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The Partisan Divide on Issues
(06-13-2020, 04:35 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(06-13-2020, 03:13 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: CNN reports that Fox News publishes digitally altered and misleading images of Seattle demonstrations

Among other things, they report what happened in Seattle while showing events filmed in Minnesota.

I guess living in the Fox bubble does cause a misunderstanding of what is really going on.  They deliberately try to deceive.

I would respond to Classic that Black Lives Matter's purpose is to end centuries of racist violence, not to continue racism.  Anifa's purpose is to counter racist demonstrations, not to promote racism.  As usual, you show a complete misunderstanding of your rivals motive.  It is easier to create straw men and rant against them.  Not much to do with reality. 
CNN??? Do you know for sure  that racism  was a factor in the latest cop killing or do you automatically assume that it was like every other clueless liberal these days? Yep. It is easier to create straw men and rant against them. You should know, you're guilty of doing it. So, how much violence, looting and destruction of American property have we seen the KKK and Neo Nazi's do lately. Personally, I think you and the other clowns are doing a wonderful job making America a more racist and more lawless country  You seem to  be more than able to turn a blind eye to reality.

From the Georgia Bureau of Investigation press conference, I got the impression that after taking the cop's taser in a violent but non lethal confrontation, the perp ran from the cops, gestured to fire the taser at the cops, thought better of it when the cop went for his service weapon, and was shot while running away and making no threatening actions.  Would the cop have shot against a white man?  I don't know.  Was it extremely quick?  Yes.  Was the cop being threatened in any way?  Apparently not from a description of the GBI officer who had an early look at the raw video.  Was the perp sleeping in the check out line causing a problem to the public?  Clearly.  Did he resist arrest and initiate violence while in a drunken state that diminished his capacity?  Probably, judging from the initial reports.  Is the case worth including when reviewing any future rules of engagement?  Definitely.  Would I prefer to see the video personally before rending any sort of decision?  For sure.  The DA favors releasing it quickly so that could easily happen.

At least CNN doesn't try to deliberately mislead its viewers like Fox.  The reds do propaganda, not news.  It results in people making all sorts of ridiculous assumptions.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
Do any of you see the issue of housing unaffordability being addressed anytime soon? Also moving toward a just cause employment model by which a good reason would be needed to fire somebody. The are two issues I would live to see put on the justice to-do list. What must happen to get us there?
(06-13-2020, 05:31 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: From the Georgia Bureau of Investigation press conference, I got the impression that after taking the cop's taser in a violent but non lethal confrontation, the perp ran from the cops, gestured to fire the taser at the cops, thought better of it when the cop went for his service weapon, and was shot while running away and making no threatening actions.  Would the cop have shot against a white man?  I don't know.  Was it extremely quick?  Yes.  Was the cop being threatened in any way?  Apparently not from a description of the GBI officer who had an early look at the raw video.  Was the perp sleeping in the check out line causing a problem to the public?  Clearly.  Did he resist arrest and initiate violence while in a drunken state that diminished his capacity?  Probably, judging from the initial reports.  Is the case worth including when reviewing any future rules of engagement?  Definitely.  Would I prefer to see the video personally before rending any sort of decision?  For sure.  The DA favors releasing it quickly so that could easily happen.

At least CNN doesn't try to deliberately mislead its viewers like Fox.  The reds do propaganda, not news.  It results in people making all sorts of ridiculous assumptions.
What does that have to do with the recent death of George Floyd? You know, the most recent black death by cop that triggered the most recent spiral of violence across the nation. Are you sure that racism played a significant role in his death? His young daughter seemed to be sure of it and some of the local news channels seemed to be sure of it and most of your news outlets seem sure of it too. You must be if you're jumping on the racist/racism bandwagon. Is it smart to do that without knowing all the facts? Is it smart of a pretty blue peacock mayor to open his mouth and spew incendiary rhetoric without knowing all the facts? I think its pretty clear that liberals are a bunch of fucking idiots at this point. I mean, I've been around you guys and listening to your leadership and judging them for fifteen years. I think I'm spot on but you can disagree and suffer for it.

