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Supergroups and the Millennium Saeculum
Millennium Saeculum (88 years long)
2T Supergroup: 1937-1958 (give or take late 1936-mid 1958 or C/O 1955-C/O 1976)
  • 1937-1947 is the Activist group.
  • 1948-1958 is the Second Awakening group.
3T Supergroup: 1959-1980 (give or take late 1958-mid 1980 or C/O 1977-C/O 1998)
  • 1959-1969 is the Baby Buster group.
  • 1970-1980 is the Slacker group.
4T Supergroup: 1981-2002 (give or take late 1980-mid 2002 or C/O 1999-C/O 2020)
  • 1981-1991 is the Strawberry Generation group.
  • 1992-2002 is the Centennial group.
1T Supergroup: 2003-2024 (give or take late 2002-mid 2024 or C/O 2021-C/O 2042)
  • 2003-2013 is the Homelander group.
  • 2014-2024 is the Pandemic group.
I don't relate to "the second awakening." As a 1949 cohort, most of my cohorts and those younger down to 1957 experienced the same Aquarian Awakening as the 1937-47 group did.

The supergroup idea does have some merit though, I think, at least regarding your 2T group. But much of your list is just the existing generations. Your 3T supergroup is almost entirely Gen X. Your 4T supergroup is almost entirely millennials, and your 1T group is entirely Gen Z.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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