrologer-philosopher) to have its characteristics just because this is the normal length of a human life (same determining factor as the saeculum). Strauss has Moon in Virgo, but it makes a strong square to Uranus, I believe (birth times are not known; I never asked).

The other saeculum planets are Neptune (2x a saeculum) and Pluto (3x). Strauss has the Sun in close aspect to both planets; sextile to Neptune and trine to Pluto. Howe has a Sun-Neptune conjunction.

William Strauss's horoscope is notable for his Sun in Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter (that sign's ruling planet). This is a sign of a broad outlook and a wide scope of interests, which lends itself to conceiving expansive theories like the generations theory and the turnings. It is the most-prophetic sign interested in long-term visions and plans. It is exhuberant and cheerfully optimistic, and sometimes righteous and preachy. Strauss was always the more outgoing and gregarious of the two authors; also the most argumentative, as shown also by his square of Mercury to Mars and Saturn. His relatively-conservative views (relative to his generation in youth, at least) are shown by this Saturn aspect, and his moral culture-warrior interests and conservatism by Sagittarius as well as Venus in Capricorn.

Both authors were highly educated, and both have Mars in analytical and critical sign Virgo. Neil has become a well-respected expert on generations, economics and demographics. Being a Libra, Howe has a more balanced, elegant, diplomatic and cautious personality than Strauss, and Moon in Cancer (as well as its likely square to Saturn) also indicates more privacy and caution, and an interest in wise conserving of resources, including investments, finances, family/ancestral or generational values, and land or properties. Venus and Mars together in Virgo show a passionate love of analysis and investigation, which is compatible with Strauss' Moon in Virgo. Neil Howe also has a powerful, outstanding Jupiter in Aries (which in this case represents pioneering leadership as a prophet and visionary planner).
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(05-26-2016, 10:04 PM)taramarie Wrote: Does anyone other than the author understand what he just said. I know i have not slept well, but that went right over my head. I would be very interested what my horoscope is lol! But i think actually getting to know someone tells more than a horoscope.

You can easily find out through various websites, like this one.
Assessing people on the basis of natal charts seems inhuman to me. It's offensive to think you can come to negative conclusions about someone because they have sun square moon or Venus quincunx Mars or whatever. Certainly human beings are complex than that. The 'soul' so to speak transcends astrological placements.
(07-16-2016, 10:28 AM)Remy Renault Wrote: Assessing people on the basis of natal charts seems inhuman to me. It's offensive to think you can come to negative conclusions about someone because they have sun square moon or Venus quincunx Mars or whatever. Certainly human beings are complex than that. The 'soul' so to speak transcends astrological placements.

You can't come to negative conclusions about someone from a chart. It only indicates tendencies, and is a cosmic mirror by which you can know yourself better. But the soul does transcend it, and how you manifest the indicators depends on you and your level of development. So-called "bad aspects" may be challenging, but they often indicate more success than "easy" aspects, because overcoming the obstacles they indicate, or using the energy they show, makes for accomplishment. So there are no positive or negative aspects or planetary positions. The chart itself is very complex, and you always have to take account of many factors, if you are a good holistic astrologer.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
I just find there tends to be a lot of bias among astrologers regarding certain signs and aspects. Just as an example, one of the most despicable people I know is Aries sun-Aquarius Moon while one of the most wonderful people I know happens to be Scorpio sun-Capricorn moon. What does that mean? I have no idea. I'm libra sun-Capricorn moon for the record.

Also, when you suggest "bad aspects" indicate success, is that in one's personal life, professional life or both?
(07-16-2016, 10:43 AM)Remy Renault Wrote: I just find there tends to be a lot of bias among astrologers regarding certain signs and aspects. Just as an example, one of the most despicable people I know is Aries sun-Aquarius Moon while one of the most wonderful people I know happens to be Scorpio sun-Capricorn moon. What does that mean? I have no idea. I'm libra sun-Capricorn moon for the record.

Also, when you suggest "bad aspects" indicate success, is that in one's personal life, professional life or both?

I didn't make any such distinction. It may depend on the aspect, to some degree. And very much on the person.

For William Strauss, I said his Mercury-Mars square indicates "argumentative." He clearly was, but how he handled that depended on him. Overall he seemed like a nice guy. He just liked to mix it up, while Howe does not. William posted here a lot and took sides in arguments. Howe rarely posted here, and did not.

So you can't validly use astrology to "judge" people.

But both having such a strong Jupiter in their charts indicates their prophetic bent, and long-term theoretical approach, very well. And Howe's Moon-Uranus conjunction in Cancer is amazingly accurate. Cancer and Moon are about parentage and family, and Uranus is the saecular planet. So, what better correspondence could you want?