In my opinion, you are fortunate that the entire American right is as tolerant and law abiding as it is right now or you would see a blood bath and the bodies of liberal scumbags laying all over the place and liberal colleges/institutions burning or blown apart all over the country. You see, whatever liberals do and allow to take place and justify. We can do too. I hope you have a bunch of excess wealth because the liberals are going to need it and your going to need it for the security that you are about to loose. Like I've said, I'm willing to make an exception and slide American principles and values off to the side and return to the wild west if needed and wipe out today's left.
(06-13-2020, 05:56 PM)beechnut79 Wrote: Do any of you see the issue of housing unaffordability being addressed anytime soon?  Also moving toward a just cause employment model by which a good reason would be needed to fire somebody.  The are two issues I would live to see put on the justice to-do list.  What must happen to get us there?
The country would have to agree to split and go separate ways or the Left would have to win it's war with America.
(06-13-2020, 10:44 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(06-13-2020, 05:31 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: From the Georgia Bureau of Investigation press conference, I got the impression that after taking the cop's taser in a violent but non lethal confrontation, the perp ran from the cops, gestured to fire the taser at the cops, thought better of it when the cop went for his service weapon, and was shot while running away and making no threatening actions.  Would the cop have shot against a white man?  I don't know.  Was it extremely quick?  Yes.  Was the cop being threatened in any way?  Apparently not from a description of the GBI officer who had an early look at the raw video.  Was the perp sleeping in the check out line causing a problem to the public?  Clearly.  Did he resist arrest and initiate violence while in a drunken state that diminished his capacity?  Probably, judging from the initial reports.  Is the case worth including when reviewing any future rules of engagement?  Definitely.  Would I prefer to see the video personally before rending any sort of decision?  For sure.  The DA favors releasing it quickly so that could easily happen.

At least CNN doesn't try to deliberately mislead its viewers like Fox.  The reds do propaganda, not news.  It results in people making all sorts of ridiculous assumptions.
What does that have to do with the recent death of George Floyd? You know, the most recent black death by cop that triggered the most recent spiral of violence across the nation. Are you sure that racism played a significant role in his death? His young daughter seemed to be sure of it and some of the local news channels seemed to be sure of it and most of your news outlets seem sure of it too. You must be if you're jumping on the racist/racism bandwagon. Is it smart to do that without knowing all the facts? Is it smart of a pretty blue peacock mayor to open his mouth and spew incendiary rhetoric without knowing all the facts? I think its pretty clear that liberals are a bunch of fucking idiots at this point. I mean, I've been around you guys and listening to your leadership and judging them for fifteen years. I think I'm spot on but you can disagree and suffer for it.

In my opinion, you are fortunate that the entire American right is as tolerant and law abiding as it is right now or you would see a blood bath and the bodies of  liberal  scumbags laying all over the place and liberal colleges/institutions burning or blown apart all over the country. You see, whatever liberals do and allow to take place and justify. We can do too. I hope you have a bunch of excess wealth because the liberals are going to need it and your going to need it for the security that you are about to loose.  Like I've said, I'm willing to make an exception and slide American principles and values off to the side and return to the wild west if needed and wipe out today's left.

You guys have made that kind of exception all along, and that's the only thing that keeps you in power.

It seems to be a major tactic of racists these days to deny that racist actions and killings are racist. The side that is wrong always wants to make itself look right.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(06-13-2020, 10:44 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(06-13-2020, 05:31 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: From the Georgia Bureau of Investigation press conference, I got the impression that after taking the cop's taser in a violent but non lethal confrontation, the perp ran from the cops, gestured to fire the taser at the cops, thought better of it when the cop went for his service weapon, and was shot while running away and making no threatening actions.  Would the cop have shot against a white man?  I don't know.  Was it extremely quick?  Yes.  Was the cop being threatened in any way?  Apparently not from a description of the GBI officer who had an early look at the raw video.  Was the perp sleeping in the check out line causing a problem to the public?  Clearly.  Did he resist arrest and initiate violence while in a drunken state that diminished his capacity?  Probably, judging from the initial reports.  Is the case worth including when reviewing any future rules of engagement?  Definitely.  Would I prefer to see the video personally before rending any sort of decision?  For sure.  The DA favors releasing it quickly so that could easily happen.

