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Big Lies
Eric the Green Wrote:The lesson for individuals is, as I see it, not to boycott everything.

Well, of course it depends for the reason[s] for boycotting.  Facefuck should be boycotted by those who don't care to have Fuckerburg's creation funneling private information to assorted agencies of spydom. Then of course is another reason in that some of use don't care to be  commodized products in exchange for a "free service".
Now, of course "everything" is a broad stroke. I see nothing, nothing wrong at all for boycotting a subset of info sources for assorted reasons. Part of course is due to upbringing. Lots of stuff got boycotted in the 1970's. Boycotts were a meme of the 1970's. If you were "there" like Rags as a teenager, that meme has rubbed off and is a modus operandi for tossing a virtual Molotov cocktail at stuff. Other early Xer's here show more or less proclivities , as exhibited in their own posts to their own things of derision. Now, a cross reference to Generations, shows that early 1960's cohorts sucked at test taking but excelled at arson. So, there you go Millies for future direct action sorta thingies, are your to go folks. Some Millies are very lucky, very lucky indeed in that selfsame parents happen to be in the group of aforementioned premo fire makers! Yes, you lucky ducks you, you're indeed special, but not special snowflakes. No, y'all are special in you actually deserve everyone [who has parents born in the early 1960's ] have special parents. We all know that special rubs off where it exists, and we have for sure special Millies! Cool Like I said, proclivities.  Like one early 1960's cohort has derision of the source of Molotov coctails, Russia. Yes indeed, just look at the word, "Molotov".  That word has Russian written all over because it ends with -ov. It's like Boris Badanov.

[Image: Boris_natasha_fearless.jpg]

Boris, that's also Russian if I ever saw it.  Yes, that's a Russian name. Let's look see in Wikipedia:

Wikipedia Wrote:Boris, Borys or Barys (Bulgarian, Russian, Serbian, Ukrainian: Борис; Belarusian: Барыс) is a male name of Bulgarian origin.[1] Nowadays, it is most widely represented in Russia (by the number of the name carriers), almost equally in Belarus, less in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Ukraine. In recent generations it has also been used among speakers of Germanic (continental and Anglo-Frisian) and, to a lesser extent, Romance languages.

We do need a bit of digging for confirmation purposes.  See the lady to the right of Boris.  That's Natasha.  Natasha is cool because she smokes. Yes, she's awesome for that, for sure.

So, lets get to Wiki again for some info:

Wiki Wrote:Natasha (Russian: Ната́ша) is a name of Slavic and also Hindu, Sanskrit origin. The slavic name is the diminutive form of Natalia, which means "child born on Christmas". It was traditionally given to girls born in December.[1][unreliable source?]. The Indian Hindu name has several meanings in Sanskrit including, 'of subdued desire'.

I think we're pretty much there. Like, Boris, Natasha is a Russian name for the most part.  So in the Rocky and Bullwinkle show, Spotsylvania is a codeword for the USSR and Boris's hat for sure has to be a symbol for GRU/Spetznav [special forces] in Russian.

Quote:The answer is to use your thinking, reading and intuitive skills, like a human being, instead of like a typical Trump follower. Don't be swept away by emotions and cling to ideologies. Don't believe everything you read; check it out. Compare to known data.

Yes, use your thinking, also for some preemptive culling of news sources is also good. Yes, it's good. It's good because there are so many news sources. However that should be balanced to keep a buffer overflow from happening. Yes it should Buffer overflows occur when a given news site has lots of assorted garbage. Yes, assorted garbage. We don't need no stinkin' garbage! Beavisbutthead Seee... what sinkin'g garbage does. It turns ppl into Beavis and Buttheads, yes it does. That's what MTV for example does after it jumped the shark and started reality TeeVee instead of stickin'g to its knitting of playing music. Yes, that what MTV used to do, but doesn't do that now. Not it doesn't It has a plethora of stinkin' reality shit. Yes it does. That's why it jumped the shark.

Quote:We are stuck with someone owning media outlets, which means they manipulate you to get more business from you;

I look at alt-media on the interwebs and blogs. Rags lives 90 miles from TeeVee stations which means he'd have to cough up $50.00/month to pay for almost worthless content.  Rags will not flush money down that shitter, no Rags will not do that because that is bad. Rags does not want to pay extortion of 7$/customer to ESPN because ESPN sux! Rags also despises Mickey Mouse always getting his copyright extended. That is bad. Disney needs a boycott for armtwisting assorted governments into keeping Mickey Mouse and other Disney shit copyrighted. Disney is an evil, evil company for doing that stuff. Yes, that company is evil and must pay for its misdeeds! Finally, from Halloween until December 24th, it's basically Black Friday, everyday.  This is also evil, evil, evil. Lot's of our fellow Americans get duped into a meme that they MUST go out and buy shit their friends and family do not need with money, they themselves do not have. That's why there are Christmas loans out there. People get exposed to canned Christmas music which is a dog whistle to let go of financial sanity and blow a bunch of dough on Christmas presents. This is why Rags has smart firewall rules to block out Google. Google is evil, evil evil. Google stores data on those who use it and passes that stuff to the NSA. The NSA is evil, evil, evil because it blows off the 4th amendment rights. The best thing to do wrt NSA is don't use interweb stuff that's directly connected, like Google. Google searches should be replaced with  Duckduckgo is righteous. Yes it is, because why? That's because duckduckgo does not save search results. No it doesn't. That means if gets a "hand over data" from, they have nothing to hand over. That's why duckduckgo is awesome. Did I tell everyone is awesome?  Yes, is awesome.

Quote:unless we want the government owning them. Not a much better prospect.

