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New Hillary leak: Wikileaks releases 20K DNC emails
[video=dailymotion Wrote:[/video] Eric the Green pid='5935' dateline='1469556232']Me thinks that Rags' overconfident statements about the DNC emails and thumbs on the scale don't hold any facts. You can do better, Rags.

No, the DNC Didn’t Rig the Primary in Favor of Hillary
I did some original research on the side, my friend.  Here ya go.  Big Grin 
I mean, I've pretty much discredited anything the lamestream media says nowadays anyhow. It's all about the ratings and revenue.
I think I can indeed do better today.  Watch these lovelys.

Party like 1968 man.   Big Grin 

Legalize it, man. Cool

Keep up with the brewing shitstorm here:
---Value Added Cool
(07-26-2016, 02:01 PM)playwrite Wrote: I'll get to the meat of this stuff tommorow.  One of my sisters is here visiting from Virginia.
Uh, I clicked on your pick and came across this:
[Image: PC%20skyline_zpsog1psdbl.jpg]
What city planning would allow a building like that blue-green one in the middle top?  Don't these people have any idea that that thing looks like a butt plug with a dunce cap on top?

Next, what's up with the famous Heavy Metal cover?

[Image: heavymetal.jpg]

What the fuck did birdie eat?  That's one nasty fart. Cool
---Value Added Cool

Do these e-mails strike anyone as appalling and outrageous? Not me. They strike me as . . . e-mails. The idea that people might speak casually or caustically via e-mail has been portrayed as a shocking breach of civilized discourse. Imagine! People bullshitting on e-mail!

But that is what people do on e-mail. They spout off, sound off, write first, and think later. Of course, people should do none of these things. They should weigh carefully the costs and benefits of each e-mail that they write, and consider the possibility that someone might make the e-mails public someday. (They should also change their passwords regularly and get lots of exercise.) Last year, unfiltered talk on e-mail also got several people in trouble in the notorious Sony hack. But the real question is whether any of these e-mails really matter. Do they reveal deep-seated political or philosophical flaws? Do they betray horrible character defects? In the case of the Democrats, it seems clear that the answer to these questions is no. The vast majority of the e-mails contain normal office chatter, inflated into a genuine controversy by people who already had axes to grind.

These sorts of issues are likely to recur, in the political world, the business world, and elsewhere. Hacks are virtually certain to become more common. Russian operatives are suspected of orchestrating the D.N.C. hack in an attempt to disrupt the Democratic Convention and help Vladimir Putin’s favored Presidential candidate, Donald Trump. But, beyond this single case, the sophistication of hackers, Russian or otherwise, is likely to outpace the rigor of e-mail-security measures for the foreseeable future. That means we’ll again be asked to parse the meaning of barely thought-through e-mails that were never meant to be public. We’ll all be better off if we evaluate e-mails in the spirit in which they’re written—or, better yet, write them off accordingly.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Quote:Remarks like that, Anthony, just show that so far you refuse to confront the realities of climate change and pollution, and the realities that green alternatives to fossil fuels exist and are economically viable.

But so long as essentially anyone with a firsthand memory of how the environmentalist movement got started is still alive, those "realities" will never become reality, so long as we remain a democracy; and if China, India, Russia and Canada don't go along - and they have every self-serving reason to NOT do so - then anything we do is like turning on the air conditioner on a 100-degree day while thoughtfully leaving all the windows wide open.

As for the thoroughly dishonest and inflammatory cartoon you shared: It is Obama who is the real maricon when it comes to our foreign policy.
"These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation" - Justice David Brewer, Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 1892
(07-27-2016, 12:11 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
Typical lamestream media idiocy.  I see no trace that this fuckwad actually did any journalism, none.
Here, have a look at what real journalism looks like:
Just imagine the lamestream media going apeshit if this got snagged from the RNC.
Oh, well, damn the DNC to hell, may the Democratic party crash and burn like the Republicans.  Either with Trump or some sort of upcoming Wikileaks disclosures.  The day of reset is at hand. Cool
---Value Added Cool
(07-27-2016, 05:08 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:
(07-27-2016, 12:11 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
Typical lamestream media idiocy.  I see no trace that this fuckwad actually did any journalism, none.
Here, have a look at what real journalism looks like:
Just imagine the lamestream media going apeshit if this got snagged from the RNC.
Oh, well, damn the DNC to hell, may the Democratic party crash and burn like the Republicans.  Either with Trump or some sort of upcoming Wikileaks disclosures.  The day of reset is at hand. Cool


There's a difference between saying you want to kill someone and actually doing it; see 1st Amendment.  Otherwise, most parents would be serving life sentences or executed.