At least CNN doesn't try to deliberately mislead its viewers like Fox.  The reds do propaganda, not news.  It results in people making all sorts of ridiculous assumptions.
What does that have to do with the recent death of George Floyd? You know, the most recent black death by cop that triggered the most recent spiral of violence across the nation. Are you sure that racism played a significant role in his death? His young daughter seemed to be sure of it and some of the local news channels seemed to be sure of it and most of your news outlets seem sure of it too. You must be if you're jumping on the racist/racism bandwagon. Is it smart to do that without knowing all the facts? Is it smart of a pretty blue peacock mayor to open his mouth and spew incendiary rhetoric without knowing all the facts? I think its pretty clear that liberals are a bunch of fucking idiots at this point. I mean, I've been around you guys and listening to your leadership and judging them for fifteen years. I think I'm spot on but you can disagree and suffer for it.

In my opinion, you are fortunate that the entire American right is as tolerant and law abiding as it is right now or you would see a blood bath and the bodies of  liberal  scumbags laying all over the place and liberal colleges/institutions burning or blown apart all over the country. You see, whatever liberals do and allow to take place and justify. We can do too. I hope you have a bunch of excess wealth because the liberals are going to need it and your going to need it for the security that you are about to loose.  Like I've said, I'm willing to make an exception and slide American principles and values off to the side and return to the wild west if needed and wipe out today's left.

After watching something pretty mindless on TV, I made to return the channel to MSNBC.  They were running a press conference with the lawyers for the family of the man killed, so I watched what was left of that.  If the GBI tried to give a both sides factual version of events, the lawyers of the family definitely had an opinion.  He was shot in the back while running away.  The murderer cop in no way met the standard in Georgia for justified use of lethal force.  While the lawyers dropped any pretense of neutrality, they pretty much agreed with what the GIA presented as the facts.

So, I can predict we have another case of police using force against a black man improperly.  I should add that the incident took place at a Wendy’s drive through.  In addition to Wendy’s security camera, it seems most people at the drive in had cell phones and got recordings of the incident.

How does hat mesh with George Floyd’s murder?  It was a white cop using excessive force against a black man.  This is what the protests of the last several weeks are about, and another incident to be shuffled into the new rules of engagement for the cops.

While you do not push racism in your assorted rants, you end up promoting violence and siding with the racists regularly.  As such you are part of the problem.

As I have said before, I am not impressed by your obsession with violence or frequent threats.  It’s just empty words.

I am also not impressed by your chasing after the facts.  You just are working off the top of your head spouting your biased beliefs.

What I see likely coming in the next few days is a new set of rules which will attempt to outlaw use of excessive police militancy.  This case is apt to be an important one in determining what will be permitted or tolerated.  As the cop exceeded even the current use of force guidelines, he is likely to be fired and charged.  It has been going on for centuries.  It should stop now.  

This is the heart of the crisis, and one of the hot issues of the crisis.  It is at the center of a cultural change.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(06-13-2020, 10:58 AM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: Was it easy to find a committed royalist after the Revolution?  A slaveowner after the Civil War?  A committed communist after World War II?

The Republican establishment had trouble getting any of their people near the White House once the Tea Party took over.  They are not looking like they will be the dominant force anymore.

I’m not saying the elites will not be a problem.  It is just that the high is rough on the old values.

True enough. The elites are chameleons, after all. They wear the colors that work best at the moment. That's why we have neoliberals today: too much backlash against the hardcore conservative positions on social issues. The neoliberals are today's elites, much as their less woke predecessors were in their time. I'm sure a new paradigm will arise as needed to placate the rich and powerful in the next 1T.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
While not responding to a post by Bob Butler relating to a more recent cop-black killing ...

(06-13-2020, 10:44 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: What does that have to do with the recent death of George Floyd? You know, the most recent black death by cop that triggered the most recent spiral of violence across the nation. Are you sure that racism played a significant role in his death?