We have US government ownership of our own versions of Pravda. Pravda is also a Russian word. Yes, it is.
Here is the link to pravda.
Seee.... Pravda has weird Russian letters, yes it does. It also has the .ru at the end of its web url. That means it's Russian. Yes it is. It's Russian.  The Russians are lying because "pravda" means "truth" thereabouts in English. Yes, that's what "pravda" means. However, the website "pravda" is most likely propaganda because all of those letters are weird which means Rags can't read a damn thing on that web site.   Now... going a bit further. We also have the Russian Times here.   . Yes, here's the Russian Times website. It's Russian well, obviously it calls itself the Russian Times. That means Russians write stuff for it. Yes they do.  It's like Voice of America.  That's the US's version of pravda. Yes it is. The US has it's own pravda because the US has to match Russia in the media wars just like what happened in the Cold War. Yes, that's what VOA is, American styled "pravda". Finally, PBS is for the most part government run. There is of course some input from private sponsors. Yes there is, from private sponsors. Nothing bites the hand that feeds it. Nope, that normally does not happen because it shows shoot oneself in the foot stupidity. Yes, shoot in foot stupidity.

Quote:I'm glad some pressure has been put on facebook to be a gatekeeper,
Yes, but if you have "friends" on Facefuck, you get notified about all of their "likes".  Yes you will. I used to have Facefuck but got rid of 3 different accounts because Zynga pulled Mafia Wars. I was using Facefuck as a gaming platform, yes I was. A gaming platform. The gaming platform used to be awesome, yet it did. But Zynga pulled Mafia Wars, so Rag's use for Facefuck disapeared overnight. Yes, overnight. So I deleted everything and canceled all 3 accounts straight away because Facefuck no longer served a purpose. If Facefuck isn't serving a purpose, Rags got rid of it. Yes, got rid of it. Yes he did.

Quote:like reputable news companies used to be. Facebook is not that, but at least it's something-- although too late to avoid irreparable harm to the people and the planet they depend on.

See... Lot's of folks don't trust Lamestream Media. No they don't. Lamestream Media has been dumbed down. Yes it has, dumbed down. Rags does not want to watch shit like Kardashians.  No, Kardashians and stuff like that suck green donkey dicks. Yes, green donkey dicks, yeah, for sure. And yeah, of course Lamestream Media fucks up the environment. Yes they do.  The Lamestream media promotes wasteful consumption on stupid shit that gets advertised like cheap shit that breaks in a year from China. Yes, all of that cheap stuff from China is bad, bad for the earth because lots of that stuff has pthalates like binkies, toys, etc. Cheap stuff from China goes from Wally World shelves into the landfill in a few months. Yes that's all it takes, just a few months for that shit to break. Oh, and pthalates are endocrine disruptors.  Yes, endocrine disruptors.  Those scramle sex hormone signaling. Yes that's what they do. That's why there's been a rise in diabetes type II, obesity, and sex organ confusion. Endocrine disruptors put boobs on guys and no menstrual times on girls. Yes, that's what happens.  After that some cheap plastic get turned into shards. Wildlife in the oceans thinks that stuff is food , eat that, tummies get clogged with plastic shards, and then they die. Yes, die. So that's how it works.  Cheap shit gets advertised on Lamestream Media , gets bought, it breaks, goes thrown "away", but "away" is always "somewhere", so cheap plastic stuff get exposed to UV which turns it into shards which then get eaten by wildlife, which then die. So yeah, see theres any number of reasons assorted folks choose to boycott the MSM.


---- Rags , Esq. Cool
---Value Added Cool
(12-15-2016, 04:27 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(12-15-2016, 12:16 PM)Warren Dew Wrote:
(12-15-2016, 07:58 AM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(12-15-2016, 04:40 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: That is the big lie. Socialism is not our problem; capitalism is our problem. Always has been.

I'd say the problem is elite classes gathering too much power, unchecked by the working classes.  This problem manifests under either capitalism or socialism.  The communists took it to quite an extreme, but the capitalists are working on it.

The capitalist extreme is fascism, where the free market is displaced by government sanctioned oligopoly.  That has been tried too.

The crisis cannot be resolved from the top down, not intentionally.  At least some of the elites must be cut down to size, one way or another.  It's not going to happen voluntarily.

Finally. a point of agreement!  Yes, the elites have to be reduced in stature -- especially the moneyed elites.  Lets assume that the French and Russian solutions are off the table, what do you suggest?

I'd say "especially the political elites".  I'm not sure we get that much of a choice, though.

From a personal point of view, I rather hope the U.S. takes the Queen Victoria solution, or at least the US in WWII solution:  let the crisis come to a head overseas so it doesn't kill millions of people here.  That would probably mean overseas elites take the brunt of the blow, too.

If that's off the table, a massive and long term stock market crash that destroys the investment elites might do the trick, if we can figure out how to get there from here.  With the production elites in power, they might decide it's in their interest to destroy the investment elites.  The trick is for the production elites to stay in power after the crash to ensure the crash is a long term thing.

Massive government deficits might do the trick as it would raise interest rates and depress asset values, though it might also cripple the government for a few decades.  Come to think of it, that might be a win-win.
(12-16-2016, 02:47 AM)Warren Dew Wrote:
(12-15-2016, 04:27 PM)David Horn Wrote:
(12-15-2016, 12:16 PM)Warren Dew Wrote:
(12-15-2016, 07:58 AM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(12-15-2016, 04:40 AM)Eric the Green Wrote: That is the big lie. Socialism is not our problem; capitalism is our problem. Always has been.

I'd say the problem is elite classes gathering too much power, unchecked by the working classes.  This problem manifests under either capitalism or socialism.  The communists took it to quite an extreme, but the capitalists are working on it.

The capitalist extreme is fascism, where the free market is displaced by government sanctioned oligopoly.  That has been tried too.

The crisis cannot be resolved from the top down, not intentionally.  At least some of the elites must be cut down to size, one way or another.  It's not going to happen voluntarily.

Finally. a point of agreement!  Yes, the elites have to be reduced in stature -- especially the moneyed elites.  Lets assume that the French and Russian solutions are off the table, what do you suggest?

I'd say "especially the political elites".  I'm not sure we get that much of a choice, though.

From a personal point of view, I rather hope the U.S. takes the Queen Victoria solution, or at least the US in WWII solution:  let the crisis come to a head overseas so it doesn't kill millions of people here.  That would probably mean overseas elites take the brunt of the blow, too.

