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Hillary , Exposed
Thread to post upcoming Wikileaks/Russian hxr0d info wrt Hillary.

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Written by guccifer2June 15, 2016

Guccifer 2.0 DNC’s servers hacked by a lone hacker

Worldwide known cyber security company CrowdStrike announced that the Democratic National Committee (DNC) servers had been hacked by “sophisticated” hacker groups.
I’m very pleased the company appreciated my skills so highly))) But in fact, it was easy, very easy.
Guccifer may have been the first one who penetrated Hillary Clinton’s and other Democrats’ mail servers. But he certainly wasn’t the last. No wonder any other hacker could easily get access to the DNC’s servers.
Shame on CrowdStrike: Do you think I’ve been in the DNC’s networks for almost a year and saved only 2 documents? Do you really believe it?
Here are just a few docs from many thousands I extracted when hacking into DNC’s network.
They mentioned a leaked database on Donald Trump. Did they mean this one?
[Image: 11.png?w=756][Image: 12.png?w=756][Image: 13.png?w=756][Image: 14.png?w=756]
Some hundred sheets! This’s a serious case, isn’t it?
And it’s just a tiny part of all docs I downloaded from the Democrats networks.
DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz said no financial documents were compromised. Nonsense! Just look through the Democratic Party lists of donors!
This one
[Image: bd.png?w=756]
Another one[Image: don.png?w=756]
And another one[Image: don2.png?w=756]
They say there were no secret docs! Lies again! Here is a secret document from Hillary’s PC she worked with as the Secretary of State.[Image: 411.png?w=756][Image: 421.png?w=756]
Here are other docs:
2016 GOP presidential candidates
HRC election plans
2.19.16 Friends of HRC List_HFA16 Giving History
4.16 Commitment Sheet_040416 Update
7.1.15 Commitment Sheet
The main part of the papers, thousands of files and mails, I gave to Wikileaks. They will publish them soon.
I guess CrowdStrike customers should think twice about company’s competence.
Fuck the Illuminati and their conspiracies!!!!!!!!! Fuck CrowdStrike!!!!!!!!!
Tagged CrowdStrike, cyber security, Debbie Shultz, Democratic National Commitee, Democratic Party, DNC, Donald Trump, Guccifer, Hillary Clinton, Wikileaks.
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[Image: dnc]
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11th image , only 10 images allowed per post.

[Image: 431.png?w=756]
---Value Added Cool
snarfed Hillary stuff Wrote:


The 44th President of the United States will take office at a time of great opportunity and peril for the United States, The country is in the middle of two hot wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) and a deadly struggle against terrorists seeking to harm the United States. Iran’s pursuit of a nuclear weapons capability is on a fast track requiring prompt international action. Key and consequential decisions on energy and climate change will need to be made very early in the Administration. Underlying these near term challenges is the necessity to restore US global leadership/respect and reset our badly overstretched and worn out military capability.

As the first post-9/11 transition, the new team will have an especially challenging task in assuming control over governmental institutions and policies with which it has not had personal experience.

These combination of factors means that the transition faces the daunting task of assuring a swift and sure command of the tools of power. A combination of boldness and prudence are critical. Perhaps more than any time in our history, the Administration must be ready to go on day one,

Although there are many unique features to this transition, this is not the first time in the modern era that a new President has come to office in time of war (Eisenhower and Nixon) nor one in which the country and the world looked for a new direction from the White House in our approach to the world (Kennedy and Carter). Thus history remains an important teacher in structuring the national security transition.

