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Will McCain Death, Midterms & Legal Scandals Finally Be Enough?
(08-28-2018, 04:27 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(08-28-2018, 01:54 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(08-28-2018, 10:44 AM)David Horn Wrote: You ask: "Will McCain Death, Midterms & Legal Scandals Finally Be Enough?"  
Answer: No.

There is a cult of personality out there, fueled by the worst aspects of anyone's personality": racism, resentment, hate and schadenfreude.  It won't go away until something much worse takes its place: perhaps war or financial meltdown.  I can't  total discount the possibility of disenchantment, but I see no evidence of it.  Most of what constitutes Trump's base has been waiting for a hater for a long time.  Now that they have one, they aren't going to quit him lightly.

Very well said. My only hope is that just enough will be disenchanted to empower the opposition. Then we will go on from there, continuing to face their wrath until they are defeated decisively enough for a pause we know as a first turning to begin. It only takes a 6% majority in the midterms, and 77,774 votes in three states in the presidential election. The Trump base is a strong majority of a minority. Peal off the minority of that minority, maybe just 4% of it, and the red tide is held at bay. Which means, the neo-liberal, militarist, gun totin', and social-conservative/hating minorities are held at bay, despite their built in, constitutional advantages and their cheating.

I doubt many of the Trumpists will cross the street and vote against him, though disillusioned women are more likely to do that than men.  I see most of the disillusioned from both sexes just staying home.  That's only half as effective as voting for GOP opponents, but still potent if the numbers are there.  More to the point, what happens if the vote is decisive, and the Trump control era ends (the Dems win the House) or is reversed (the Dems win both chambers of Congress)?  Will there be a mad dash to appoint reactionary judges to every open judgeship?  Will McConnell kill the filibuster entirely and use the waning days of GOP control to pass some poison-pill legislation that Trump can sign? I think both are likely.

It's clear... some of them need to just retire and/or die, that is the only way to unclog the filter.  This enema already began with Senator Boxer being removed.  I don't think ppl understand how shocking that was.  But will become the norm.  Ancient fossils being taken out and removed because they are now useless.

Past that, blue will evolve and red will not.  Red will retreat like it always does but a lot of these toxic ppl on both sides will be removed like Boxer.  People will find ways to remove them.  The Hero archetype will not tolerate them anymore.  But we still have more suffering before that happens.

Blue evolution will open the tent larger and those people you say won't go against him, it won't even be like that... they will just be like "I can now somewhat identify with blue and red has become unrecognizable to me".  So, I expect blu to emerge as something new which we have not seen before in recent memory.

I do not believe this will be a battle of wills.  Many are trying to make it that (as the S&H text points out in the Prophet archetype and those in close proximity outside the "band" of the Prophet.  I mean, the text plainly states BOTH sides -- if they are placing their own ideology above progress WILL BE REMOVED by younger people who do not except that.
UPDATE: Is anyone following when is the funeral?  Am I just totally out of it?  For now, the rancor has died down... but will flare really hard when that happens.  Banning someone from your funeral is a textbook example of Prophet architecture.  Fighting their enemies from The Beyond.  I love it, and feel a lil guilty about that.


I try to imagine what if this was reversed and someone was plotting from the Other Side to redress an enemy or their position -- someone I LIKED instead of really dislike.  I actually do that.  I place myself in the thoughts of those who are on the "opposing side" from me.  To me, it is the same as entertaining "silly" and "fantastic" ideas like Flat Earth or Reptilian Rule.  I, personally, SEEK OUT things I may be antithetical to.  I like to challenge myself and be challenged.

I am not sure many reading this can say that with a straight keyboard. Angel  Imagine if you did.  What would happen?
(08-28-2018, 10:48 PM)TheNomad Wrote: If you read something here you didn't understand, read it twice.  Or find an adult.  Something about your other post or presence irritated me.  If I recall what it was, I will contact you.  

