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Can Someone be a Hybrid type without being a Cusper?
Say someone is born in the Silent Generation around 1935 but has a nomad upbringing that turns their traits towards being a nomad or someone born in the same year has genetic personality propensity and MBTI and big 5 traits very similar to the Boomers? Would the latter be an artist/prophet hybrid because they have a prophet personality and attitudes towards life but weren't born in the Boom or in the cusp? Would the former be an artist/nomad hybrid because of the shared experiences with both?
As I recall, somebody once mentioned "rogue nomads". Individuals born into Artist generations, but become nomads due to harsh circumstances.
Let's give this one moment's thought, and agree that generational influences are important but not totally determinative. We are all born to families with their own unique dynamics. Likewise, we are born where we're born and into circumstances unique to us. That's a lot of weight for the theory to dominate. Generations tend to follow a pattern, but that doesn't mean that many within it aren't dramatically different. It's statistics, not branding. If the dominant archetype is represented by a majority (or near majority), then we can say that the generation is conforming. I think older Boomers met the conforming mold; younger ones less so. Xers are a bit of a mystery, because their conformance is more hidden. SO that brings us to the Millennials. Are they conforming? I think yes, but not to he extent the elder-Boom conformed.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.

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