There are three core imperatives to the transition

  1. Make sure that the President elect and his national security team (broadly understood to include homeland security and international economic officials) are fully informed by inauguration day on the key risks to the United States and the tools available to address them in order to manage any crisis that might emerge on Day OneEstablish a road map for decision-making to implement the key policy objectives laid out in the campaign (including what information is needed to make the decisions, who must be involved at home and abroad, and what priority/sequencing to be followed, especially in preparing the “First Hundred Days” initiatives)Appoint key personnel and adopt procedures governing both the affirmative policy agenda and crisis management,

The history of past transitions suggests several core lessons

  • Incoming administrations invariably underestimate how little they know about what is really going on both on the facts and the operational level. Remedying this deficit is one of the key challenges of the transition and is essential to avoid missteps both in handling “old business” and implementing new policies;New senior officials will expect to have a voice in shaping the strategy to implement the campaign program. This will be particularly important if the new Administration places a premium on developing bipartisan approaches to policy, since the very process of consultation and involvement will be critical to achieving that objective;Well-prepared and highly focused initiatives at the outset of an Administration lead to early victories and a virtuous cycle of enhancing the election mandate;Early mis-steps from failed crisis management or poorly prepared and prioritized policy initiatives cause harm to a new Administration far beyond the specific policy in question;The “one president at a time” principal is critical for maintaining stability during a transition no matter how deep the differences between the incoming and outgoing administration. Transitions are about preparing to act swiftly after the inauguration, not about moving the policy agenda publicly during the transition itself.

With these considerations in mind, the following is a proposed game plan for the national security transition between now and inauguration day, broken into four periods

Phase One – Now until Convention

    1. Agree on draft strategy for national security transitionAppoint NSWG chair/co-chairEstablish “advisory group” for chair/co-chair drawn from senior campaign national security advisors (Lake, Rice, Danzig, McDonough and others TBD)Identify core working groups and leaders
      1. Priority to establish five?– Iraq; Afghan/Pak., Iran/MEPP; Defense/National Security Budget (050/150); Counter-terrorism/intel/crisis management (will include homeland security and national security law related issues). Consider other early sub-groups: a) early initiatives to renew US leadership; b) Longer term strategic planning sub-group to address important but not urgent commitments, (e.g. non-proliferation agenda, state capacity building?); c) national security architecture issues, including WH and agencies.Others could be developed over time, but important to focus on those with high urgency and need for substantial lead time to get briefed on on-going operations. Chair and co-chair of overall transition working group responsible for strategic over-view/integrated themes

Phase Two – Convention until Election Day

    1. Prepare a comprehensive catalogue of the policies and commitments made during the campaign. Identify key information that will be necessary to implement these policies as well as obstacles to their attainment, including resources, people, process need to implementIdentify a time table for making key decisions that must be taken during the early months of governing, including amendments to the federal budget, Executive orders, key international meetings (NATO anniversary, G-8, Copenhagen climate summit), proposed international travel and work backwards to develop a roadmap for undertaking the preparatory work during the transition and early months in officeWorking group leaders begin preparing preliminary briefing papers and where possible obtain clearance for access to intelligence. Ideally these clearances and the initial process of “reading in” should begin before the election, but if the current administration is unwilling, this team should be ready to go immediately after the winner is ascertainedPrepare for President-elect’s decision proposals/options on decision-making procedures to be used during the transition and once the administration takes office. Needs clarification.Identify key appropriate actions for President elect during the transition (phone calls, policy consultations, travel, speeches, public appearances, etc.) – “tone setters” for next Administration

Phase Three – Election Day until about Thanksgiving

  1. Transition teams prepare briefing memos for President elect and senior appointees on key policy issues (both the affirmative campaign agenda and on-going problems – Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, MEPP) to set up decisions (including options) for the core officials (decisions to be made in the third phase of the transition)Deployment of transition teams for individual agencies (this will transition in Phase 4 to the supervision of Cabinet officials as they are announced) to prepare preliminary briefings for senior Cabinet level appointeesIdentify and announce national security officials (including intention to hold over existing officials such as DCI, where appropriate)

Phase Three – Thanksgiving to Inauguration Day

  1. President elect and senior advisors make key decisions on policies and priorities/sequencing (including budget/resources). This will include identifying early opportunities for success and “tone setters” to indicate new direction of the Administration, as well as early Presidential travel, White House visits, etc.President elect adopts procedures for governing and decision making (i.e. PDD 1)President elect and senior officials begin confidential policy consultations with key actors in US and abroad.Key senior officials undertake transition planning for individual departments, including policies, people, proceduresPresident and key officials exercise crisis management capabilitiesPresident prepares inaugural address and other key policy announcements for initial period of governance
---Value Added Cool
For everyone's convenience , here's the first of what will probably a lot of Wikileaks disclosures.  Big Grin