Ask yourself: would this have happened to a white guy in similar circumstances? I think we both know that passing a bad $20 bill would have gotten a white guy a trip to the cop shop, a citation to appear, and a release on his own cognizance. Does this look anything like that? Since the answer is clearly, NO, then look for the only difference between those the two cases: the perp's race. So yes, it was racist by definition.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(06-13-2020, 11:03 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(06-13-2020, 05:56 PM)beechnut79 Wrote: Do any of you see the issue of housing unaffordability being addressed anytime soon?  Also moving toward a just cause employment model by which a good reason would be needed to fire somebody.  The are two issues I would live to see put on the justice to-do list.  What must happen to get us there?

The country would have to agree to split and go separate ways or the Left would have to win it's war with America.

We're working on the latter, but thanks for the encouragement.  BTW, your version of 'America' isn't America.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(06-13-2020, 11:03 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(06-13-2020, 05:56 PM)beechnut79 Wrote: Do any of you see the issue of housing unaffordability being addressed anytime soon?  Also moving toward a just cause employment model by which a good reason would be needed to fire somebody.  The are two issues I would live to see put on the justice to-do list.  What must happen to get us there?
The country would have to agree to split and go separate ways or the Left would have to win its war with America.

The Left seems to be winning the hearts and minds of Americans in the last month or so, and Donald Trump seems to be headed to electoral defeat. Democrats are in a good position with which to win the Senate majority this time.

Voters under 40 are about 20% more Democratic than Republican, and they are supplanting voters over 55 who die off and are about 5% more Republican than Democratic. Figuring that the voting career of most people is about sixty years, that means that on the average about 1.6% of the electorate dies off each year, predominately in the 55+ group. 

Trump has done little to attract newer, younger voters. 

...I will be particularly delighted if Minnesota puts Trump effectively into the "He Can't Win" zone of 192 electoral votes before 11 PM on Election Night just to spite you.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(06-14-2020, 12:33 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: The Left seems to be winning the hearts and minds of Americans in the last month or so, and Donald Trump seems to be headed to electoral defeat. Democrats are in a good position with which to win the Senate majority this time.

Voters under 40 are about 20% more Democratic than Republican, and they are supplanting voters over 55 who die off and are about 5% more Republican than Democratic. Figuring that the voting career of most people is about sixty years, that means that on the average about 1.6% of the electorate dies off each year, predominately in the 55+ group. 

Trump has done little to attract newer, younger voters. 

...I will be particularly delighted if Minnesota puts Trump effectively into the "He Can't Win" zone of 192 electoral votes before 11 PM on Election Night just to spite you.
The Left seems to be winning the hearts and minds of liberals as usual. So, how are they doing with the silent majority who have been watching as cops are being heavily criticized and labelled as racists, Democratic cities are being over run, Democratic punks/idiots are destroying public/private property that they view as racist and so forth. I will be delighted when you can no longer leach off us and you have to convince the urban liberals that your life matters just as much as the blacks lives that they mainly serve and seem to matter the most these days. You're going to find out that this isn't about race and it's really about class. You better start showing me common sense and you better start showing me class or your future in this country is going to be miserable. 

I'd say the Democratic party pretty much has a lock on the immature and the clueless/ naive voters these days. Did you know that Minnesota has a lot of ex-Michigan's who seen the writing on the wall pertaining to no future for them and moved here because of all the opportunities that exist here. The Democrats didn't cling to the old system like the Democrats did in your state. The Democrats gave way and embraced Reaganomics (pro growth) and transitioned the state to high tech and eliminated big government barriers pertaining to access to quality education. Do we want to be as fucked up as Michigan/Detroit? Gee, what I'd expect to see in either Detroit or Chicago or Baltimore or some other big city occurred in our little cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Wow. What a shock? Would have been a bigger shock had it spread to our area (gun country) where the people are more heavily armed because we can afford to be professionally trained and heavily armed. Personally, I think you can pretty much write off Minnesota as a win myself. But, you're the so called expert so I'll just go a long and grant you the stage for now.

Did you know that seven counties were forced to live under curfews and  go without their stores while a bunch of idiots were going nuts and destroying a bunch of stuff and fucking up lives of people who nothing to do with what took place with George Floyd and a group of Minneapolis cops and the repercussions of a dickhead blue mayor blurting out without thinking of all those repercussions because it was all about him and his political views at the moment. Personally, I would have clocked the dumb mother fucker but I wasn't there to do it. I hate your privileged fucks as much as the minorities hate them. BTW, we both know that you aren't one of them even though you tried and probably dreamed of being like them. Me, I've met them at social gatherings and I didn't like them and wanted nothing to do with them.

