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Presidential "Skipping" of Silents/Gen X
Silent Generation never got a President.

Gen X is looking on track to do the same with only Beto announcing so far (Nikki Haley is my frontrunner to be a Gen X President).

Is it too early for Buttigieg to win?  He's coming across as the smartest of the candidates and most thought out (other than Warren), and without the polarization of Warren.  If elected he would be the youngest President ever (beating JFK by 3 years).  Is it too early for a Millennial, and the skip of Gen X (humorously this would also shut the door on the Bernie Sanders/Joe Biden Silent Generation last ditch effort to win one)?

My only issue with Buttigieg is that 1982 birthday is barrrrreellly Millennial.  Very cuspy and often included in Gen X.
Youngest gen Xers are still in their 30s, so you must have a crystal ball if you know there was no gen X US President.

The Lost and Progressives got POTUS so it's not a law of nature that nomads or artists cannot win elections. Carter was a Silent in all but birthyear.
(03-18-2019, 12:57 PM)jleagans Wrote: Silent Generation never got a President.

Gen X is looking on track to do the same with only Beto announcing so far (Nikki Haley is my frontrunner to be a Gen X President).

Is it too early for Buttigieg to win?  He's coming across as the smartest of the candidates and most thought out (other than Warren), and without the polarization of Warren.  If elected he would be the youngest President ever (beating JFK by 3 years).  Is it too early for a Millennial, and the skip of Gen X (humorously this would also shut the door on the Bernie Sanders/Joe Biden Silent Generation last ditch effort to win one)?

My only issue with Buttigieg is that 1982 birthday is barrrrreellly Millennial.  Very cuspy and often included in Gen X.

The Silent Generation could still get a president. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden have good abilities as candidates. They are certainly getting up there in age, and could have some trouble holding their support because of this, but they are for now the leaders in the race to succeed an unpopular and incompetent fake president. They will have to do well enough to win in a system now rigged to favor Republicans. I would not predict that they will win; only that they have a chance if Trump screws up badly enough and can't talk and scream his way out of it.

But those two guys, Sanders and Biden, are on the Boomer cusp according to S&H generation dating.

Buttigieg is on the cusp of X/Y-Millennial. Obama was on the Boomer-Xer cusp. But he may turn out to be the only Gen X president, and a cusper at that. So far others who have come forward to run for president from Gen X are not skilled candidates. Those who have the talent within Generation X seem disinclined to run for office. That may be inherent in the nature of that generation; too cynical for civics class. I certainly include Buttigieg and Nikki Haley among those; they will never be elected.

You may know I use some astrological methods to assess the skills of the candidates for president. I have scored and listed all the past and potential candidates here

Another factor that affects Sanders and Biden is that the war baby generation, especially those born in or around their years, 1941-42, are potentially gifted and creative visionaries as indicated by Uranus trine Neptune. But so far their main impact was in the sixties as musicians and youth leaders.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(03-18-2019, 02:07 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(03-18-2019, 12:57 PM)jleagans Wrote: Silent Generation never got a President.

Gen X is looking on track to do the same with only Beto announcing so far (Nikki Haley is my frontrunner to be a Gen X President).

Is it too early for Buttigieg to win?  He's coming across as the smartest of the candidates and most thought out (other than Warren), and without the polarization of Warren.  If elected he would be the youngest President ever (beating JFK by 3 years).  Is it too early for a Millennial, and the skip of Gen X (humorously this would also shut the door on the Bernie Sanders/Joe Biden Silent Generation last ditch effort to win one)?

My only issue with Buttigieg is that 1982 birthday is barrrrreellly Millennial.  Very cuspy and often included in Gen X.

The Silent Generation could still get a president. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden have good abilities as candidates. They are certainly getting up there in age, and could have some trouble holding their support because of this, but they are for now the leaders in the race to succeed an unpopular and incompetent fake president. They will have to do well enough to win in a system now rigged to favor Republicans. I would not predict that they will win; only that they have a chance if Trump screws up badly enough and can't talk and scream his way out of it.

But those two guys, Sanders and Biden, are on the Boomer cusp according to S&H generation dating.

Buttigieg is on the cusp of X/Y-Millennial. Obama was on the Boomer-Xer cusp. But he may turn out to be the only Gen X president, and a cusper at that. So far others who have come forward to run for president from Gen X are not skilled candidates. Those who have the talent within Generation X seem disinclined to run for office. That may be inherent in the nature of that generation; too cynical for civics class. I certainly include Buttigieg and Nikki Haley among those; they will never be elected.

