Poll: What will happen if Clinton is elected President
She'll be a successful 2-term President
She'll be an unsuccessful 1-term President
She will be impeached or forced to resign
She will be overthrown in a coup
She will become a dictator
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What will happen if Clinton is elected President
[Image: 14067624_10208995733443484_3493702593048...e=5846A327]

Say WHAT, about those damn emails now?
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
This is a good thing in a number of ways, but best is that "the process" is being given an opportunity to be pilot tested to work the kinks out so it will be ready to go post-election -

2 Bundy Ranch Thugs Who Threatened Feds Going To Jail

Quote:It was great to see this story last week. Angry white men go to jail.OregonLive link

When Trump loses in November, angry white men are going to take it out on people they believe stopped Trump: Progressives, Democrats and women. They will also go after the people they believe made America crappy for them: immigrants, Muslims, people of color, the LGBT community and of course, the "liberal media."

They will be angrier than ever. They will feel more "voiceless" since Trump has been saying what they all have been thinking. (BTW, what are the odds he will start saying sensible stuff after he loses? Zero. Zilch. Nada. )
The professional defeated Trump supporters will get jobs in media and in the right-wing complain-o-sphere taking money from billionaires while attacking all things Democratic.

The ones to look out for are the "2nd Amendment people" Trump was referring to when it came time for President Clinton to appoint Supreme Court Justices. All it will take to set them off are a few "sarcastic" Trump Tweets.
The good news is there is a program set up to deal with these angry white men and their threats that seems to be working. DeLemus and Cooper are the first two to be sent through this system. I think it's important we pay attention to it because the program will be attacked by the right--since they are ones primarily being busted by it.

The right will want the left to join them in condemning these arrests and prison sentences using lefty messages: "See? The government is spying on people! They are trying to block people's right to assemble for peaceful protests! They are trying to stifle free speech!"

The mainstream media will go back to Vietnam war protests, The Weather Underground, and eco-terrorists" for their, "Both sides do it" stories to provide "balance." But the reality is that the left has long known not to be armed for their protests. They know not to support armed protesters. When they are unarmed, they have the moral high ground and public sympathy.

It’s not a conspiracy theory anymore, it’s a conspiracy fact

Following Trump’s loss, Fox News and right-wing radio hosts like Hannity will continue to support “Patriots” who want to “take back America” with bullets instead of ballots. Like before, people who organize armed responses to government actions will get plenty of air time with no hard questions.

However, this time around people will know that the Bundy’s and their militia buddies didn’t get away with conspiring to get people with guns to threaten others. Everyone can now see the consequences to people who threatened others with guns.
I want all individual activists who are threatened by angry white men with guns to know about this case,
especially Coopers’ story.
Neither Cooper nor DeLemus were actually at the event/stand-off.
Quote:Cooper stated “I was calling people to participate,”
He [Cooper] told the judge he interfered with the execution of federal court orders byrecruiting armed gunmen to display support for Bundy and his sons Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Mel Bundy and Dave Bundy and stop the roundup of the family’s cattle from the scenic Gold Butte area.
DeLemus, 61, of Rochester, New Hampshire, also pleaded guilty to a felony alleging that when he drove cross-country with guns he intended to display “force and aggression” to stop the roundup. (emphasis mine)

The program I mentioned above? It’s how the system is supposed to work, there are laws, people break them, they are arrested and tried using compelling evidence. A judgement, proportional to the crime, is rendered. The person pays the fine, serves time and suffers other consequences, such as losing their right to own guns.

I’m glad that these two are going to prison because when the armed protestors at the Bundy Ranch pointed their guns at Federal officers, there were no arrests. This was very discouraging. The government tip-toed around the whole situation because they were afraid of another Waco or Ruby Ridge.

At the time I suspected that the FBI and DoJ cut deals with these Bundy Ranch thugs, but it wasn’t until some of the same people were arrested at the Oregon Wildlife preserve take over did I see the evidence of the deals (I wrote about it here). The DoJ now has additional solid evidence of their intentions.

I’m tired of death threats being dismissed as No Big Deal, especially when the threats come from people who love to brag about their guns. I now point to Cooper, DeLemus and the other 17 and say, “Look at what happened to these guys. Others will go to prison too–just like those Bundy guys. These violent threats will have consequences. Their guns and their freedom will be legally taken away.”

Of course they will cry that “Hillary’s government isn’t legitimate!” like they did to Obama. But the fact remains that threats were tracked back to the right-wing extremists which led to arrests, trials and convictions.

The part that is especially sweet is that apparently the government didn’t have to engage in illegal surveillance. In the deal that Cooper cut, he revealed that he made calls to some of the people who will be on trial in February.

Another part to notice and take advantage of is that these people pumped out reams of incriminating info on social media, before during and after the event at the Bundy Ranch. In Oregon we even have video of some of them making threats. Link to Video

A history of their comments, followed by their public actions, can prove that they weren’tjoking or being sarcastic and that they did intend to get people with guns together to intimidate people. (Having evidence to prove their INTENT is very important, especially when it comes to a recent Supreme Court ruling made about comments via Facebookposts.)

