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Still-powerful Silents
(03-18-2019, 04:29 PM)Marypoza Wrote: Seriously,  the Millies as a group have not fared well  economically these past 10 yrs. From shitty jobs to low home ownership, as a group they are not checking off the boxes we consider "doing well" The oldest among them are pushing 40, most of them are not kidz anymore. As Civics, they s/b the group sizing up candiidstes on the issues, & how said candidates will better society as a whole, if l am interpreting S&H correctly. As Gabrielle so nicely put it, Beto isn't the advocate for the ppl we really need right now. The Civics s/b able 2 sniff that out (esp if this old Boomer can) l'll go with Rags on this 1 & say he's an empty suit. The Millies have already fallen en masse 4 1 empty suit. I'm guessing the majority of them, if not older & wiser, are @ least once bitten twice shy. But we'll see.

Beto may be the empty suit you claim, but that's hardly the point.  The only real point: who gets traction.  Beto launched with $6.2Million in small donations.  That gives him bragging rights for not taking big money, while fully funding him for the entire front end of this campaign.  Others will be fund raising; he'll be campaigning.  Don't discount highly effective tactics -- even those in support of a Nothingburger strategy.

Marypoza Wrote:As 4 Tulsi, if by foreign involvement you mean  stop tossing good $$ after bad into those black holes known as Afghanistan & Iraq, & maybe Syria, then l have no problem with that. As l said, that $ can be better spent. Funny how we never have $ 4 health care, infrastructure,  or other improvements 2 our country- & now the Donald wants 2 take away $ from Medicare & Social Security- but there's plenty of $ 2 throw into those black holes. Then there's the immorality of sending young kidz into that mess 2 be machine gun fodder. She is reviving the peace movement in that bam-bam killed. What's wrong with that? That said, maybe Tulsi would make a better VP candidate than 4 Prez this time out. Again we'll see.

I think you missed my point.  Electing to walk away is not a strategy that actually works.  Ask Obama about his no-involvement strategy in Syria.  We're not the only players on the chessboard, nor are we exempt from the sort of blowback the EU has felt by playing that game themselves.  Opt out and we might get flooded with refugees.  Ours will come from the rolling disaster to our south as well as the Middle East.  

If you want to be proactive, double or even triple State Department funding, solicit every qualified diplomat we have floating around out there, and start working the problems from that angle.  Expect to spend money to stabilize areas we've destabilized, of which there are many.  Note: this is not something that can accomplished instantly.  We stupidly decided to be arrogant and just take charge in some places, walk away in others, and destroyed a lot of local assets in the process.  They need to be rebuilt, and we're about the only option for doing that.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(03-19-2019, 10:00 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(03-18-2019, 04:29 PM)Marypoza Wrote: Seriously,  the Millies as a group have not fared well  economically these past 10 yrs. From shitty jobs to low home ownership, as a group they are not checking off the boxes we consider "doing well" The oldest among them are pushing 40, most of them are not kidz anymore. As Civics, they s/b the group sizing up candiidstes on the issues, & how said candidates will better society as a whole, if l am interpreting S&H correctly. As Gabrielle so nicely put it, Beto isn't the advocate for the ppl we really need right now. The Civics s/b able 2 sniff that out (esp if this old Boomer can) l'll go with Rags on this 1 & say he's an empty suit. The Millies have already fallen en masse 4 1 empty suit. I'm guessing the majority of them, if not older & wiser, are @ least once bitten twice shy. But we'll see.

Beto may be the empty suit you claim, but that's hardly the point.  The only real point: who gets traction.  Beto launched with $6.2Million in small donations.  That gives him bragging rights for not taking big money, while fully funding him for the entire front end of this campaign.  Others will be fund raising; he'll be campaigning.  Don't discount highly effective tactics -- even those in support of a Nothingburger strategy.