Servergate, what's not to love?  Man, what shitty security, first pick an obvious target name like and don't bother to lock the thing down.
---Value Added Cool
Some random doners here:

Attached Files
.xlsx   2-19-16-friends-of-hrc-list_hfa16-giving-history.xlsx (Size: 17.5 KB / Downloads: 2)
---Value Added Cool
(06-15-2016, 06:39 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote: Now the Kremlin's Manchurian Candidate can better defend himself against scrutiny. Make no mistake this supposed "hacker" was a Russian government operation. This is war by non conventional means.

1. Don't know about "Manchurian candidate".  It's more of a
a. Bleached badger blowhard :  no ones which way the wind blows.
b. The arrogant hoist by her own petard lady : Has more baggage than a Samsonite factory.

c. So we get pick yer poison,  arsenic or cyanide.

Rags go for option C:

In the age of nukes, there's no glory in war.  Just say not to Neocons.

---Value Added Cool
(06-15-2016, 06:39 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote: Now the Kremlin's Manchurian Candidate can better defend himself against scrutiny. Make no mistake this supposed "hacker" was a Russian government operation. This is war by non conventional means.

Funny you seem to keep saying that Daddy Trump is the Russian's Manchurian candidate. I assume you have evidence for that, or are you talking out of your ass like most of the other Never Trumpers?
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
As for Shillary. Not surprising that she completely is terrible as to cyber security. If anything not being smart enough to know to hire smart security people should preclude her from being President.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.
(06-26-2016, 10:57 AM)Kinser79 Wrote: As for Shillary.  Not surprising that she completely is terrible as to cyber security.  If anything not being smart enough to know to hire smart security people should preclude her from being President.

According to the FBI she wss "extremely careless" .. & she wants to run with the nuclear football. Throw in her penchant for wars........ uh no
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
15 Facts From Comey

FBI Director’s Testimony Backs Up Clinton, Debunks Republican Conspiracy Theories

Today, House Republicans brought FBI Director James Comey in to testify – after the conclusion of a year-long investigation – in hopes of uncovering new details to damage Hillary Clinton. Instead, Comey’s testimony only debunked GOP talking points and further substantiated Clinton’s case.

Here are 15 key takeaways:

Emails reported as "marked classified" were improperly marked.
MATT CARTWRIGHT: I don't think you were given a full chance to talk about those three documents with the little ‘C’s’ on them. Were they properly documented? Were they properly marked according to the manual? COMEY: No.

And those emails could be reasonably judged as not classified.
MATT CARTWRIGHT: If Secretary Clinton were an expert about what's classified and not classified and we're following the manual, the absence of a header would tell her immediately that those three documents were not classified. Am I correct in that? | COMEY: That would be a reasonable inference.

There’s no evidence Clinton ever knew she had received classified information or intended to retain it on her server.
COMEY: There is in my view not evidence beyond certainly probable cause, not evidence beyond a reasonable doubt she knew she was receiving classified information or she intended to retain it on her server.

Guccifer admitted his claim he had hacked Clinton’s server was a lie.
BLAKE FARENTHOLD: And [Guccifer] claimed he gained access to Sid Blumenthal's e-mail account and traced him back to Secretary Clinton's private server. Can you confirm that Guccifer never gained access to her server. | COMEY: He admitted that was a lie.

And there is no evidence that Clinton’s server has ever been successfully hacked.
COMEY: We were not able to conclude [any hacking attempts] were successful.

The FBI’s investigation was not influenced by outside officials.
COMEY: "They didn't influence it in any way."