If that's off the table, a massive and long term stock market crash that destroys the investment elites might do the trick, if we can figure out how to get there from here.  With the production elites in power, they might decide it's in their interest to destroy the investment elites.  The trick is for the production elites to stay in power after the crash to ensure the crash is a long term thing.

Massive government deficits might do the trick as it would raise interest rates and depress asset values, though it might also cripple the government for a few decades.  Come to think of it, that might be a win-win.

The elites in America are not the political officeholders; they are the big business interests. They own the country and the people.

The Crisis is happening here, in the USA, and it's the USA that will feel the brunt of it. There will be crises overseas too. It's one saeculum now, everywhere. The result of letting things come to a head is, as we've already seen in Syria, even more chaos that will bite us at home.

An economic crisis is likely toward the end of the decade. This could hurt the Republicans. There's no difference between "production elites" and "investment elites." Where do you get such an idea? Capitalists are capitalists, and their activities overlap.

Crippling the government is a lose-lose. Crippling Republican power is a win-win.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Blogs and alt media are no substitute for the MSM. A quick look at the TV News or google news at least gives me basic info on what's going on, though not too much in depth. A lot of folks don't even get that anymore. The first 15 minutes of national network news is good, at least on CBS. For the rest, it's mostly entertainment. But if you boycott it, chances are you may not even know what's going on, and can therefore be deceived by fake news on the internet.

How many people were deceived to believe that the Syrian Civil War was caused by United States intervention and support for terrorists? How many forgot that it was a rising for freedom by the people crushed by their dictator and their Russian and Iranian allies? Lots of folks did, including you Rags. The result of USA inaction in Syria is one of the worst genocidal exterminations of our time.

Neither blogs nor MSM are to be believed without taking huge grains of salt, and much thought. Blogs have no dedication at all to the truth; only the interests and prejudices of the blog owner. They can be interesting, but not to be believed without confirmation. The internet can be used for that.

PBS is not government run. Most government funding has been cut since Reagan. But they do have some corporate donors. The Newshour tries to accomodate and not offend the powers-that-be, because of their power of propaganda that arouses the right wing population to complain. So again, I watch it, but I get upset when they buckle under. Democracy Now can be a good alternative, when it's not boring. Non-profit organizations can supply some good news, although their resources are limited.

I think many people, and "populists" both left and right, are terribly misinformed and deceived by lies and fake news; and that's why we got Donald Trump and GOP control. I'm glad facebook is making some effort to control fake news. As a major purveyor (transmitter, not originator) of it, it is their responsibility to do this. I don't care what they do with my data; at least not so far. But with Trump in office, I might later. He is a potential dictator, while I do not consider Obama or potentially Hillary to have been such, despite some inappropriate stuff they did.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
Eric The Green Wrote:Blogs and alt media are no substitute for the MSM. A quick look at the TV News or google news at least gives me basic info on what's going on, though not too much in depth. A lot of folks don't even get that anymore. The first 15 minutes of national network news is good, at least on CBS. For the rest, it's mostly entertainment. But if you boycott it, chances are you may not even know what's going on, and can therefore be deceived by fake news on the internet.
Eric needs a  refresh.  Rags can't MSM in any event because he lives 90 miles from TeeVee stations. Besides, the MSM has discredited itself as such.

Yeah, I know what yer thinking, but this is real.  They just can't accept their losses, too bad snow flakes.
Oh, and fuck off MSM.

Quote:How many people were deceived to believe that the Syrian Civil War was caused by United States intervention and support for terrorists? How many forgot that it was a rising for freedom by the people crushed by their dictator and their Russian and Iranian allies?

Oh that.  Assad is no threat to the USA , so that was a war of choice.  Check the Powell doctrine sometime.  I follow that.

Quote:Lots of folks did, including you Rags. The result of USA inaction in Syria is one of the worst genocidal exterminations of our time.

Actually, I'm aware , but here's the truth. I don't give a rat's ass.  Hopefully that clarifies things for you.

Quote:Neither blogs nor MSM are to be believed without taking huge grains of salt, and much thought. Blogs have no dedication at all to the truth; only the interests and prejudices of the blog owner. They can be interesting, but not to be believed without confirmation. The internet can be used for that.

Oh, but all of that handwringing on the Lamestream Media has done, has discredited them.  They're sore losers.

Here's another one.

So, all of these people can just fuck off.  Tolerant Liberals, my ass.  Ha!

Quote:PBS is not government run. Most government funding has been cut since Reagan. But they do have some corporate donors. The News hour tries to accommodate and not offend the powers-that-be, because of their power of propaganda that arouses the right wing population to complain.

So from the pan into the fire, eh?  "accomodate and not offend the powers-that-be".....

Quote:So again, I watch it, but I get upset when they buckle under. Democracy Now can be a good alternative, when it's not boring. Non-profit organizations can supply some good news, although their resources are limited.

Random stuff on teh interwebs works for Rags, but again. NO MSM BECAUSE RAGS HAS TO WASTE $73/month to get that stuff. It ain't worth it. Rags is a working poor d00d. Rags can't afford to flush $73/month down the potty.

Quote:I think many people, and "populists" both left and right, are terribly misinformed and deceived by lies and fake news; and that's why we got Donald Trump and GOP control. I'm glad facebook is making some effort to control fake news. As a major purveyor (transmitter, not originator) of it, it is their responsibility to do this. I don't care what they do with my data; at least not so far. But with Trump in office, I might later. He is a potential dictator, while I do not consider Obama or potentially Hillary to have been such, despite some inappropriate stuff they did.

There were no good choices, so at present, here's another secret, yes, it's a ssssssssssssssseeeecret, I'm gonna share, right here, right here on this forum..  Rags is in honey badger mode.  Badd ass Rags, don't give a shit.

And oh, did I ever say, special snowflakes suck. Yes, special snowflakes suck big time. I don't like them. I don't like them all.  All their dreams went to hell, oh well. Tongue

So there you have it.  They showed their true stripes, yes they did.  Fuck'em, man.   Doomsday plan?  Yeah, right,
 get real. 