Marypoza Wrote:As 4 Tulsi, if by foreign involvement you mean  stop tossing good $$ after bad into those black holes known as Afghanistan & Iraq, & maybe Syria, then l have no problem with that. As l said, that $ can be better spent. Funny how we never have $ 4 health care, infrastructure,  or other improvements 2 our country- & now the Donald wants 2 take away $ from Medicare & Social Security- but there's plenty of $ 2 throw into those black holes. Then there's the immorality of sending young kidz into that mess 2 be machine gun fodder. She is reviving the peace movement in that bam-bam killed. What's wrong with that? That said, maybe Tulsi would make a better VP candidate than 4 Prez this time out. Again we'll see.

I think you missed my point.  Electing to walk away is not a strategy that actually works.  Ask Obama about his no-involvement strategy in Syria.  We're not the only players on the chessboard, nor are we exempt from the sort of blowback the EU has felt by playing that game themselves.  Opt out and we might get flooded with refugees.  Ours will come from the rolling disaster to our south as well as the Middle East.  

If you want to be proactive, double or even triple State Department funding, solicit every qualified diplomat we have floating around out there, and start working the problems from that angle.  Expect to spend money to stabilize areas we've destabilized, of which there are many.  Note: this is not something that can accomplished instantly.  We stupidly decided to be arrogant and just take charge in some places, walk away in others, and destroyed a lot of local assets in the process.  They need to be rebuilt, and we're about the only option for doing that.

-'- supposedly most of the $ Beto "raised" comes from his failed Senate bid. How true that is l dunno. We'll see how well he does going forth

This pretty much confirms (not only) my suspicion that Beto is being pimped by obots, & evidentally not just Millies. Maybe you're right & l'm just being 2 optimistic about them as a group  being able 2 see thru this clown. 

I'm all 4 diplomatic solutions 2 problems. I believe that's what Dennis & Tulsi were arttempting when they met with Assad. Also the Donald meeting with that little Korean fratboy.  Which is why l don't care 4 these Dems whining about it & accusing the Donald of supporting dictators. Look, l'm no fan of the Donald either, but if he can get fratboy 2  point his missile toys away from here more power 2 him. As it turned out, however, fratboy picked up his missles, l mean marbles & stormed out
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
Found an even better link re: Beto's voting record:

Beto's also a Big Oil ho:

FWIW the Donald clocks in @ #20

I guess the reason l can see thru Beto is bcuz he strikes me as a cheapass Kennedy knock off. Ppl me why l support Bernie so wholeheartedly. It's bcuz he's an old school small d dem. He reminds me of those Dem pols from the 1960s & 70s when l was growing up. Bobby Kennedy was 1 of those pols. They even have the same name- Robert Francis. But Beto is no Bobby, who is no doubt spinning in his grave re: Beto's voting record. 2 be fair many Millies are not fooled l see them trashing Beto in other discussion groups. But l can see where some Millies would be fooled- if you have no memory of Bobby, you wouldn't know what a big fake Beto is
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
This thread has been horribly derailed. Does the forum software allow admins to move posts into a new, "spillover" thread? Except for Gabrielle many people here miss the point of the thread.
As a rule, Civic youth not born into the economic elite get a raw deal early in life, By current standards, the GI Generation lived rather hardscrabble lives. Once the Crisis is over they typically make things better for themselves and others. Things kept getting worse for children and then young adults.

Millennial adults get much lower real pay than their Boom and X predecessors and pay the highest rents and taxes. They are getting a raw deal even if nobody intended to hurt them.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(03-23-2019, 09:04 PM)Hintergrund Wrote: This thread has been horribly derailed. Does the forum software allow admins to move posts into a new, "spillover" thread? Except for Gabrielle many people here miss the point of the thread.