Clinton’s case is nothing like the case of General David Petraeus.
COMEY: The Petraeus case to my mind illustrates perfectly the kind of cases the Department of Justice is willing to prosecute. Even there, they prosecuted him for a misdemeanor. In that case, you had vast quantities of highly classified information, including special sensitive compartmented information, that's the reference to code words. Vast quantity of it not only shared with someone without authority to have it but we found it in a search warrant hidden under the insulation in his attic and then he lied to us about it during the investigation. So you have obstruction of justice, you have intentional misconduct, and a vast quantity of information. He admitted he knew that was the wrong thing to do. That is a perfect illustration of the kind of cases that get prosecuted. In my mind, it illustrates importantly the distinction to this case.

Clinton’s case is nothing like the case of CIA Director John Deutch.
COMEY: The Deutch case illustrates [the difference between Clinton’s case and others who were prosecuted] perfectly. I mean he took huge amount of documents. Almost all at the TSSC I level. Had them in hard copy in his house, had them on an unclassified system connected to the internet, attempted to destroy some when he got caught. Admitted I knew I wasn't supposed to be doing this. You have clear intent, huge amounts of documents, obstruction of justice. Those are the kinds of cases that get prosecuted. That's what I said. I meant it when I said it. In my experience which is three decades no reasonable prosecutor would bring this case. I know that frustrates people but that's the way the law is and that's the way the practice is at the Department of Justice.

9. Clinton’s case is nothing like the case of Navy Commander Bryan Nishimura

COMEY: Nishimura was prosecuted under the misdemeanor statute 1924 on facts that are very different. If you want me to go through them, I'll go through them but they are very different.

The FBI’s conclusion that there was no case against Clinton was unanimous.
WILL HURD: Was this unanimous opinion within the FBI on your decision? | COMEY: Well the whole F.B.I. wasn't involved but the team of agents, investigators, analysts, technologists — yes.

Clinton’s email setup was, as she has always said, a matter of convenience.
COMEY: Our best information is she set it up as a matter of convenience. It was an already existing system that her husband had and she decided to have a domain on that system.

Clinton did not instruct lawyers who performed the sorting of her emails.
JIM JORDAN: Did Secretary Clinton know her legal team deleted those emails they kept from us? | COMEY: I don't believe so. | JORDAN: Did Secretary Clinton approve those emails being deleted? | COMEY: I don't think there was any specific instruction or conversation between the Secretary and her lawyers about that. | JORDAN: Did you ask that question? | COMEY: Yes. | JORDAN: Did Secretary Clinton know her lawyers cleaned devices in such a way as to preclude forensic discovery? | COMEY: I don't think she did. | JORDAN: Did you ask that question? | COMEY: Yes.

Hillary Clinton did not lie to the FBI.
COMEY: We have no basis to conclude she lied to the FBI.

Clinton was not even evasive with the FBI.
COMEY: I don't think the [FBI] agents assessed she was evasive [in their 3.5 hour interview with Hillary Clinton.]

There is no truth to the idea that others are prosecuted for what Clinton did.
COMEY: There's all kinds of folks watching this at home who are being told, ‘well, lots of other cases were prosecuted and she wasn't.’ I want them to know, that's not true!
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Yo Rags, I believe I found our candidate Big Grin.

Eric can you cast Alice's chart plz? Thanx in advance
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(07-19-2016, 11:54 AM)Marypoza Wrote: Yo Rags, I believe I found our candidate Big Grin.

Eric can you cast Alice's chart plz? Thanx in advance

ha ha. nah, that's OK Smile

He'd be better than at least one major party nominee! and better-looking too!

But his polling numbers will decline sharply when Summer's over, ha!
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(07-19-2016, 12:15 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(07-19-2016, 11:54 AM)Marypoza Wrote: Yo Rags, I believe I found our candidate  Big Grin.

Eric can you cast Alice's chart plz? Thanx in advance

ha ha. nah, that's OK Smile

He'd be better than at least one major party nominee! and better-looking too!

But his polling numbers will decline sharply when Summer's over, ha!

Big Grin ya think?  Big Grin
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
"Hillary exposed." Do you suppose she looks good without her clothes? Maybe in her younger days?
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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