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How Hard Is It To Honor The Dead?

He won't talk about McCain's legacy.  Nor publicly honor or acknowledge him.  AT BEST I think someone out there who is a parent would (not knowing who or what) would say whoever is acting this way needs a spanking and put to bed early.  I'm not the first to make that analogy of course.

However, even my worse WORK frenemy or someone I really just do not enjoy in that environment, OMFG if they died, would I be able to stand in front of my co-workers and say something nice about them?  Hot utterly horrible a person am I, how completely unhinged (I love that word, it is too bad Amor Osa used it for her book title) that I can't read a teleprompter with nice words for a career senator and war veteran?  I mean, it's the duty as President to bear ritual and niceties - he is not CEO, although the whole thing brings me continually back to wondering if America went too far Capitalist in the previous Turning.  Because he is acting like CEO in every single way that matters.  CEOs are c*nts.  That IS to only real word for them.  And on top of that, beholden to no one and nothing except the balance sheet. 

WE ARE THAT COUNTRY RIGHT NOW.  There's no use pretending anymore.  America IS the big box store of the world, trampling everyone without corporate lawyers and feeding monsters like fakebook.

I wouldn't work in an environment where the "leader" would act this way.  It's patently filthy.  Rather abominable, really.  Lack of humanity or even a hint of grace.  I have no knowledge of the Mrs in that group, but just looking at her, I cannot fathom what goes through her mind in all this.  She was a model?  She's lovely, she has a youngish child, she is originally from abroad which means she most-likely understands the hard realities of social grace and parlance... how horrified is she?  If she is NOT a fembot, she must be under heavily-packed legal contract that she will .......................... I don't know.................. if she leaves or protests, somehow there's a video of her with 2 humans and a mule in Tijuana ..................... to be released as retribution.  Evil is not a good word, I don't believe in that nor is it the right word.  "Trash" is too tame.  I'm the Wordsmith and struggle with the right phraseology for this person.
We have a President with very bad behavior. It is possible to go from one President (let us say Eisenhower) to someone very different (JFK) without the successor vilifying the predecessor. Styles, priorities, and partisan identity will change. Even with a huge change of quality of leadership (like the younger Bush to Obama), a leader operating at the Adult level recognizes that the most effective repudiation if bad policies and practices is to change them quietly even if decisively.

Unless the previous President has done horrible things out of malice or corruption (in which case legal remedies are necessary even if unpalatable) it is best to not vilify the predecessor -- and Donald Trump did that frequently. He has shown the ability to find fault for any difference in position in the character of others. He has set his beliefs as the gold standard of goodness and relevance. That is what every despot and tyrant has done in the past, even to the extent of finding that anyone who falls short of fanatical obedience is to be ruined at best and obliterated at worst.

OK -- as a pragmatist I must accept that we are all flawed, and that we must choose others as friends, partners, subordinates, or bosses wisely. We cannot afford to be complete cynics who believe nobody, but we can't be starry -eyed idealists blind to human frailties and faults who then turn brutally upon those who fall short of our expectations.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

"Bad Behavior"... please help me, when I roam into this subject matter, words seem to no longer fit. Descriptions become irrelevant. From my POV, maybe I really want to know exactly my brain is doing, every adjective or hashtag needs another "notch".

Like turning the volume to 11? You speak of pragmatism, I am... very much so. Yet in this particular instance, my entire frame of vision wants hyperbole to match it.

Plainly, "Bad Behavior" just doesn't fit? Sure, it is accurate..... but not mmmmmmmmmmmmmm powerful enough? Even "powerful" seems to be incorrect. And this is not some thing about me wanting to kill the dead horse then resurrect it and repeat.

When I cannot find proper words, something is gravely wrong. Lots of folks are using lots of strong language concerning this person and these times. I feel like it is because there is something lacking in the way we are expressing (collectively) about this. How can so many people be grappling for words in this manner? Or trying so hard to express themselves about it with such frustration?

What is the "finger" on? As in, "can't put your finger on it". What exactly are people reacting to? TOXIC? Ok. That's pretty broad. See what I mean?
(08-29-2018, 09:38 AM)TheNomad Wrote: "Bad Behavior"... please help me, when I roam into this subject matter, words seem to no longer fit.  Descriptions become irrelevant.  From my POV, maybe I really want to know exactly my brain is doing, every adjective or hashtag needs another "notch".

Vindictive behavior that does not violate a criminal stature is bad behavior -- as are such deeds as adultery. We do not criminalize fornication that results in an unwelcome or surprising child -- probably because it is best that in most cases the child stay with the mother and that the father can be racked for child support.

I have never known of a President who has so vilified his predecessor Lincoln didn't blame Buchanan, and FDR didn't blame Hoover. That President Trump has spent considerable time vilifying Obama after such has become irrelevant shows how petty he is. But McCain? McCain was never a political rival.

Quote:Like turning the volume to 11?  You speak of pragmatism, I am... very much so.  Yet in this particular instance, my entire frame of vision wants hyperbole to match it.
Strictly speaking, the abuse that Trump has put upon John McCain is without merit and utterly absurd. But Trump has gone to that level. It's not criminal, though.

Quote:Plainly, "Bad Behavior" just doesn't fit?  Sure, it is accurate..... but not mmmmmmmmmmmmmm powerful enough?  Even "powerful" seems to be incorrect.  And this is not some thing about me wanting to kill the dead horse then resurrect it and repeat.  

Euphemism. I couldn't think of words more derogatory that fit the level of offense and affront unless they suggest criminality or something appropriate for a civil suit.

Quote:When I cannot find proper words, something is gravely wrong.  Lots of folks are using lots of strong language concerning this person and these times.  I feel like it is because there is something lacking in the way we are expressing (collectively) about this.  How can so many people be grappling for words in this manner?  Or trying so hard to express themselves about it with such frustration?  

What is the "finger" on?  As in, "can't put your finger on it".  What exactly are people reacting to?  TOXIC?  Ok.  That's pretty broad.  See what I mean?

This is new territory. One must have lived in another country to fully understand what is going on -- some country that lost its democracy through steady erosion.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.


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