You may know I use some astrological methods to assess the skills of the candidates for president. I have scored and listed all the past and potential candidates here

Another factor that affects Sanders and Biden is that the war baby generation, especially those born in or around their years, 1941-42, are potentially gifted and creative visionaries as indicated by Uranus trine Neptune. But so far their main impact was in the sixties as musicians and youth leaders.

-- Eric, that has crossed my mind 2. It seems 2 me like the Millies are just waiting with baited breath til they can get 1 of their own in the WH. That could happen as soon as 2024 if Bernie or Uncle Joe, 2 offset their own age, choose a Millie as their VP & win. I very much doubt either  of those 2 will run 4 a 2nd term, which would put the Millie VP in the catbird seat. If that VP wins in 2024, l think it will be just like when Kennedy won in 1960. The GIs never looked back. Kept putting their own in the WH untill 1992 when Mr Bill was elected. I suspect the same thing will happen once a Millie gets in as well
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
It occurs 2 me that if you stick the Donald & Pence in a plane & fly it into a mountain, then Ms Nancy would be Prez. So the Silents would finally get a Prez & she'd be female
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
It's a few decades too early say that we won't get a generation X president. We may well see a Gen X president or two during the next 1T.

BTW, though technically a Cusper, Obama acted very much like a Nomad elder. So, even if pre-seasonal, I would say that Obama was the first Nomad president since Eisenhower.
(03-18-2019, 09:09 PM)Tim Randal Walker Wrote: It's a few decades too early say that we won't get a generation X president.  We may well see a Gen X president or two during the next 1T.

BTW, though technically a Cusper, Obama acted very much like a Nomad elder.  So, even if pre-seasonal, I would say that Obama was the first Nomad president since Eisenhower.

-- l agree. I was just pointing out the earliest possible scenario, which is earlier than many if us think. As l said, it depends on either Bernie or Uncle Joe winning next yr & then declining 2 run in 2024. Bernie may pick a Millie running mate as a shout out 2 his Millie supporters. Otoh, Uncle Joe was just bashing Millies (yet again) last week, but he still  may pick a Millie VP if his handlers tell him he needs to to win the election.

More likely l see a Millie Prez maybe in 2032. The 1st cohorts will be 50ish by then & the Crises s/b over. if this Crisis is like the 1850s, like some ppl here maintain, then the Millies s/b throwing their elders out of govt & installing their own once it's over, just like the Transcendentals were tossed out after the Civil War. In that case it was the reactive Gilded doing the tossing, but the Millies are old enough 2 run 4 office, up to & including the Presidency, & as a group they haven't fared very well these past 10 yrs or so. So l wouldn't be surprised after this Crisis ends they will be chucking both Boomers & Xers & electing their own into govt actoss the board bcuz quite frankly, 2 date, we aren't handling this Crisis very well
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(03-18-2019, 10:07 PM)Marypoza Wrote: More likely l see a Millie Prez maybe in 2032. The 1st cohorts will be 50ish by then & the Crises s/b over. if this Crisis is like the 1850s, like some ppl here maintain, then the Millies s/b throwing their elders out of govt & installing their own once it's over, just like the Transcendentals were tossed out after the Civil War. In that case it was the reactive Gilded doing the tossing, but the Millies are old enough 2 run 4 office, up to & including the Presidency, & as a group they haven't fared very well these past 10 yrs or so. So l wouldn't be surprised after this Crisis ends they will be chucking both Boomers & Xers & electing their own into govt actoss the board bcuz quite frankly, 2 date,  we aren't handling this Crisis very well

All this seems right to me. Boomers and Xers have been uniformly poor at running things, so sooner rather than later.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
Obama is X. I don't know how to interpret him. Maybe he is a prime example of a mature Reactive resembling 60-something Reactive adults of the past even if he has yet to reach 60. Maybe he is the only sort of Reactive leader that we like. I think of the worst sort of Reactive possible, the fascists and Stalinist lackeys of the 4T and early 1T who acted with a cynical ruthlessness. Or could it be that Obama has tried to meld the masculinity of Idealist types (for Obama, that would be Boomers) and Civic types (GI or Millennial) into some mixture that he hopes might work, as did the Silent?

Obama looks like an above-average President, and I would not be surprised to see his style replayed in a 60-something X figure during the next 1T.