If you can't remember then it couldn't have been that important.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises

Since taking office, Trump has blocked a number of people for criticizing him or even just cracking jokes at his expense, including celebrities such as model Chrissy Teigen and author Stephen King.

However, in May, a federal judge said Trump’s blocks were unconstitutional as his Twitter feed was a public forum which “has been used in the course of the appointment of officers (including cabinet secretaries), the removal of officers and the conduct of foreign policy.”

I guess this thread now is about  the subsequent "piling on" in the wake of McCain... I am unsure if such a large backlash has happened before?  And especially now the wave can't be muted by federal mandate (above).  I am attempting to pin down this moment as a marker and see what comes of it for national MOOD toward our leader.

an article concerning waging war even after death in the context of McCain.  It never gets old how the Strauss Howe formula rings so completely true at times.  The Prophet is at zenith, and we shall watch it set down.  It can't be soon enough.  I was driving yesterday and cursing the freeways for being in such shit repair.  Actual concrete "speed bump" patches in the freeway lasting for miles.  Driving at 75, *bang* *bang* *bang*, while my country is preoccupied with "legacy" and "palace intrigue" but not with infrastructure or anything that makes any sense whatsoever or that is remotely real.

And they want to preempt my SUV.  I get to help save the planet in some car so small and cheap where I will die in a fiery crash on shit freeways.  But the elected have drivers and planes themselves... traveling to do nothing except agree to argue... we all everyone else have to pay bills and whatever.  It may be a small and random complaint but I have yet to vent my frustration on all this except where I made this thread.  Basically, yes, I am giving myself a pass in here Angel I find it helps

Lordy maybe I am stuck on Barbara Boxer but an image of her wearing pearls flashed in my brain.... reminded me of the film Hidden Figures (2016) they told the women "only acceptable jewelry is a pearl necklace" and they were in awe because they never owned anything so opulent.  One rule for them, another rule for the rest of us.  Muggles Unite Big Grin

[Image: 5b86e8e6190000930a502f10.jpeg?ops=scalef..._noupscale]

Sorry I'm obsessed with the pearl necklace thing just now in combo with that movie.  It really does represent a "THEM" and "US" mentality.  All those people we elect, they live better lives than the average American.  The lady in the video of the wafflehouse beating, she has to get up every afternoon and tug on her apron to make pancakes and biscuit molds, and I bet she doesn't have a safe in which to keep her pearls.  Because she has no pearls, the safe would be ridiculous.
UPDATE: McCain to be soon buried.

Will the event and ensuing "pile on" have further ramifications?  Or will it blip off into obscurity?  As someone here mentioned, he will pay for it in offended veterans... for sure.  However, this flare up did not spark any larger yet so far.  But we now understand striking from beyond the grave is still possible.

The man is so yellowjacket ( Exclamation ), if the family were to keep releasing tapes or letters of McCain, he would tweet about and react to them all day and night, fighting an actual ghost the way Ganja spins around on her hind legs whilst a treat becomes involved.
UPDATE: Palin excluded from funeral!

Why is this important?  Because whatever "message" or action he meant to unleash with leaving out the president just fractured into a lame attack on INDIVIDUALS instead of being perceived (not by me, by avg American) as a righteous reason to turn on an idiot.

McCain frakked himself.  I don't think "he" will have any more impact in the manner suggested in this thread.

Dang, John, I was with you for a while there.

[Image: maxresdefault.jpg]
(08-29-2018, 02:50 AM)Galen Wrote:
(08-28-2018, 10:48 PM)TheNomad Wrote: If you read something here you didn't understand, read it twice.  Or find an adult.  Something about your other post or presence irritated me.  If I recall what it was, I will contact you.  

If you can't remember then it couldn't have been that important.

Hey, I can remember some stuff, man.  He was part of the Keating 5 and muffed his first wife. Big Grin
---Value Added Cool
(08-29-2018, 09:18 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:
(08-29-2018, 02:50 AM)Galen Wrote:
(08-28-2018, 10:48 PM)TheNomad Wrote: If you read something here you didn't understand, read it twice.  Or find an adult.  Something about your other post or presence irritated me.  If I recall what it was, I will contact you.  