For myself, I meant this thread to be about the authors. I won't get into any chart interpretations about others on this thread, or offer such analysis to anyone posting here.

Earlier I did try to arrive at a "system" whereby one could assess how well anyone can predict their chart before knowing it. That's how I validated astrology for myself. Everything in my chart was just what I thought it would be. It is hard to make this into a statistical system though. But anyone who doesn't know their chart, can read up a bit on planets and aspects, and then make a guess as to where their planets are.

It's true Scorpio and Capricorn probably get the worst rap among the signs. But the reality is that all signs have positive potentials. The same is true about judging people according to their generation.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(07-16-2016, 10:43 AM)Remy Renault Wrote: I just find there tends to be a lot of bias among astrologers regarding certain signs and aspects.

I have a Capricorn moon and this seems to be regarded somewhat negatively on many astrology sites I've visited.

As for Mercury-square-Mars, I also have that aspect as well and one time a few years back Eric used it to dismiss me as an argumentative asshole. Big Grin
Kinda fits, donya think? Might as well own it Smile
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
I have Mercury opposite Mars but Venus inconjunct mars; eek!

Eric, I know this isn't a general astrology discussion thread, but out of Venus and Mars, which one is the "demon" placement and which is the side of oneself that one is comfortable with in your view?
(07-16-2016, 07:19 PM)Remy Renault Wrote: I have Mercury opposite Mars but Venus inconjunct Mars; eek!

Eric, I know this isn't a general astrology discussion thread, but out of Venus and Mars, which one is the "demon" placement and which is the side of oneself that one is comfortable with in your view?

Know your chart, know the aspects, and take possession of them, and yourself, as best you can. Then you are not "demonically-possessed" by them. That's all I'll say about that.

One thing interesting; I used to count Mercury square/opposition Mars as a negative aspect for getting elected president, but after my new research, it no longer has a negative score in my new system.

One guy who is a typical example of this aspect: Chris Christie. Another example: Hillary Clinton.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
But to what extent does it all just become self-fulfilling prophecy? Aren't you just better served pursuing your goals and not allowing the stars to dictate when you'll reach fulfillment? I have Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius, which suggests no early life success. I'm 27, and predictably, I have plenty of old classmates from both high school and college with the same placement who are doing just fine. So maybe it's all nonsense or many astrologers misinterpret what certain placements actually mean. I have no idea.
(07-17-2016, 01:39 AM)taramarie Wrote: Never heard of capricorn getting a bad rap but scorpio oh yeah. They are just jelly of us. Cool

Then again i do not believe in this sort of thing but i do love the sound of a Scorpios personality. Dark, spooky and deep.

Scorpio is my rising sign and I have Pluto conjunct my Ascendent and opposite the Sun. YIKES!!!
(07-17-2016, 11:06 AM)Remy Renault Wrote: But to what extent does it all just become self-fulfilling prophecy? Aren't you just better served pursuing your goals and not allowing the stars to dictate when you'll reach fulfillment?
I do have problems with using astrology to make personal predictions. Of course that's what most people think it's for, and ask astrologers for. "Development psychologists" also claim to lay down a pattern of when all people go through all the same phases. Nonsense.

A personal chart is a mirror of your soul. For those who want a more intimate knowledge of the personal tendencies and aptitudes they have, it's a great tool. But it can be a problem if people think you have to be limited by what the chart says. There's no basis for conceiving such limits. But it can offer clues about what your real goals actually are, and the best paths to follow. If you are sure about this, no need to consult your chart. But for people who are confused and disoriented, it helps to know that your own personal purpose in life is actually cosmically and divinely-given, not arbitrary.

Quote: I have Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius, which suggests no early life success. I'm 27, and predictably, I have plenty of old classmates from both high school and college with the same placement who are doing just fine. So maybe it's all nonsense or many astrologers misinterpret what certain placements actually mean. I have no idea.

It's not nonsense, of course Smile Astrology works, and it harmonizes with modern physics and psychology too.

But certainly astrologers misinterpret. That one about Saturn retrograde would be a lulu. Saturn is retrograde for over a third of the year, every year. There's no way everyone born in an over 4 month period every year would have "no early life success." Any "astrologer" who says that, would be about as much an astrologer as Donald Trump is a potential president. Sometimes because astrology has a bad reputation, as if only dumb people would pursue it, it can attract some people who think they can get away with any level of stupidity in using it. As for example, dumb thinking like that. But actually astrology is the most venerable science there is, and it takes skill and intelligence to use it correctly.

But I would read up on the Saturn Return, which you are approaching. It's nothing to fear, but it might help to know what kind of phase it is, so you can make the best use of it you can. Google it; there's good articles on it.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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