Rags likes this.
---Value Added Cool
(12-09-2016, 03:15 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote: Here’s a CNN article on a father of a Sandy Hook victim receiving death threats from a woman who believes Sandy Hook was a hoax created by gun prohibitionist activists.  While it is of note regarding just the narrow gun policy discussion, I’d like to work it at a higher level.

As most should know by know, my understanding of humans is that they reject fact that conflicts with their values.  In this case the woman crying hoax has a strong right to bear arms perspective.  With it comes an impulse to deny any evidence that owning and carrying weapons might be problematic.  Not just on this issue, but on any issue, there is a common notion that one can doubt to disregard any media outlet that presents information one doesn’t like.  I recall a broad dismissal of the NY Times recently on this forum.  There are bunches of folks who wouldn’t recommend Breitbart as precisely fair and balanced.  Thus, the notion of rejecting major events as media fabrications fits with how lots of folks think about the media these days.  It’s all lies.  One can disregard what one doesn’t want to hear.  One can embrace and practice hate speech and death threats based on what one does want to hear.

I’ll mention climate science denialism as another issue where both the scientific and main stream press is frequently dismissed in favor of what one wants to hear.

Various dystopian novels and movies warn of how in the dark future propaganda and lies will be used by the dark ruling elites to snooker the common man.  Orwell’s ‘doublespeak’ from 1984 will stand as one example.  Real world autocratic governments who seize control of the media to present state propaganda is another example of how falsehood might be pressed on the people.  Neither approach seems to be quite matching the reality of the modern Big Lie.  There are large numbers of media outlets providing a smorgasbord of assorted truths for consumption according to one’s tastes.  If one is a rabid fan of unquestioned unrestricted owning and carrying weapons, one can find outlets that will turn Sandy Hook into a liberal mainstream media hoax.  If one favors any sort of off the wall theory, one might well be able to find a set of media outlets that will tell one what one wants to hear, the more clicks the better.

This isn’t exactly a new observation.  I just thought I’d start a thread centered on this sort of thing.

Of course Trump was rated as having more ‘pants on fire’ than most anyone in history.  He understands what certain people want to hear quite well.  He seems ready to assume that he can get away with telling certain folks what they want to believe.  Zillions of illegal voters.  He never endorsed lots more countries getting the bomb.  He will use the Big Lie blatantly and openly, no matter how easy they might be to debunk.  Worse, it seems to work for him.

It’s a problem far easier to describe than fix.  What issues do you feel are being pushed as Big Lies?  What might be done to return to reality based thinking?
She's about as nuts as the Shady Hook killer. What does either one of them have to do with me or my values? I have no values attached to either one them or anyone else like them. How do you approach law abiding citizens and legal gun owners? Do you approach us like an overly sophisticated blue idiot like Obama did several times? Who taught Obama to approach innocent Americans with the use of guilt by association and blame via association? Big lies or something that's not viewed as being as big of an issue or a concern by them? BTW, global warming doesn't matter as much to me as Americans being able to work and provide for their families and support their communities. You are really going to suck as a Democrat, if you still believe that's the way to approach Americans/American gun owners who had nothing to do with the Shady Hook shooting or the belief of the woman you chose to use as an example.
Donald Trump's America will make many of us regret being Americans.

Being 'butt hurt' and disliking it is a normal response to being paddled.... most of us will be raped financially on behalf of the cronies of a ruthless elitist. The best that anyone can do when not working more hours for much less is to numb oneself with stupefying media and drink. I do not know whether I could survive the four years of Donald Trump because I am young enough to think but too old to be a workhorse. I am not sure that I will have any desire to live in the new, vile America.

One will have to be very rich or very stupid to like Trump's glitzy, mindless, soulless world. There will be plenty of dissidents, probably because we Americans are unaccustomed to any form of tyranny. OK, being from a Communist state or such a nightmare as Pinochet's Chile... or if one is old enough, being black in Kukluxistan.

Profits will not be turned into job-creating plant and equipment in America. They will most likely be spent on palaces and castles whose only job0creating characteristics once built is that they will need battalions of domestic staff (dirt-cheap, of course) to staff them.

The best advice to those who have no choice except to remain is to keep the means of ending it all readily available. It will be that bad. Some of us are just not made for a mindless, joyless world in which 'love' means little more than the willingness to suffer for something awful. Maybe we can find some meaning in life by protests and demonstrations. Using one's mind will be itself a subversive activity perhaps more subversive than burning a US flag or defacing the image of the Great and Infallible Leader.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.


Rags likes this.

You like ol' Pepe? Hmmmmm ....

Actually, no.  I put that up and even first to see if some folks would lock into some obvious bait and utter nonsense which distracts from pointing out real issues which should be discussed which lay outside of the "official narrative".

So, thank you.

If you take the time, go recheck this post and look for the link I said I actually liked.
HINT:  It's not the frog.

So here's some real issues I'm going to start laying down which the Lamestream Media due to it's association with assorted factions like the Clintons, Deep State, and assorted huge companies , do not bother with. Also, note, both parties, Republican and Democratic party folks/positions will be put up for scrutiny.

As such.
1. Torture.  The US shall not torture anyone for any purpose whatsoever.
Here are some war criminals for you.

And now, big boy,  do you support the bill shown in the link below.  I do.  It's utterly unfair if the government / agencies like the CIA can send aid and confort to Al Queda while private citizens [for good reason , can't].

