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playing future games
I love to play future games. First of all, playing this song, "Future Games" by Fleetwood Mac. And playing the games mentioned in the song too. In other words, being a prophet, looking for signs of things we will create. Like all of us who come to a discussion board like this, playing future games, wondering what we will bring to the light. 

Are you familiar with this, one of my favorite 70s rock songs, by Fleetwood Mac, called Future Games? This is a wonderful, visionary, California-vibe piece, especially the instrumental organ and guitar part, and the closing words, at the end. 

So, what future games are we playing? Did we leave the future behind us, in the time of this song? It seems so. Or instead, are we really still in the vibrant, free new world we entered in 1966-1971, as so well evoked in this song? Is the future still here? What have we created since this futuristic time? Can we still redeem it? Can we reshape what unfolded from those times 50+ years ago, making them more real and workable for today, and for the future? Do we invent the future that we want to face? Can we, still? I know I am not the only one, playing those future games.

I wrote this comment on a lyric site for this song:

The comments above are great. I always found the most meaning in the final words, which I always heard as "we are not the only ones" but the text says "I know I am not the only one". This song came out the same year as John Lennon's "Imagine" which says, "you may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope some day you will join us, and the world will be one". Future Games taps into the sense that I am not the only one dreaming these dreams; it is communal too, or least it was in those times, as well as reminding us of the games we play around our fears for the future. And in this song the sounds and melodies of these future games are incomparably more evocative and visionary even than in "Imagine".

full album:
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

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