Getting off-topic is so common that it's almost surprising when it doesn't happen.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
FWIW, I don't think it's persisting Silents so much as those with massive wealth who are making things so hard to change. The rich usually support the status quo because it got them where they are, and they have the extra cash to invest that others simply don't. Are most of them older? Of course, but it's not their age so much as their wealth that makes them dangerous.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
Honestly, if either Biden or Sanders gets elected I cannot see them serving two full terms considering they would be in their late '80s by the time they left office, an age when most people are at death's door. At that point most of their generation literally would be "silent" since they would almost all be dead.
(04-07-2019, 01:51 AM)GeekyCynic Wrote: Honestly, if either Biden or Sanders gets elected I cannot see them serving two full terms considering they would be in their late '80s by the time they left office, an age when most people are at death's door. At that point most of their generation literally would be "silent" since they would almost all be dead.

-- 4wiw l think Uncle Joe's touchy feely antics will are sinking his run b4 it even bgins
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(03-25-2019, 01:11 PM)David Horn Wrote: FWIW, I don't think it's persisting Silents so much as those with massive wealth who are making things so hard to change.  The rich usually support the status quo because it got them where they are, and they have the extra cash to invest that others simply don't.  Are most of them older? Of course, but it's not their age so much as their wealth that makes them dangerous.

Yes that's right. Some of each, no doubt, but more the wealth.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(04-07-2019, 11:30 AM)Marypoza Wrote:
(04-07-2019, 01:51 AM)GeekyCynic Wrote: Honestly, if either Biden or Sanders gets elected I cannot see them serving two full terms considering they would be in their late '80s by the time they left office, an age when most people are at death's door. At that point most of their generation literally would be "silent" since they would almost all be dead.

-- 4wiw l think Uncle Joe's touchy feely antics will are sinking his run b4 it even begins

I'll bet on the opposite.  The #MeToo movement, like all movements in the past, doesn't seem to know when to pull back on the throttle.  Accusing Uncle Joe of being a predator is the first crack in the meme of always believing women, regardless.  It was absurd in any case.  Women are not inherently more honest than men, and making that a rule brought out every opportunist in the body politic.  This may be the case where that becomes obvious, and that will hurt women who have legitimate claims most of all.  That's not to say that Uncle Joe is a paragon of virtue, but he's certainly not a predator.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(04-11-2019, 10:27 AM)David Horn Wrote:
(04-07-2019, 11:30 AM)Marypoza Wrote:
(04-07-2019, 01:51 AM)GeekyCynic Wrote: Honestly, if either Biden or Sanders gets elected I cannot see them serving two full terms considering they would be in their late '80s by the time they left office, an age when most people are at death's door. At that point most of their generation literally would be "silent" since they would almost all be dead.

-- 4wiw l think Uncle Joe's touchy feely antics will are sinking his run b4 it even begins

I'll bet on the opposite.  The #MeToo movement, like all movements in the past, doesn't seem to know when to pull back on the throttle.  Accusing Uncle Joe of being a predator is the first crack in the meme of always believing women, regardless.  It was absurd in any case.  Women are not inherently more honest than men, and making that a rule brought out every opportunist in the body politic.  This may be the case where that becomes obvious, and that will hurt women who have legitimate claims most of all.  That's not to say that Uncle Joe is a paragon of virtue, but he's certainly not a predator.

Exactly so.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(03-25-2019, 01:11 PM)David Horn Wrote: FWIW, I don't think it's persisting Silents so much as those with massive wealth who are making things so hard to change.  The rich usually support the status quo because it got them where they are, and they have the extra cash to invest that others simply don't.  Are most of them older? Of course, but it's not their age so much as their wealth that makes them dangerous.

The Silents put their fortune above their ideologies. The Boomers do the opposite. But both are most responsible for the current mess.
There's also a different power the Silents have: Many of them are parents of somebody. Often shitty parents, but not everybody is willing to break with them. "Honor thy father and thy mother", all that shit.

Soo... since these Silents may have witnessed the last World War, or even some dictatorship, they might influence their kids to avoid this, in whatever way.

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