Oh, and I know from your post and .sig you don't like treason.  OK, here's the deal on agenda item #1.  Any CIA / other Deep State personnel who provide material aid and confort like that need to be fed to great white sharks. Yes, that's the punishment I'd do because Deep State people generally suck, yes they do.   Feed them to great white sharks.  They used torture, remember.  That means they forfeit the right to humane death. So for using both torture and aiding known terrorists, they die by white shark attack.  That should be a deterrent, right?  I just know you'll agree, because you hate terrorists and especially TRAITORS who do TREASON. That also means that I like Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii for addressing this horrible abuse of government money and power.  And, finally, if Trump deigns to copy these ne'er do wells, then of course he should be impeached for authorizing torture and or funding Al Queda.   Rags believes strongly in what's good for the goose is good for the gander.  All laws are to be applied equally regardless of who you are and what type of job you have, period. Cool

When I gather enough stuff on the interwebs, I'll make a post about that particular issue. And yes, I'll be doing issues, not emotional shit, no, I'm not a special snowflake, no way.  I'm going to discuss shit special snowflakes don't even think about.  You know stuff like health care, Social Security/Medicare, and of course corporate welfare.
Those are awesome issues, yes they are.  They're awesome because they're bread and butter issues.  They're also issues for us in the working poor class like Rags. Rags thinks in terms of economic class, not assorted jumbled up ethnic groups because that's divisive. If Democrats don't mention every single ethnic group as "special", then yup, the unmentioned get pissed, yes they do , and we all know this right, class? <-  That class is not an economic class, nope, that's a symbolic use of the word to mean "school class".  This stuff is complex and needs very, very detailed explanations and presentations, yes it does.  the Lamestream Media never, ever does real journalism and digs deep into topics, no it doesn't. That's because that stuff deducts from profits, yes it does. Profits that make the owners of the Lamestream Media feed good.  It also makes them look good to their masters, the folks who buy ads, yes, that's how the Lamestream Media works. It sells ads from its masters. Folks should always take that into account.  And... The Lamestream Media never, ever, researches crap stories and statistics from the Federal Government. No, it does not do that.  It just parrots that shit out.   I'm not sure why they do that, but I suppose they laid off journalists and kept the profit center of ad writing.
---Value Added Cool
(12-16-2016, 11:26 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:
Eric The Green Wrote:Blogs and alt media are no substitute for the MSM. A quick look at the TV News or google news at least gives me basic info on what's going on, though not too much in depth. A lot of folks don't even get that anymore. The first 15 minutes of national network news is good, at least on CBS. For the rest, it's mostly entertainment. But if you boycott it, chances are you may not even know what's going on, and can therefore be deceived by fake news on the internet.
Eric needs a  refresh.  Rags can't MSM in any event because he lives 90 miles from TeeVee stations. Besides, the MSM has discredited itself as such.

Yeah, I know what yer thinking, but this is real.  They just can't accept their losses, too bad snow flakes.
Oh, and fuck off MSM.

Quote:How many people were deceived to believe that the Syrian Civil War was caused by United States intervention and support for terrorists? How many forgot that it was a rising for freedom by the people crushed by their dictator and their Russian and Iranian allies?

Oh that.  Assad is no threat to the USA , so that was a war of choice.  Check the Powell doctrine sometime.  I follow that.

Quote:Lots of folks did, including you Rags. The result of USA inaction in Syria is one of the worst genocidal exterminations of our time.

Actually, I'm aware , but here's the truth. I don't give a rat's ass.  Hopefully that clarifies things for you.

Quote:Neither blogs nor MSM are to be believed without taking huge grains of salt, and much thought. Blogs have no dedication at all to the truth; only the interests and prejudices of the blog owner. They can be interesting, but not to be believed without confirmation. The internet can be used for that.

Oh, but all of that handwringing on the Lamestream Media has done, has discredited them.  They're sore losers.

Here's another one.

So, all of these people can just fuck off.  Tolerant Liberals, my ass.  Ha!

Quote:PBS is not government run. Most government funding has been cut since Reagan. But they do have some corporate donors. The News hour tries to accommodate and not offend the powers-that-be, because of their power of propaganda that arouses the right wing population to complain.

So from the pan into the fire, eh?  "accomodate and not offend the powers-that-be".....

Quote:So again, I watch it, but I get upset when they buckle under. Democracy Now can be a good alternative, when it's not boring. Non-profit organizations can supply some good news, although their resources are limited.

Random stuff on teh interwebs works for Rags, but again. NO MSM BECAUSE RAGS HAS TO WASTE $73/month to get that stuff. It ain't worth it. Rags is a working poor d00d. Rags can't afford to flush $73/month down the potty.

Quote:I think many people, and "populists" both left and right, are terribly misinformed and deceived by lies and fake news; and that's why we got Donald Trump and GOP control. I'm glad facebook is making some effort to control fake news. As a major purveyor (transmitter, not originator) of it, it is their responsibility to do this. I don't care what they do with my data; at least not so far. But with Trump in office, I might later. He is a potential dictator, while I do not consider Obama or potentially Hillary to have been such, despite some inappropriate stuff they did.

There were no good choices, so at present, here's another secret, yes, it's a ssssssssssssssseeeecret, I'm gonna share, right here, right here on this forum..  Rags is in honey badger mode.  Badd ass Rags, don't give a shit.

And oh, did I ever say, special snowflakes suck. Yes, special snowflakes suck big time. I don't like them. I don't like them all.  All their dreams went to hell, oh well. Tongue

So there you have it.  They showed their true stripes, yes they did.  Fuck'em, man.   Doomsday plan?  Yeah, right,
 get real. 

Rags likes this.

Jesus Christ, Rags, you are sounding and acting like a god-damned Far-Right Trump-fucker, right down to spamming far-right YouTube videos. What the fuck is wrong with you? Angry
(12-17-2016, 02:32 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: Donald Trump's America will make many of us regret being Americans.

Being 'butt hurt' and disliking it is a normal response to being paddled.... most of us will be raped financially on behalf of the cronies of a ruthless elitist. The best that anyone can do when not working more hours  for much less is to numb oneself with stupefying media and drink. I do not know whether I could survive the four years of Donald Trump because I am young enough to think but too old to be a workhorse. I am not sure that I will have any desire to live in the new, vile America.

One will have to be very rich or very stupid to like Trump's glitzy, mindless, soulless world. There will be plenty of dissidents, probably because we Americans are unaccustomed to any form of tyranny. OK, being from a Communist state or such a nightmare as Pinochet's Chile... or if one is old enough, being black in Kukluxistan.