If you can't remember then it couldn't have been that important.

Hey, I can remember some stuff, man.  He was part of the Keating 5 and muffed his first wife. Big Grin

Yes, being part of the S&L crisis is probably been one of the least destructive things he did in office.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
McCain funeral eulogies included morals, ethics and ideals. The role of Baby Boomers as Elders in the 4T is to communicate, to define and give meaning to these morals, ethics and ideals. Anyone that does not align their behavior and actions with the ideals communicated at the McCain funeral will not have a good outcome during the 4T.
The Myth of the Maverick may be more welcome than the reality. In all fairness, John McCain was not a remarkably-good politician. Maybe we would have been better off had he acted differently to that 'black baby' smear that Karl Rove pulled on him on behalf of Dubya. He might have won, and he would get to be his own person. I am tempted to believe that he would have read the intel on the 9/11 plot and thwarted it with arrests and deportations, and of course exposing the details to the rest of the world. (But I say the same of Al Gore, assuming that what I would do myself is what a rational actor with respect for intelligence services would do).

With or without him, we will need to recover the validity or morals, ethics, and ideals without which we become cynics devoid of effectiveness. With a President who shows contempt for democratic norms, demonstrates undue respect for dictators, baits people who have done nothing wrong as 'losers', accuses the media of being 'enemies of the people', and acts with an eye largely to his own corrupt gain, then morals, values, and ethics become precious.

Let's put it this way: if you have $20K in savings or marketable investments, $30 is something you can slough off. If you are broke, then $30 is big money -- a fill-up at the gas tank, or an oil change. When we have a President like Obama, morals, ethics, and ideals are to be taken for granted. OK, the Hard Right might disparage his ideals in favor of a culture that glorifies and obeys the dictates of the Master Class.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(09-03-2018, 05:22 PM)igranderojo Wrote: McCain funeral eulogies included morals, ethics and ideals.  The role of Baby Boomers as Elders in the 4T is to communicate, to define and give meaning to these morals, ethics and ideals.  Anyone that does not align their behavior and actions with the ideals communicated at the McCain funeral will not have a good outcome during the 4T.

I believe this is 100% right.  But is there addendum learning to be had?

What does it mean - TO YOU - that Americans were (to be generous, from 2001 - 2010(?)) we were all arguing about "them ayrabs who attacked us because we are free" and how no one seemed to mind that there was PURPOSEFUL muddying of who is Arab and who isn't and what are Arabs and how Iraq and Afghanistan are not the same thing but we went to war with both anyway. 

How do you view that?  Not a DECADE ago we were criticizing W admin for all this, and now we all get the feels from the Obamas, Clintons and Ws sitting together sharing breath mint? 

Does it matter? 

Do you realize how Ws legacy has now been wholly exonerated?  He will now pass into history as a "not-so-bad-guy" who "faced tough times in the white house" blah blah.  SIMPLY because someone perceived as "worse" has come along.

Again I reiterate - we have a disgusting barely human gutter snipe in there now, but how does that compare to someone who sent thousands to be killed and killed thousands more (the "Ayrabs")? 

How does it compare? 

How do the Obamas (or Clintons for the matter) and the Ws sit there on LIVE TV giving each other handjobs while jabbing the current president?  Current has been called racist for the border issues.  W was called racist for "Them Ayrabs".  But Ws sins are washed away now.

How long before the current president finds exoneration in the future?

All major democrats hated W.  They hated his regime and his admin and his advisors.  They outright called him liar, warmongerer and said his "facts" for war were little more than excuses created to accomplish other things on the globe.  The current president has not even done any of that.  But because of this funeral, we get a rare glimpse into how HOMOGENIZED "Washington" is, and that WE REALLY THINK there is a difference between blue and red but, in fact, purple is the ruling authority.

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