If someone doesn't understand that, then they will do well under Comrade Trump's Amerika, vassal of the larger Tsar Putin rule.
(07-27-2016, 09:44 PM)playwrite Wrote:
(07-27-2016, 05:08 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote: coming Wikileaks disclosures.  The day of reset is at hand. Cool


There's a difference between saying you want to kill someone and actually doing it; see 1st Amendment.  Otherwise, most parents would be serving life sentences or executed.

Yes, a matter of life and death at times.

If someone doesn't understand that, then they will do well under Comrade Trump's Amerika, vassal of the larger Tsar Putin rule.

The other interpretation of course is that Russia didn't move the effective border between itself and NATO you know. As a denizen of 1962, there's the ultimate meaning...  A nice portrait above of planet earth after the nukes launch.


Wiki Wrote:Cuban Missile Crisis

During the Cuban Missile Crisis on October 22, 1962, the U.S. Armed Forces (with the exception of United States Army Europe (USAREUR)) were ordered to DEFCON 3. On October 24, Strategic Air Command (SAC) was ordered to DEFCON 2, while the rest of the U.S. Armed Forces remained at DEFCON 3. SAC remained at DEFCON 2 until November 15.[8]

The real villains are those who propose arrogance over detante. Like we don't have to agree with Putin or anything, but why the fuck are we doing shit in Ukraine and the Baltic.  Dumb.

Yeah, let's go to the brink.  2 minutes to defcon 2, that's the ticket. Let's show the world the eagle flies high, all the world's got to be like us. It's the New American Century after all.  We're the indispensable state after all. Let's crusade forth and make the world for freedom fries, liberty , and justice for all, because that's the way the US has been and always will be.

As far as hacking,

1. Don't write emails with garbage.
2. Secure your computers.  The government and corporate America haven't figured out 4th gen war yet.
Cyber-warfare is coming whether we like it or not.  Next target could be the power grid.  Now that would suck.
How many NSA folks are locking down boxes instead of snooping all over? Where's the plan to secure cyber assets? Is there a manpower plan? It's like military manpower man. It ain't there, it ain't on the radar, the entire security state has it's ass up the terrorism meme.  So there you go. A true cyber attack makes stupid terror attacks look like childsplay. Grid down = game over, over and out.

I promise for real and for true, since I never , ever served in the military to never become:

[Image: Chickenhawk.jpg]
---Value Added Cool
But you are not a chickenhawk if you merely advocate being as sullen and as churlish as possible toward the Muslim world, short of war - as in cutting off all foreign aid to any country that refuses to recognize the Jewish people's right to exist (what did Jews ever to do to, for example, Gambians or Indonesians?); and the next time there is an earthquake, tsunami etc. in a Muslim country, T.S. - and that doesn't stand for tennis shoes!
"These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation" - Justice David Brewer, Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 1892
(07-28-2016, 04:17 PM)Anthony Wrote: But you are not a chickenhawk if you merely advocate being as sullen and as churlish as possible toward the Muslim world, short of war - as in cutting off all foreign aid to any country that refuses to recognize the Jewish people's right to exist (what did Jews ever to do to, for example, Gambians or Indonesians?); and the next time there is an earthquake, tsunami etc. in a Muslim country, T.S. - and that doesn't stand for tennis shoes!

Yes, I'm not at down on what is said above.  I'd also add removing all US troops/military bases from places say like Saudi Arabia.  I'd also start a Manhatten Project like thing to remove any and all need for imported Mideast oil.  I think we could buy a lot of solar plants/windmills/nuclear plants for what we're blowing in military aid for that god forsaken hellhole part of the world.

That's Rag's beating swords into plowshares sort of idea. If/when the place just blows up, we'll have no dog in those fights.
---Value Added Cool
(07-27-2016, 11:31 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote: The real villains are those who propose arrogance over detente. Like we don't have to agree with Putin or anything, but why the fuck are we doing shit in Ukraine and the Baltic.  Dumb.

We aren't doing much in Ukraine. As for the Baltic, you have to understand the significance of treaties and alliances. To me it means that Estonia stood with us and sent troops to fight al qaeda in Afghanistan, which they did. They WANTED to be in NATO; the USA did not conquer them or force them in. Ukraine wants to be western oriented too. Who wants to be Putin-oriented? Just some dumb shit Russians living in eastern Ukraine and Crimea.