Profits will not be turned into job-creating plant and equipment in America. They will most likely be spent on palaces and castles whose only job0creating characteristics once built is that they will need battalions of domestic staff (dirt-cheap, of course) to staff them.

The best advice to those who have no choice except to remain is to keep the means of ending it all readily available. It will be that bad. Some of us are just not made for a mindless, joyless world in which 'love' means little more than the willingness to suffer for something awful. Maybe we can find some meaning in life by protests and demonstrations. Using one's mind will be itself a subversive activity perhaps more subversive than burning a US flag or defacing the image of the Great and Infallible Leader.
No one has been forced to stay here. We all have the freedom to leave here. How many Americans have a true interest in ruling someone like you?
I never thought about leaving because there was no where else to go. Hopeful that situation will improve after Trump is sworn in.
 … whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Phil 4:8 (ESV)
(12-17-2016, 01:24 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-17-2016, 02:32 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: Donald Trump's America will make many of us regret being Americans.

Being 'butt hurt' and disliking it is a normal response to being paddled.... most of us will be raped financially on behalf of the cronies of a ruthless elitist. The best that anyone can do when not working more hours  for much less is to numb oneself with stupefying media and drink. I do not know whether I could survive the four years of Donald Trump because I am young enough to think but too old to be a workhorse. I am not sure that I will have any desire to live in the new, vile America.

One will have to be very rich or very stupid to like Trump's glitzy, mindless, soulless world. There will be plenty of dissidents, probably because we Americans are unaccustomed to any form of tyranny. OK, being from a Communist state or such a nightmare as Pinochet's Chile... or if one is old enough, being black in Kukluxistan.

Profits will not be turned into job-creating plant and equipment in America. They will most likely be spent on palaces and castles whose only job-creating characteristics once built is that they will need battalions of domestic staff (dirt-cheap, of course) to staff them.

The best advice to those who have no choice except to remain is to keep the means of ending it all readily available. It will be that bad. Some of us are just not made for a mindless, joyless world in which 'love' means little more than the willingness to suffer for something awful. Maybe we can find some meaning in life by protests and demonstrations. Using one's mind will be itself a subversive activity perhaps more subversive than burning a US flag or defacing the image of the Great and Infallible Leader.

No one has been forced to stay here. We all have the freedom to leave here. How many Americans have a true  interest in ruling someone like you?

Getting around within the United States is easy. Relocating is costly. Becoming an expatriate requires that one have very specific skills.

It helps to be cash-rich and object-poor, which American middle-class people rarely are anymore. Dollars are the most marketable of commodities available. Antique furniture isn't so financially liquid. Selling a house? Lots of luck outside of the hot real estate markets. For many people their most valuable asset is a car.

Now what do you find so wonderful about a "mindless, joyless world in which 'love' means little more than the willingness to suffer for something awful?" Why should people find such to be a good thing?

I expect Donald Trump's America unspeakably offensive -- hierarchical, repressive, inequitable, vulgar, and stupefying. Maybe even dangerous. That's what one gets when the Leader has no virtues.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Odin Wrote:Rags likes this.

Jesus Christ, Rags, you are sounding and acting like a god-damned Far-Right Trump-fucker, right down to spamming far-right YouTube videos. What the fuck is wrong with you? Angry

1. Odin,  now take 10 breaths and reread what you posted above. I tidied up your post since I now have your attention.

2.  Now please go and read this, because this is where I'm going with. 
Rags Wrote:Rags likes this.

3. I see you used the "angry" emoticon.  Now have you considered that you may be triggered?  If so, then that means your Amygdala got engaged and overrode any upper brain functions. Cool  So, folks , have you seen these sorts of ads in 2016?

So, uh what happened in 2016?  I guess Democrats forgot, it's the economy, stupid.
However, there some mistakes made.  Like the "tough on crime" meme and "end welfare as we know it".
It's time to learn, but did the Democrats learn anything, NO!

Now, here's a second installment of Rag's it's the economy stupid, not SJW bullshit.  Yes, Rags is going to stick with what he thinks the Democrats need to do and do quick before they go the way of the Dodo.
Yes, Virginia, there is a Neo-Gilded age that's descending on the US. Yes there is, a Neo-Gilded age. So, ask yourself, is that being broadcast on the Lamestream Media?  I bet the answer is no, no it is not. The Lamestream Media is never, ever going to bit the hand that feeds it. Nope.  Rags is gonna lay it down right here, right now.

Jeff Bezos of Amazon is far less worth of biomass than rats and roaches
  Yes, Jeff Bezos is evil, evil and Rags wants him to die of some horrible long lasting cancer for the pain he inflicts on other humans!

Oh, and yeah, while the Huffington Post isn't Rag's favorite.  Well, at least it's far, far better than the Washington Boast in that there are articles about how fucking shitty Bezos/Amazon is.

here, read this!  Stop paying attention to stupid SJW's because they are part of the divide and conquer shit of TPTB.

So it takes rattling folks' cages to wake them up and have 'em smell the coffee. Yes, it does. Where the fuck was "it's the economy stupid" in 2016? 

Here ya go on some interesting Hillery stuff.  "I'm going to put coal companies and coal workers out of  work".

Yeah, that's just awesome, there Hillery.  Oh, and super predators

Uh, the DNC should not have put it's thumb on the scale during the primaries.  That's the real message from the emails, yes it is.  Why is the MSM just going with Ruskies, but not on the content of the emails?   Rags dismisses that as McCarthite red baiting cojoined with distractions. Sorry, Rags is indifferent to red baiting.

Oh, and who are the super predators?  Rags does not know who super predators are.

Now back to the sub-meme , SJW's.

Mommie!  Lookie at all the triggered Amygdalae.   Lotsa reptile brains goin' off there, yes, reptile brains, that's how triggering happens.  Stuff goes right to the reptile brain and upper brain functions just go out the window. Yes, out the window.  Here are some real reptiles.  Just look at all the similarities!