So, you'd rather have a senile old man doing whatever the liberals want, the world wants and doing whatever he's told by them to do during a crucial time as your president. Me, I'd prefer to keep Trump despite his personal shortcomings personality wise. The dude is an asshole but at least he's not going to screw the entire country.
(06-14-2020, 02:23 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Me, I'd prefer to keep Trump despite his personal shortcomings personality wise. The dude is an asshole but at least he's not going to screw the entire country.

Hasn't he already screwed the country? He is refusing to save lives against the virus? He is refusing to listen to the people about ending racist policing?
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(06-14-2020, 10:58 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(06-13-2020, 11:03 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(06-13-2020, 05:56 PM)beechnut79 Wrote: Do any of you see the issue of housing unaffordability being addressed anytime soon?  Also moving toward a just cause employment model by which a good reason would be needed to fire somebody.  The are two issues I would live to see put on the justice to-do list.  What must happen to get us there?

The country would have to agree to split and go separate ways or the Left would have to win it's war with America.

We're working on the latter, but thanks for the encouragement.  BTW, your version of 'America' isn't America.
I know you're working on the latter and about half the country knows you're working on it. It's kind of nice that it's out in the open and no longer hidden like it was thirty years ago. Its also nice that the people have the power to choose for themselves. Like I said, we are remaining idle and the ball is in your court so to speak. The American right is already prepared for war with the Left which is why it and it's party are remaining neutral and leaving the ball in the Democrat's court. Before meeting me or your neighbors, have you ever met real Republican voters who don't seem to care about issues related to the Left, who don't seem scared about what scares you who could really hurt you personally and screw you you over big time if they really wanted to or felt it was necessary to protect their own so to speak. Or, did you mainly hang with liberals and bully the more academic/ intellectual types that we pretty much ignore and moved aside because they're relatively nice and non combative by nature and don't know or have what it takes to win battles. As you know, political patty cake doesn't deliver results.
(06-14-2020, 03:02 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(06-14-2020, 02:23 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Me, I'd prefer to keep Trump despite his personal shortcomings personality wise. The dude is an asshole but at least he's not going to screw the entire country.

Hasn't he already screwed the country?  He is refusing to save lives against the virus?  He is refusing to listen to the people about ending racist policing?
I guess you haven't figured out that stopping a virus with no cure in its tracks without destroying the entire US economy and completely stopping American life is impossible. As Governor Cuomo said, people are going to die, that's life. I hope your not some delusional fool who believes modern medicine will find ways to keep you alive for ever. According to you, you have little to no social life and little to no need for income compared to me and the bulk of the people who are currently living in the United States today. As I've mentioned, my grandmother would never have expected her children or her grand children to sacrifice every thing related to them and their lives for her sake. My grandmother wasn't that afraid of death or that selfish of a person either.
(06-14-2020, 04:25 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: As you know, political patty cake doesn't deliver results.

We will see how much results a crisis heart can deliver. I for one expect the old values to go caput.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(06-14-2020, 02:23 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(06-14-2020, 12:33 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: The Left seems to be winning the hearts and minds of Americans in the last month or so, and Donald Trump seems to be headed to electoral defeat. Democrats are in a good position with which to win the Senate majority this time.

Voters under 40 are about 20% more Democratic than Republican, and they are supplanting voters over 55 who die off and are about 5% more Republican than Democratic. Figuring that the voting career of most people is about sixty years, that means that on the average about 1.6% of the electorate dies off each year, predominately in the 55+ group. 

Trump has done little to attract newer, younger voters. 

...I will be particularly delighted if Minnesota puts Trump effectively into the "He Can't Win" zone of 192 electoral votes before 11 PM on Election Night just to spite you.

