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Adam Kadmon Revealed - Humanity as a Global Superorganism (MAP)
Here is a map of the Global Superorganism. The Adam Kadmon of Kabbalist.  
It is represented as an Anthropomorphic Concept based on the theory of Francis Heylighen and biocybernitians like James Grier Miller (Theory of Living Systems). 

It obey stric rules of proportions like those we found in anatomists plates. Nations, Haplogroup, Countries and regions are the functional regions or can be assigned to organs.
Strangely, the diseases linked to those organs are reflected in wars, conflicts and revolutions we observe in that level of reality.  They appear as a translation of the microscopic event at a macrolevel.  

It is highly deteministic and it cast some doubts about free will.  

Revolutions appear to happens each generation change or two.  21.3 years exactly or 42.3.  Kabbalistic works of the Rabbis see those numbers as Gematrical Value of the Holy Names Ehyeh (21) or the Holy Name of 42 letters.  In the ancient Egypt, they are the 42 judges of Maat (The goddess of Justice, Harmony and truth) in front of which the Pharaoh appear after is death.

They are also described in the Book of Revolutions of Souls (Reincarnation) Shaar Ha Gilgulim or Sefer Ha Gilgulim (Ed. Arche Milano). 

Taking the Death of Christ (16 April 30, 3 PM) and adding 7777 days (7776d 15h) x 120 times. It point to all majors events in history.  

911 attacks happen 720 043 days after Death of Christ or exactly 720 000 days after if take into account 3 days after he was resurected and 40 days when he ascend in the heaven.

One year after 1945 germany defeated, the armistice of 1946 (11/11/46) happened 700 000 days after it.  

If we add 1300 years to the events in the book of Daniel, we obtain the datation of all current revolutions since Independence day.   476(1776), 518 (1818), 539 (1839), 561 (1861), 605 (1905),  646 (1945), 668 (1968), 689 (1989), 732 (2032).

476 - Fall of Rome
518 - Justinian
539 - Cyrus
518 - Second Temple
561 - Nabuchadnezzar death - Plantary alignement (8 plantes 27 july, 561 BC)
605 - Assyrians
646 - Sacks of Susa by Asshurbanipal
668 - Islamic events
689 - Fall of Babylon
732 - Battle of Tour or Poitiers (25 oct 732) exactly 256 600 days after death of Christ.

Datation can used as BC or AD and the seem to obey symetrical patterns also. (Like the back and the front of the body, seen in the Shroud of Turin).
Notes : the Shroud was damaged in a fire in 1532 (about 256 years before French Revolution), those damages appears at the level of arms.

MATTHEW 21:42:

…41“He will bring those wretches to a wretched end,” they replied, “and will rent out the vineyard to other tenants who will give him his share of the fruit at harvest time.” 42 Jesus said to them, “ Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This is from the Lord, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? 43Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.…


Adam Kadmon - Map of the body.

Adam Kadmon - Biological Process Map

Tree of Life - Cell Parts

Detailed TENET Square

Francis Heylighen (Scholar) : Global Superorganism

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