In any event I see Donald Trump as a failure as a President, and the only remaining question is how catastrophic he will be. If you thought Herbert Hoover ill-suited to meeting the economic meltdown of 1929-1932, then wait till you see Trump should the economy tank. Foreign policy? With a President who alternates between appeasement and warmongering, two of the most dangerous tendencies in foreign policy, we Americans need some luck.

The people most likely to be shut out of the succession to the Presidency look like late-wave Boomers. We are likely to see a full twenty years of Presidents born just after World War II, time in which someone born in the 1950s has had little real chance of becoming President. Maybe Boomers who have gotten the raw end of exploitation by the Boomer elite have a stronger idealism -- and more realism. I contrast the Missionaries, whose birth years among their Presidents were 1865, 1872, 1874, and 1882. Boomers holding the Presidency were born in 1946, 1946, and 1946. There is little room left for a President born in the early 1950s and the late 1950s. Should Trump get re-elected I am not even sure that we will have a Presidency, let alone an America, following him.

Hysteria? I see him as the worst possible leader we could have.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(03-19-2019, 11:04 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: Obama is X. I don't know how to interpret him. Maybe he is a prime example of a mature Reactive resembling 60-something Reactive adults of the past even if he has yet to reach 60. Maybe he is the only sort of Reactive leader that we like. I think of the worst sort of Reactive possible, the fascists and Stalinist lackeys of the 4T and early 1T who acted with a cynical ruthlessness. Or could it be that Obama has tried to meld the masculinity of Idealist types (for Obama, that would be Boomers) and Civic types (GI or Millennial) into some mixture that he hopes might work, as did the Silent?

Obama looks like an above-average President, and I would not be surprised to see his style replayed in a 60-something X figure during the next 1T.

In any event I see Donald Trump as a failure as a President, and the only remaining question is how catastrophic he will be. If you thought Herbert Hoover ill-suited to meeting the economic meltdown of 1929-1932, then wait till you see Trump should the economy tank. Foreign policy? With a President who alternates between appeasement and warmongering, two of the most dangerous tendencies in foreign policy, we Americans need some luck.

The people most likely to be shut out of the succession to the Presidency look like late-wave Boomers. We are likely to see a full twenty years of Presidents born just after World War II, time in which someone born in the 1950s has had little real chance of becoming President. Maybe Boomers who have gotten the raw end of exploitation by the Boomer elite have a stronger idealism -- and more realism. I contrast the Missionaries, whose birth years among their Presidents were 1865, 1872, 1874, and 1882. Boomers holding the Presidency were born in 1946, 1946, and 1946. There is little room left for a President born in the early 1950s and the late 1950s. Should Trump get re-elected I am not even sure that we will have a Presidency, let alone an America, following him.

Hysteria? I see him as the worst possible leader we could have.

I see these possibilities differently. I do think cusps are valid, and that Obama is as much as cross between Boomer and Xer as you could find. I guess you could say he blends the ability to see from a wide idealistic perspective with the ability to get ruthless and pragmatic. Other cuspers on either side thus might well produce another above average president of a similar kind. Using my horoscope scores as a guide, which seem to correspond with candidate ability, the late boomers still seem likely to produce a president, while most of Generation X might be skipped. 

Prophets tend to produce even more presidential failures than great leaders, historically, though they have produced both-- and yet it was the prophet-nomad cuspers and hybrids who were those great ones, so there could indeed be more. McAuliffe and Landrieu seem to fit the bill. What effect the failures W.Bush and Trump will have on the office and the nation in the long run, we don't know. But we have had failed presidents before; though perhaps not on the scale of Trump before.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(03-18-2019, 04:49 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(03-18-2019, 02:07 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(03-18-2019, 12:57 PM)jleagans Wrote: Silent Generation never got a President.

Gen X is looking on track to do the same with only Beto announcing so far (Nikki Haley is my frontrunner to be a Gen X President).

Is it too early for Buttigieg to win?  He's coming across as the smartest of the candidates and most thought out (other than Warren), and without the polarization of Warren.  If elected he would be the youngest President ever (beating JFK by 3 years).  Is it too early for a Millennial, and the skip of Gen X (humorously this would also shut the door on the Bernie Sanders/Joe Biden Silent Generation last ditch effort to win one)?

My only issue with Buttigieg is that 1982 birthday is barrrrreellly Millennial.  Very cuspy and often included in Gen X.

