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McCain Funeral Proves Partisan Theory Lies & W Exonerated By Michelle For 911 Lies
It became so clear after taking in the events of the funeral, there is no such thing as even a dual party system in America anymore.  It is one controlled UNIT at the top, and then there is the rest of us.

It blasted home to me when seeing W sharing candy for Michelle Obama at that funeral.

BUT WAIT..... with me there is always media involved.  This time, it was the film V For Vendetta (2005).  "Remember, Remember The Fifth Of November".  The ideology is not a person.  It is a thought which lives on in others.  Just because someone point to a donkey instead of an elephant, that does not mean their ideology is so different. The election of W was no less hated than the election in 2016 with the current villain.  Yet, some years have passed and now they are all great friends sitting there playing the Across-Party-Aisle fakery.  All of them had negative things to heap onto the current president while they, themselves, shined as blameless lambs.  We hated some of them THEN, but the love-in proves we can rise above "ignorance" and "hatred" and "unite" across "party lines". 

That made me sick.  Both because the dead are disrespected, but because it shows that these people are not really so different at all.  They all sit down and are friends at the end of the day.  

And since the Fourth Turning authors were Meta Thinkers and viewed things in a top-down manner, I must include the McCain event as part of a whole which includes the Aretha Franklin memorial where the president was also blasted.  Of course, the dead are just husks while this is going on, they are simply being used by the living.  Used to spew politics and political subjectivity at others while using a ceremony for the dead to do it.

I know what some will say "WELL, THEY WEREN'T AS BAD".  Not so much.  They were throwing eggs at W motorcade before even the election itself.  People knew even before the election there would be WAR.  Before 911, some of us knew. But there he is feeding Michelle that candy.  There will be the rest of W's life encased in FORGIVENESS by showing that until the end of time.  W is now no longer the most hated president in recent memory. 

If Papi Bush could understand right now, he would cry a tear for the redemption of his son.  He was always traumatized that America did not understand why W had to avenge 'Merica toward them Ayrabs that want to kill us because we are free.

LOOK!  I have been preaching this in here............. it was only a decade ago when we were in the news with the arcane idea THIS was the whole crux of why America was still in Afghanistant anyway.  THAT "ARABS" ATTACKED US ON 911 BECAUSE WE ARE FREE.  But the president who made that lie a reality just got exonerated by maybe the only people on Earth who could do that: THE OBAMAS!  And not President Obama............. but HIS WIFE!  If Michelle approves, that means you do too.

If the Obamas are forgiving W, that means we truly have never had a choice in any political leaning.

I'm not playing that game... the one where we all appear united by shitting on others.  It's inappropriate.  More importantly, it proves we no longer really have choices with elections.  If W can sit next to Obama to mourn McCain while bashing the current president................ if that is even possible................... they are not different in any way, their policies don't matter, their differences of opinion mean nothing to anyone, and we thought we could choose between 2 parties but in reality this proves they all are one in the beginning just as they are one later on in the end.
V for Vendetta -- excellent movie even if I don't fully like the politics. First, I see the UK as a country less vulnerable to fascism than even the USA. The British Union of Fascists and National Socialists was recognized as a sick joke in the 1930s as the Klan wasn't in America in the 1920s. Second, I have no admiration for Guy Fawkes and his clique even if most ended up as martyrs for being hanged, drawn, and quartered. Third, terrorism is the wrong way to deal with a fascist regime. .

But it better fits America under someone whose initials are D as in deplorable, J as in Judas, and T as in tyrant... and in which FoX Propaganda Channel is the most reliable source of official ideology from the regime.

Dubya was never as bad as Trump is --except that Dubya got his war for profit, something that I consider inevitable for Trump. Will it be Cuba or Venezuela?