The Left seems to be winning the hearts and minds of liberals as usual. So, how are they doing with the silent majority who have been watching as cops are being heavily criticized and labelled as racists, Democratic cities are being over run, Democratic punks/idiots are destroying public/private property that they view as racist and so forth. I will be delighted when you can no longer leach off us and you have to convince the urban liberals that your life matters just as much as the blacks lives that they mainly serve and seem to matter the most these days. You're going to find out that this isn't about race and it's really about class. You better start showing me common sense and you better start showing me class or your future in this country is going to be miserable.

So what has Donald Trump done with his mean-spirited demagoguery, his contempt for the intellect, and his reactionary agenda for me? We are almost all willing to do something to make a better world. 

We have some bad cops who must be drummed out of the profession... maybe even treated as the criminals that some of them have become for brutality or corruption. 

Quote:I'd say the Democratic party pretty much has a lock on the immature and the clueless/ naive voters these days.

Who said "I love low-information voters"? You know -- people whom Hillary Clinton called "deplorable" and thought that "deplorable" is a synonym for "adorable"? The sort of people who put up signs like 

"The Zoo has an African Lion
The White House has a Lyin' African"

or have a bumper sticker that reads "Don't Re-N*g 2012"... 

Eventually Trump policies will hurt white low-education voters, too.   

Quote:Did you know that Minnesota has a lot of ex-Michigan's who seen the writing on the wall pertaining to no future for them and moved here because of all the opportunities that exist here. The Democrats didn't cling to the old system like the Democrats did in your state.

Aside from Greater Detroit and Flint, Michigan is Kansas with shorelines.  

Quote:The Democrats gave way and embraced Reaganomics (pro growth) and transitioned the state to high tech and eliminated big government barriers pertaining to access to quality education.

I will be the first to recognize that the Detroit Independent School District is a mess. If I were to suggest what first to do about the mess, then I would call in a Big 8 CPA firm to audit the system -- all expenses must have some relevance to education. Anything not involving teachers' salaries, school supplies, physical plant, needed social services, and the like gets axed. Detroit schools have become a slush fund for administrators who live large while education starves. 

Quote:Do we want to be as f***ed up as Michigan/Detroit? Gee, what I'd expect to see in either Detroit or Chicago or Baltimore or some other big city occurred in our little cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. Wow. What a shock? Would have been a bigger shock had it spread to our area (gun country) where the people are more heavily armed because we can afford to be professionally trained and heavily armed. Personally, I think you can pretty much write off Minnesota as a win myself. But, you're the so called expert so I'll just go a long and grant you the stage for now.

George Floyd got his breathing impaired to the extent that he suffocated. 

Firearms would have done nothing to save George Floyd's life. 

Quote:Did you know that seven counties were forced to  live under curfews and  go without  their stores  while a bunch of idiots were going nuts and destroying a bunch of stuff and f(oul)ng up lives of people who nothing to do with what took place with George Floyd  and a group of Minneapolis cops and the repercussions of a dickhead blue mayor blurting out without thinking of all those repercussions because it was all about him and his political views at the moment. Personally, I would have clocked the dumb (expletive deleted) but I wasn't there to do it. I hate your  privileged (expletive deleted) as much as the minorities hate them. BTW, we both know that you aren't one of them even though you tried and probably dreamed of being like them. Me, I've met them at social gatherings and I didn't like them and wanted nothing to do with them.

Because of a bad cop who broke the rules of ordinary decency and good police practice. 

Quote:So, you'd rather have a senile old man doing whatever the liberals want, the world wants and doing whatever he's told by them to do during a crucial time as your president. Me, I'd prefer to keep Trump despite his personal shortcomings personality wise. The dude is an asshole but at least he's not going to screw the entire country.

Donald Trump is both senile and immature.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(06-14-2020, 02:23 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: The Left seems to be winning the hearts and minds of liberals as usual. So, how are they doing with the silent majority who have been watching as cops are being heavily criticized and labelled as racists, Democratic cities are being over run, Democratic punks/idiots are destroying public/private property that they view as racist and so forth. I will be delighted when you can no longer leach off us and you have to convince the urban liberals that your life matters just as much as the blacks lives that they mainly serve and seem to matter the most these days. You're going to find out that this isn't about race and it's really about class. You better start showing me common sense and you better start showing me class or your future in this country is going to be miserable. 