The Silent Generation could still get a president. Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden have good abilities as candidates. They are certainly getting up there in age, and could have some trouble holding their support because of this, but they are for now the leaders in the race to succeed an unpopular and incompetent fake president. They will have to do well enough to win in a system now rigged to favor Republicans. I would not predict that they will win; only that they have a chance if Trump screws up badly enough and can't talk and scream his way out of it.

But those two guys, Sanders and Biden, are on the Boomer cusp according to S&H generation dating.

Buttigieg is on the cusp of X/Y-Millennial. Obama was on the Boomer-Xer cusp. But he may turn out to be the only Gen X president, and a cusper at that. So far others who have come forward to run for president from Gen X are not skilled candidates. Those who have the talent within Generation X seem disinclined to run for office. That may be inherent in the nature of that generation; too cynical for civics class. I certainly include Buttigieg and Nikki Haley among those; they will never be elected.

You may know I use some astrological methods to assess the skills of the candidates for president. I have scored and listed all the past and potential candidates here

Another factor that affects Sanders and Biden is that the war baby generation, especially those born in or around their years, 1941-42, are potentially gifted and creative visionaries as indicated by Uranus trine Neptune. But so far their main impact was in the sixties as musicians and youth leaders.

-- Eric, that has crossed my mind 2. It seems 2 me like the Millies are just waiting with baited breath til they can get 1 of their own in the WH. That could happen as soon as 2024 if Bernie or Uncle Joe, 2 offset their own age, choose a Millie as their VP & win. I very much doubt either  of those 2 will run 4 a 2nd term, which would put the Millie VP in the catbird seat. If that VP wins in 2024, l think it will be just like when Kennedy won in 1960. The GIs never looked back. Kept putting their own in the WH untill 1992 when Mr Bill was elected. I suspect the same thing will happen once a Millie gets in as well

That's entirely possible. Of course by the time Kennedy was elected, in the late 1T, we had had two successful nomad presidents. But Boomers and Xers could be overthrown from the presidency more quickly. The Boomer/Xer cusp does still seem fruitful though.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
If there is a possibility of a Silent president, I wouldn't yet write off a candidate from the '50s cohorts. Certainly not the late '50s cohorts, as they are substantially younger than the Woodstock Wave.
I figure that if we get a Silent president, he will be the only one from his generation. Those guys are getting to be just too old.

As I figure it:

1. Possibility of a Silent winning the next presidential election. I see this as the last chance for the Silents.

2. Possibility of a '50s cohort candidate winning the presidency late in the 4'T. If late '50s cohort, may be a Cusper.

Come the 1T, we may see one or two mature Nomads in the presidency. In late 1T I expect a Millenial president.
(03-20-2019, 11:12 AM)Tim Randal Walker Wrote: I figure that if we get a Silent president, he will be the only one from his generation.  Those guys are getting to be just too old.

As I figure it:

1.  Possibility of a Silent winning the next presidential election.  I see this as the last chance for the Silents.

2.  Possibility of a '50s cohort candidate winning the presidency late in the 4'T.  If late '50s cohort, may be a Cusper.

Come the 1T, we may see one or two mature Nomads in the presidency.  In late 1T I expect a Millenial president.

That seems right.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Obama was the first Gen X president. 

If you go by Strauss and Howe's timeline he is Gen X, and while he is definitely a Gen Joneser, he seems more Gen X-like to me than Boomer-like.  He is too cautious and lacking in narcissism to be a Boomer.
(03-22-2019, 08:54 AM)gabrielle Wrote: Obama was the first Gen X president. 

If you go by Strauss and Howe's timeline he is Gen X, and while he is definitely a Gen Joneser, he seems more Gen X-like to me than Boomer-like.  He is too cautious and lacking in narcissism to be a Boomer.

Those seem like valid points. The difference, though, is that he did not go along with the individualist Reaganoid program, like most Gen X politicians have. He has greater vision and awareness of history, a boomer trait. No Gen X politicians have come forward yet of either party who have the ability to win a general election for the USA presidency. Gen Xers are too cynical for civics class. Those who can win have thus stayed apart from politics.

No, Beto can't win. His score is 11-26. Harris can't win. Her score is 4-16. Gillibrand 8-13, and Booker 6-7. So on with any Gen X contender you look at. The traits that make them losers will soon be obvious. Trump still can beat any known potential Gen X challenger in his party, according to his score.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(03-22-2019, 04:16 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(03-22-2019, 08:54 AM)gabrielle Wrote: Obama was the first Gen X president. 