...if there is to be a fifty-first state, then let it be Puerto Rico.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

I thought the funeral just showed that the new partisan divide is Trumpers v. non-Trumpers.
Steve Barrera

[A]lthough one would like to change today's world back to the spirit of one hundred years or more ago, it cannot be done. Thus it is important to make the best out of every generation. - Hagakure

Saecular Pages
The McCain funeral eulogies included morals, ethics and ideals. The role of Baby Boomers as Elders in the 4T is to communicate to define and give meaning to these morals, ethics and ideals. Anyone that does not align their behavior and actions with the ideals communicated at the McCain funeral will not have a good outcome during the 4T.
(09-03-2018, 01:29 PM)sbarrera Wrote: I thought the funeral just showed that the new partisan divide is Trumpers v. non-Trumpers.

Definitely; John McCain is seen as a traitor among the Trumpers. I know what these people think since I have spoken with them over twitter and watch YouTube videos by some of these people.
(09-03-2018, 01:29 PM)sbarrera Wrote: I thought the funeral just showed that the new partisan divide is Trumpers v. non-Trumpers.

Conservatives of the old school are learning the hard way that Donald Trump is not one of their own. He has become a Frankenstein monster.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Making conclusions from a funeral is pointless. That event will pass soon. Our real condition is polarized between blue and red, left and right. There are squabbles within each side, and false hopes that polarization can somehow be avoided. That will be put aside. The red side is mostly united behind the extremist Trump, whether McCain was or not. The blue side needs to unite behind a determination and will to act on the issues of equity, gun control, climate reality and democratic reform. In the end it won't matter which generation the blue leaders are from. It won't matter whether the blue team's leaders are supposed to be more moderate or more progressive. The times they are a changing. Leaders will have to act and move us forward, or the people will move them out of the way.

I think McCain's passing is significant; it means the end of Silent Generation compromise. This cycle's reincarnation of Henry Clay is gone. We know what came next. It's up to us to handle it now the best we can.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
People! You are missing the purpose.

There exists no real political "divide" nor difference of action. Up until a few days ago, W was the worst president in living memory, he led America into several wars and a HUGE body count, he was the figurehead that LIED PERPETUALLY about Them Ayrabs Want To Kill Us Cuz We Are Free.............. Barack Obama's ant-W message goes all the way back to CONGRESS in 2004!

Yet they are sitting there like old chums.

Does no one see this? At some point, the current president might be in the same position, sitting with others and blending right in and we will have forgotten 9/4/08 and how we felt about him. Because we CERTAINLY all collectively (in this forum anyway) most of us were INCENSED by W obtaining power in 2000. But here we are ----- forgotten, forgiven, PASSED OVER.

No one cares? No one is seeing this?

Nope, I don't buy "W was not as bad". Absolutely do not buy it. W and his team fomented War, Racism, Global Stereotypes, Outright Lies, False Intelligence, etc................. which led to the DEATH of many Americans and let's not forget the "Ayrabs" that died for us killing them.

The current president has not (yet) sent America into a war scenario with the shedding of blood. He is disgusting filth on a personal level, but any reasonable person would RANK such filth ABOVE someone else who foments war where lives are lost. But W is now forgiven. We now have forgotten about his crimes. With one subtle act of Michelle Obama taking candy from him at a "bipartisan" funeral/love-in.

Forgiven. Forgotten.

I dare anyone reading to contradict this in a rational manner. YOU CAN'T. It proves that there really are not 2 sides to our political process. Because if enough time passes, you will see Nixon, Kennedy, FDR and Reagan in some ungodly 4-some where the politics no longer matter, OUR VOTE no longer matters. We took comfort in 2 parties only to realize (some of us have known for a while) we are only allowed to vote for those whom have already been chosen for us to choose. Call it red or blue or green, there is not much difference at all, and they are all friends anyway.
Making conclusions from a funeral is pointless.

If you think that, why are you even here?  This - to my knowledge - is a forum borne of prognostication and anticipating the future course by examining small things like a funeral and what happens there -- when it involves such high-profile political figures and gestures.

What are you doing here?

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