Bottom line:

When Trump loses, he won’t be a voice of moderation, he will seek to incite violence. His supporters will keep making threats..

When they do, law enforcement will bust them for it.
These thugs aren’t clever enough to understand that the dodges they used before won’twork now. We won’t buy the, “I was joking. I was being sarcastic.” lines or the “I didn’t intend to scare anyone.” crap anymore. Everyone needs to know that people are going to jail for this now.

Some great pics of the perps (I think one of them is our CynicHero!), videos and links at the C&L link.
(08-22-2016, 12:50 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: [Image: 14067624_10208995733443484_3493702593048...e=5846A327]

Igen? Eric inlägg en annan Tom bild.  Varför för?  Tongue

Eric Wrote:Say WHAT, about those damn emails now?

Sömmar att vara som herpes.  Dessa e-postmeddelanden är den gåva som håller på att ge. Big Grin Cool
---Value Added Cool
(09-13-2016, 04:47 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote: If Clinton wins, I predict that the so called "Alt Right" (which I deem, the Faux "Right" due to their rabidly destructive revolutionary zeal - no true Rightist foments unjust revolution!) will claim the election was "rigged." They will be aided and abetted by a Russian influence and disinfo op, which will plant false stories about "Democrat vote fraud" and "voting machines rigged by the elites." The Russian influence ops will be especially hyperactive in the dark web and on "Alt Right" sites. Some Russian agents are doing face to face humint and are physically embedded in so called "Alt Right" orgs. Such agents are "illegals" with forged passports, visas and identities - they appear to be Americans or Western Europeans according to their documentation and manner. It is possible that direct action by Russian agents may also take place - sabotage, Grey Terror, Pink Terror and other direct operations meant to further inject chaos into the situation.

So?  Whatcha think about those evil neoCONS?   Lesse, illegal immigration from Latin America comes from the war on drugs + CIA plots to do regime change in that region.  Let me count the ways. We have Pinochet in Chile,
the Iran/Contra issue. 

1. http://abcnews.go.com/International/stor...588&page=1
2. http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB27/index.html
3. http://www.zompist.com/latam.html
4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Condor
5. Biggie here, man.  : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegation...rafficking

And so, a lot of the illegal immigration problems have a huge fat finger pointing at the US neoCONS and commie  phobes.  So how abouts we stop fucking around in Latin America and nuke the war on drugs?  Thusly, I do believe that will solve a large portion of the illegal alien problem. The rest of it can be fixed with employer sanctions and deporting "new" illegals.  After that's done, then we can move on getting the path to citizenship going for those already here without a bunch of magnets to suck in more illegal immigration.

Moving on to the Mideast refugee mess. Again, the US must cease and desist from meddling, admit to itself that the oil and whatever belongs to the people that actually live there and not to assorted mulitnats. All US Mideast policy has been the reverse Midas touch in that everything and I mean everything has turned to shit and we must stop just like the oil junkie we really are. Only by admitting our addiction to Mideast oil, can the US start on a far more fruitful journey in the future, man. 

So, which party/Presidential candidates will light the path?
---Value Added Cool
(09-13-2016, 04:47 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote: If Clinton wins, I predict that the so called "Alt Right" (which I deem, the Faux "Right" due to their rabidly destructive revolutionary zeal - no true Rightist foments unjust revolution!) will claim the election was "rigged." They will be aided and abetted by a Russian influence and disinfo op, which will plant false stories about "Democrat vote fraud" and "voting machines rigged by the elites." The Russian influence ops will be especially hyperactive in the dark web and on "Alt Right" sites. Some Russian agents are doing face to face humint and are physically embedded in so called "Alt Right" orgs. Such agents are "illegals" with forged passports, visas and identities - they appear to be Americans or Western Europeans according to their documentation and manner. It is possible that direct action by Russian agents may also take place - sabotage, Grey Terror, Pink Terror and other direct operations meant to further inject chaos into the situation.

Because they don't understand people other than themselves (as is the norm for extremists), they will never accept that they got defeated fair and square. Nobody has a monopoly on the truth. 9/11 was not an inside job. Barack Obama was born in the United States and would have been an American citizen by birth because his mother was, the Earth is getting warmer, tobacco is not safe as it is intended to be consumed, poverty is real in America, and the Holocaust is no hoax. But don't confuse an extremist or a hustler with the facts; no, there is always some reality beyond objective truth. That reality is "I want it that way!"

Objective reality may be ugly and inconvenient, but it is all that we can work with, whether to cope with what we have or to improve the world that we live in.  

I find Donald Trump a consummate liar whose success has largely been in exploiting a permanent scarcity in real estate in a place that really has lots of well-paying jobs. This fellow makes John Davison Rockefeller II look like a saint by contrast. Rockefeller at least created a new industry in a rough-and-tumble world; Trump simply exploits scarcity by maintaining it in an over-refined world. Just try to imagine Donald Trump getting rich in Akron, Ohio.

Ultimately we Americans will need to de-concentrate our economy so that people don't have to go to the giant, overcrowded cities where the likes of Donald Trump impose in effect a private tax upon people who go where the jobs are to make a living. Easy money for elites is a curse for us all, and not a blessing.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.


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