If you go by Strauss and Howe's timeline he is Gen X, and while he is definitely a Gen Joneser, he seems more Gen X-like to me than Boomer-like.  He is too cautious and lacking in narcissism to be a Boomer.

Those seem like valid points. The difference, though, is that he did not go along with the individualist Reaganoid program, like most Gen X politicians have. He has greater vision and awareness of history, a boomer trait. No Gen X politicians have come forward yet of either party who have the ability to win a general election for the USA presidency. Gen Xers are too cynical for civics class. Those who can win have thus stayed apart from politics.

No, Beto can't win. His score is 11-26. Harris can't win. Her score is 4-16. Gillibrand 8-13, and Booker 6-7. So on with any Gen X contender you look at. The traits that make them losers will soon be obvious. Trump still can beat any known potential Gen X challenger in his party, according to his score.

-- let's hope the DNC won't insist on nominating any of them.
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(03-22-2019, 05:11 PM)Marypoza Wrote:
(03-22-2019, 04:16 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(03-22-2019, 08:54 AM)gabrielle Wrote: Obama was the first Gen X president. 

If you go by Strauss and Howe's timeline he is Gen X, and while he is definitely a Gen Joneser, he seems more Gen X-like to me than Boomer-like.  He is too cautious and lacking in narcissism to be a Boomer.

Those seem like valid points. The difference, though, is that he did not go along with the individualist Reaganoid program, like most Gen X politicians have. He has greater vision and awareness of history, a boomer trait. No Gen X politicians have come forward yet of either party who have the ability to win a general election for the USA presidency. Gen Xers are too cynical for civics class. Those who can win have thus stayed apart from politics.

No, Beto can't win. His score is 11-26. Harris can't win. Her score is 4-16. Gillibrand 8-13, and Booker 6-7. So on with any Gen X contender you look at. The traits that make them losers will soon be obvious. Trump still can beat any known potential Gen X challenger in his party, according to his score.

-- let's hope the DNC won't insist on nominating any of them.

Indeed, but their power could not have nominated Hillary (the voters did that), and their power is reduced this time as well.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(03-22-2019, 04:16 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(03-22-2019, 08:54 AM)gabrielle Wrote: Obama was the first Gen X president. 

If you go by Strauss and Howe's timeline he is Gen X, and while he is definitely a Gen Joneser, he seems more Gen X-like to me than Boomer-like.  He is too cautious and lacking in narcissism to be a Boomer.

Those seem like valid points. The difference, though, is that he did not go along with the individualist Reaganoid program, like most Gen X politicians have. He has greater vision and awareness of history, a boomer trait. No Gen X politicians have come forward yet of either party who have the ability to win a general election for the USA presidency. Gen Xers are too cynical for civics class. Those who can win have thus stayed apart from politics.

No, Beto can't win. His score is 11-26. Harris can't win. Her score is 4-16. Gillibrand 8-13, and Booker 6-7. So on with any Gen X contender you look at. The traits that make them losers will soon be obvious. Trump still can beat any known potential Gen X challenger in his party, according to his score.

I can't really see what these politicians' scores according to your astrological system have to do with whether Obama is Gen X or not.

And since Trump is a Boomer does that mean that he has "greater vision and awareness of history?"
(03-22-2019, 10:34 PM)gabrielle Wrote:
(03-22-2019, 04:16 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(03-22-2019, 08:54 AM)gabrielle Wrote: Obama was the first Gen X president. 

If you go by Strauss and Howe's timeline he is Gen X, and while he is definitely a Gen Joneser, he seems more Gen X-like to me than Boomer-like.  He is too cautious and lacking in narcissism to be a Boomer.

Those seem like valid points. The difference, though, is that he did not go along with the individualist Reaganoid program, like most Gen X politicians have. He has greater vision and awareness of history, a boomer trait. No Gen X politicians have come forward yet of either party who have the ability to win a general election for the USA presidency. Gen Xers are too cynical for civics class. Those who can win have thus stayed apart from politics.

No, Beto can't win. His score is 11-26. Harris can't win. Her score is 4-16. Gillibrand 8-13, and Booker 6-7. So on with any Gen X contender you look at. The traits that make them losers will soon be obvious. Trump still can beat any known potential Gen X challenger in his party, according to his score.

I can't really see what these politicians' scores according to your astrological system have to do with whether Obama is Gen X or not.

And since Trump is a Boomer does that mean that he has "greater vision and awareness of history?"

Big Grin Wink Smile Tongue Spongebobdance  Bart   good one!
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart

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