---Value Added Cool
(12-17-2016, 02:16 PM)radind Wrote: I never thought about leaving because there was no where else to go. Hopeful that situation will improve after Trump is sworn in.

Lots of us may find that there are lots better places to live than the USA, once Trump is through with it.

I find myself echoing Obama's "pastor" these days. God Damn America! There's lots of reasons to say that.

It's hard to remember these days, but there's much to love about America too. It has to be love-hate, nowadays. Love the blue, hate the red, I guess. More or less.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(12-16-2016, 11:26 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote: Eric needs a  refresh.  Rags can't MSM in any event because he lives 90 miles from TeeVee stations. Besides, the MSM has discredited itself as such.
Rags risks being uninformed. I guess you do pretty well, considering where you live.

Quote:Yeah, I know what yer thinking, but this is real.  They just can't accept their losses, too bad snow flakes.
Oh, and fuck off MSM.

There's much reason to cry. It's a crying shame. Hillary would have been a good president. What we have elected is the worst. What we have elected is a creep who wants to destroy wildlife and wildlands as evidently his first priority, to drill baby drill in the Arctic Ocean, and to cook the planet. That's priority #1 for him, apparently; judging by his horrible actions so far. Yes, much to cry and wail about. Hillary would have been miles; lightyears better. You bet people cry. It's a fucking crying shame. And the only answer now is to fight.

Quote:Oh that.  Assad is no threat to the USA , so that was a war of choice.  Check the Powell doctrine sometime.  I follow that.

Actually, I'm aware , but here's the truth. I don't give a rat's ass.  Hopefully that clarifies things for you.

It is important to care about such things as genocides by Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot,, the Hutus in Rwanda, and now Assad in Syria. You bet it's important to care.

I don't know what you mean by a war of choice. There was no war by the USA, and the USA did virtually nothing. You had your way. The result is a flood of refugees fueling fascism in Europe. Everything in the world affects us. Being irritated at people saying we are one world, is to be out of touch with the reality of today.

Quote:Oh, but all of that handwringing on the Lamestream Media has done, has discredited them.  They're sore losers.

You don't watch the MSM, so you don't know a thing about it. They are adapting to Trump more than opposing him; much less crying. The only bright spot is the late night comedians. Besides, in this case, handwringing is virtuous, but especially if after we dry our tears, we start fighting the Trumpster dumpster.

Quote:So from the pan into the fire, eh?  "accomodate and not offend the powers-that-be".....

PBS is just a bit better than the rest of the MSM. We can't do without them, I think, but must carry that bag of salt while you watch.

Quote:Random stuff on teh interwebs works for Rags, but again. NO MSM BECAUSE RAGS HAS TO WASTE $73/month to get that stuff. It ain't worth it. Rags is a working poor d00d. Rags can't afford to flush $73/month down the potty.

You personalize issues, after saying them like they apply to everybody. It doesn't matter whether you can watch MSM. Now that is what I don't care about Wink It's your business what you want to, or can, watch. Myself, I refuse to pay for any of it. I'm lucky I don't have to, where I live.

Quote:There were no good choices,

Hillary was about the best that we were going to get from America today. That's the difference between me and some folks. This is America. I've been around a while, and disappointed before. There are never any really good choices for America, as far as leaders go. No, we have to suck it up and support the better of the two evils. Because--- this is Amerika. Americans are incapable in these times of choosing good leaders. That's just something to take for granted. They just proved it again, as if it needed proving again. But after 2004, that's just what I have concluded, based on solid evidence. Americans just don't know how to do it; period.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(12-17-2016, 08:18 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(12-17-2016, 02:16 PM)radind Wrote: I never thought about leaving because there was no where else to go. Hopeful that situation will improve after Trump is sworn in.

Lots of us may find that there are lots better places to live than the USA, once Trump is through with it.

I find myself echoing Obama's "pastor" these days. God Damn America! There's lots of reasons to say that.

It's hard to remember these days, but there's much to love about America too. It has to be love-hate, nowadays. Love the blue, hate the red, I guess. More or less.

Speaking of red and blue, how about some black and blue?   Here's a big huge black mark for that Blue state, California, and even bluer??????   San francisco.

So, there you go SJWs.  San Francisco tech workers are all yours.  Just look how y'all hate on tech workers.
Uh, they might be immigrants , perhaps Asians?  Oh yeah, stupid, stupid Rags.  Asians aren't a protected group.
Nope, they're not.  They have a rep of being over achievers and don't deserve protection, no they don't according to y'all.  I feel for them, yes I do.  That's because European Americans and Native Americans are also not part of the "protected ethnic classes".  No we aren't.  I guess European Americans are also over achievers and have historic , uh "privilege", not matter what.  That's bullshit of course dispensed by Euro-haters, yes it is. Euro-haters. Yes, there appear to be those.  And of course Native American haters, yes, maybe we have those.  The DNC never, ever mentioned Native Americans, even though we were here first... Hey.... wait a minute.  That means the DNC thinks there's "Native American Priviledge".  I bet that's the answer. It has to be 'cause we were never, ever mentioned as a "protected class".

Moi?   I'm from Oklahoma and have never, ever claimed to support illegal immigration.  I say send all illegal aliens to "Sanctuary Cities".   Actions always, always speak louder than words.  Also, Rags hates, yes Rags can be a hater as well.  Rags hates to no end, hypocrites. Big Grin

Fuck you NIMBY's
---Value Added Cool
Eric the Green Wrote:Rags risks being uninformed. I guess you do pretty well, considering where you live.

Ooohhhhh..  "where you live".    Yeah, OK, I don't mind.  I can't really move anyhow 'cause it costs too much.
Like I sed, if I could have a redo, I'd be in Leadville now.

Quote:There's much reason to cry. It's a crying shame. Hillary would have been a good president. What we have elected is the worst. What we have elected is a creep who wants to destroy wildlife and wildlands as evidently his first priority, to drill baby drill in the Arctic Ocean, and to cook the planet. That's priority #1 for him, apparently; judging by his horrible actions so far. Yes, much to cry and wail about. Hillary would have been miles; lightyears better. You bet people cry. It's a fucking crying shame. And the only answer now is to fight.