Look, this is what would happen if we were sane. The people of eastern Ukraine and Crimea would have all troops leave, the UN come in, have monitored and fair elections, and let the people in each area choose by majority vote which country to belong to, and abide by the result. If the people of Estonia want to join Russia again, let them vote for it. They rebelled in 1991. They wanted OUT, so they should be able to STAY out, and be protected by the international community from greedy Putin.

A lawless and insane, violent world results when countries invade others without cause. I opposed the USA doing it; I opposed Saddam doing it. It's not right. Russia has no right in our age to violate another country's borders and conquer it. Period. It must not be allowed. That's why we have alliances and the UN.

Quote:Yeah, let's go to the brink.  2 minutes to defcon 2, that's the ticket. Let's show the world the eagle flies high, all the world's got to be like us. It's the New American Century after all.  We're the indispensable state after all. Let's crusade forth and make the world for freedom fries, liberty , and justice for all, because that's the way the US has been and always will be.

Let's have a lawful world where powerful nations like the USA and Russia and small nations like Estonia and Ukraine obey the law and are protected by the law. We can't have that if one nation dominates, and we can't have that if some nations don't do their part. Hey, ever hear of the League of Nations and WWII? Ever hear of not letting the strong dominate the weak? That's a value worth fighting for.

Quote:As far as hacking,

1. Don't write emails with garbage.
2. Secure your computers.  The government and corporate America haven't figured out 4th gen war yet.
Cyber-warfare is coming whether we like it or not.  Next target could be the power grid.  Now that would suck.
How many NSA folks are locking down boxes instead of snooping all over? Where's the plan to secure cyber assets? Is there a manpower plan? It's like military manpower man. It ain't there, it ain't on the radar, the entire security state has it's ass up the terrorism meme.  So there you go. A true cyber attack makes stupid terror attacks look like childsplay. Grid down = game over, over and out.
I think much fewer computers, especially with any sensitive info, should be on the internet. With no emails. Then they can't be hacked unless there's an intruder in the building, can they?
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(07-28-2016, 04:32 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:
(07-28-2016, 04:17 PM)Anthony Wrote: But you are not a chickenhawk if you merely advocate being as sullen and as churlish as possible toward the Muslim world, short of war - as in cutting off all foreign aid to any country that refuses to recognize the Jewish people's right to exist (what did Jews ever to do to, for example, Gambians or Indonesians?); and the next time there is an earthquake, tsunami etc. in a Muslim country, T.S. - and that doesn't stand for tennis shoes!

Yes, I'm not at down on what is said above.  I'd also add removing all US troops/military bases from places say like Saudi Arabia.  I'd also start a Manhatten Project like thing to remove any and all need for imported Mideast oil.  I think we could buy a lot of solar plants/windmills/nuclear plants for what we're blowing in military aid for that god forsaken hellhole part of the world.

That's Rag's beating swords into plowshares sort of idea. If/when the place just blows up, we'll have no dog in those fights.

Now yer talkin' pardner.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Want real security? Use a postage stamp and an envelope. The Postal Service gets very fussy about mail being opened along the way.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(07-28-2016, 04:17 PM)Anthony Wrote: But you are not a chickenhawk if you merely advocate being as sullen and as churlish as possible toward the Muslim world, short of war - as in cutting off all foreign aid to any country that refuses to recognize the Jewish people's right to exist (what did Jews ever to do to, for example, Gambians or Indonesians?); and the next time there is an earthquake, tsunami etc. in a Muslim country, T.S. - and that doesn't stand for tennis shoes!

Oh, if only the world was that simple.

An exchange of nukes between Israeli and Iran, or Iran and Saudi Arabia, or any combination of those along with Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, India, China, Russia would change everything for everyone on the planet - and not in a good way but in a very very very bad way.  And short of nukes, the flow of refugees to Europe and even here under Trump's biggest wet dream, from our leaving to let the chips fall where they may would make the current refugee/terrorist situation look about as bad as your in-laws deciding to stay an extra day.

I support Obama's subliminal message to both Israeli, the Saudis and basically the entire Middle East that 'we are not that into you any more'  - BUT, its is childish to think we can just completely walk away from a 1000 year old mess just because we'd like to.  It's no longer just about oil, if it ever was to begin with (see Crusades).

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