Polls right now are showing the public is on the side of justice rather than law and order now. They support black lives matter. Support for the president is falling because he represses peaceful protests with the military. The riots mostly ceased some days ago while peaceful protests continued and swayed the country to their side. If more riots happen because of more cop murders, it will reflect badly on Trump because he is the incumbent, much as it did on Johnson and Humphrey in 1968 because THEY were the incumbent. According to Lichtman, if riots continue it will not cause people to support Trump because he's for law and order, it will cause people to support Biden because the country is falling apart under Trump.

Quote:The Democrats gave way and embraced Reaganomics (pro growth)

Whoever embraces Reaganomics is a fool. At least you understand what is in power these days. Lots of folks don't quite get it.

Quote:Did you know that seven counties were forced to live under curfews and  go without their stores while a bunch of idiots were going nuts and destroying a bunch of stuff and fucking up lives of people who nothing to do with what took place with George Floyd.....

It happened in my city too for a couple of days. The problem is that provacateurs took advantage of the protests to turn them into riots after dark. Many were white supremacists trying to discredit the protests and turn them into a race war. No doubt others were just looters taking advantage of the absence of police, and young guys just expressing their anger.

Quote:So, you'd rather have a senile old man doing whatever the liberals want, the world wants and doing whatever he's told by them to do during a crucial time as your president. Me, I'd prefer to keep Trump despite his personal shortcomings personality wise. The dude is an asshole but at least he's not going to screw the entire country.

That's exactly what he's been doing for 3 and a half years. BIG TIME. The dude is an asshole, and on top of that he's screwing up the entire country.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(06-14-2020, 05:06 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(06-14-2020, 03:02 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(06-14-2020, 02:23 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Me, I'd prefer to keep Trump despite his personal shortcomings personality wise. The dude is an asshole but at least he's not going to screw the entire country.

Hasn't he already screwed the country?  He is refusing to save lives against the virus?  He is refusing to listen to the people about ending racist policing?
I guess you haven't figured out that stopping a virus with no cure in its tracks without destroying the entire US economy and completely stopping American life is impossible. As Governor Cuomo said, people are going to die, that's life. I hope your not some delusional fool who believes modern medicine will find ways to keep you alive for ever. According to you, you have little to no social life and little to no need for income compared to me and the bulk of the people who are currently living in the United States today. As I've mentioned, my grandmother would never have expected her children or her grand children to sacrifice every thing related to them and their lives for her sake. My grandmother wasn't that afraid of death or that selfish of a person either.

I hate to give you the news, but a number of countries did just that; they stopped a virus with no cure, and are now re-opening their economy. The USA could not do that because we have no leadership. You and your dear leader wish to sacrifice people who are older than you just to save the economy. But what has happened is we both got more older people dying AND screwed up our economy big time because we had no leadership. We need to fix that in November.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(06-15-2020, 04:38 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: I hate to give you the news, but a number of countries did just that; they stopped a virus with no cure, and are now re-opening their economy. The USA could not do that because we have no leadership. You and your dear leader wish to sacrifice people who are older than you just to save the economy. But what has happened is we both got more older people dying AND screwed up our economy big time because we had no leadership. We need to fix that in November.

Nitpick.  Is it the leader or the values he represents?  If you look at the bad presidents club - Buchanan, Hoover, Bush 43, Trump - is it the people or the ideas that they tried to use after their time had gone by?

Mind you, Trump has enough faults as a person.  He doesn’t make the strongest of cases for my argument.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(06-14-2020, 05:06 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(06-14-2020, 03:02 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(06-14-2020, 02:23 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Me, I'd prefer to keep Trump despite his personal shortcomings personality wise. The dude is an asshole but at least he's not going to screw the entire country.

Hasn't he already screwed the country?  He is refusing to save lives against the virus?  He is refusing to listen to the people about ending racist policing?

I guess you haven't figured out that stopping a virus with no cure in its tracks without destroying the entire US economy and completely stopping American life is impossible...

Ah, no -- not really.  The obvious examples are Australia, with a very conservative government, and New Zealand, run by Socialists.  Both brought the virus to near zero and are keeping it there.  Both countries are more-or-less open, in the US meaning of the term.  So again here, the fault lies with the dickhead in the White House ... full stop.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.

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