Have fun fighting.  The DNC shouldn't have cheated on Bernie you know.  Yes, I'm aware of the current big
red bait thingie going on.  I paid attention what was leaked, no how it got leaked.  Sorry.

Quote:It is important to care about such things as genocides by Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot,, the Hutus in Rwanda, and now Assad in Syria. You bet it's important to care.
It's not important to me.  Bill Clinton did the right thing, btw and took a pass on Rwanda. Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Rags has no problem ascribing kudos to whoever, regardless of who it is. Pol Pot would be another .  The decision to extend the Vietnam war into Cambodia made that happen.  See how wars of choice just make things worse.
Syria?   A lot of that was spillover from the bad choice to overthrow Saddam.

Quote:I don't know what you mean by a war of choice. There was no war by the USA, and the USA did virtually nothing. You had your way. The result is a flood of refugees fueling fascism in Europe. Everything in the world affects us. Being irritated at people saying we are one world, is to be out of touch with the reality of today.

Wars of choice = intervening in a country that does not pose a threat to US citizens in the USA. Btw, the refugee crisis in Europe is to a large degree do to the US decision to off Qaddafi. All wars of choice bring nothing but sorrow.  Here's a book just for you.

Quote:You don't watch the MSM, so you don't know a thing about it. They are adapting to Trump more than opposing him; much less crying. The only bright spot is the late night comedians. Besides, in this case, handwringing is virtuous, but especially if after we dry our tears, we start fighting the Trumpster dumpster.

I got a pretty big sample on this forum, Eric.  

Quote:PBS is just a bit better than the rest of the MSM. We can't do without them, I think, but must carry that bag of salt while you watch.

Close.  Try salted popcorn.

Quote:You personalize issues, after saying them like they apply to everybody. It doesn't matter whether you can watch MSM. Now that is what I don't care about Wink It's your business what you want to, or can, watch. Myself, I refuse to pay for any of it. I'm lucky I don't have to, where I live.

I think that's because of the regional problems with the pronoun, "you". I know you aren't from around here so I don't know who is being addressed when the pronoun, "you" is being used.  Here as a refresher,
if I use "you" in a reply, it's addressed to the poster. If I use "y'all", that's to everyone.

Quote:Hillary was about the best that we were going to get from America today. That's the difference between me and some folks. This is America. I've been around a while, and disappointed before. There are never any really good choices for America, as far as leaders go. No, we have to suck it up and support the better of the two evils. Because--- this is Amerika. Americans are incapable in these times of choosing good leaders. That's just something to take for granted. They just proved it again, as if it needed proving again. But after 2004, that's just what I have concluded, based on solid evidence. Americans just don't know how to do it; period.

I didn't think so.  I voted blank for POTUS, and then a straight D on down from there.
---Value Added Cool
(12-17-2016, 02:27 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(12-17-2016, 01:24 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-17-2016, 02:32 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: Donald Trump's America will make many of us regret being Americans.

Being 'butt hurt' and disliking it is a normal response to being paddled.... most of us will be raped financially on behalf of the cronies of a ruthless elitist. The best that anyone can do when not working more hours  for much less is to numb oneself with stupefying media and drink. I do not know whether I could survive the four years of Donald Trump because I am young enough to think but too old to be a workhorse. I am not sure that I will have any desire to live in the new, vile America.

One will have to be very rich or very stupid to like Trump's glitzy, mindless, soulless world. There will be plenty of dissidents, probably because we Americans are unaccustomed to any form of tyranny. OK, being from a Communist state or such a nightmare as Pinochet's Chile... or if one is old enough, being black in Kukluxistan.

Profits will not be turned into job-creating plant and equipment in America. They will most likely be spent on palaces and castles whose only job-creating characteristics once built is that they will need battalions of domestic staff (dirt-cheap, of course) to staff them.

The best advice to those who have no choice except to remain is to keep the means of ending it all readily available. It will be that bad. Some of us are just not made for a mindless, joyless world in which 'love' means little more than the willingness to suffer for something awful. Maybe we can find some meaning in life by protests and demonstrations. Using one's mind will be itself a subversive activity perhaps more subversive than burning a US flag or defacing the image of the Great and Infallible Leader.

No one has been forced to stay here. We all have the freedom to leave here. How many Americans have a true  interest in ruling someone like you?

Getting around within the United States is easy. Relocating is costly. Becoming an expatriate requires that one have very specific skills.

It helps to be cash-rich and object-poor, which American middle-class people rarely are anymore. Dollars are the most marketable of commodities available. Antique furniture isn't so financially liquid. Selling a house? Lots of luck outside of the hot real estate markets. For many people their most valuable asset is a car.

Now what do you find so wonderful about a "mindless, joyless world in which 'love' means little more than the willingness to suffer for something awful?" Why should people find such to be  a good thing?

I expect Donald Trump's America unspeakably offensive -- hierarchical, repressive, inequitable, vulgar, and stupefying. Maybe even dangerous. That's what one gets when the Leader has no virtues.
My most valuable tools are all vehicles of some sort. I've spent the bulk of my life making the types of decisions that either avoid suffering or sharply reduces the amount of time that must be spent suffering. I don't know what gives the impression that I come from/represent a mindless, joyless world that's focused/fixated more on suffering than love.
(12-17-2016, 11:14 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: My most valuable tools are all vehicles of some sort. I've spent the bulk of my life making the types of decisions that either avoid suffering or sharply reduces the amount of time that must be spent suffering. I don't know what gives the impression that I come from/represent a mindless, joyless world that's focused/fixated more on suffering than love.

Try reading your stuff objectively, for emotional content rather than political memes. You come across as hostile and confrontational, dissatisfied. This might not be your intent, but I can quite understand where the impression comes from.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(12-17-2016, 02:16 PM)radind Wrote: I never thought about leaving because there was no where else to go. Hopeful that situation will improve after Trump is sworn in.

I haven't seriously thought about it myself.

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