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Academic freedom and Donald Trump
(02-20-2017, 09:54 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Republicans are trying to control the political composition of State universities through the state legislatures. Case: IOWA.  And coming to a state near you -- count on it. I would not be surprised to find that ALEC is behind this, and that it is trying to get such legislation passed one state at a time. Today it is Iowa; a couple weeks from now it could be Ohio.  In the end, college professors may be responsible for propagandizing students to believe in a pure plutocracy in which almost all people have the responsibility to suffer for the indulgence of a tiny elite of rapacious plutocrats who have no ethical constraints upon their greed and economic sadism.

Quote:The party affiliation on your voter registration card could block you from employment at Iowa’s state universities were a newly proposed bill by Senator Mark Chelgren to become law. Senate File 288, proposed by the Ottumwa legislator, could bring about a Soviet-style purge of liberal-leaning college staff in Iowa. Chelgren wants to impose an ideological litmus test in order to create a “partisan balance,” based on how Iowa has voted in past elections.

The legislation proposes that a “person shall not be hired as a professor or instructor member of the faculty at such an institution if the person’s political party affiliation on the date of hire would cause the percentage of faculty belonging to one political party to exceed by ten percent the percentage of faculty belonging to the other political party.”

The Secretary of State’s office would be directed to provide voter registration lists to the colleges so that new job applicants’ party affiliation could be checked before the hiring process gets underway. Graciously, Chelgren allows for people registered as No Party to slip through the process without facing the litmus test.

The obvious impact and purpose of this bill would be to ban Democrats from getting hired anymore at Iowa colleges. If you took a survey right now, it’s highly likely that Iowa professors are registered as Democrats at a much higher rate than Republican. So any new hires would be strictly limited to Republican or No Party voters.

Obviously there’s all manner of logistical problems with this idea, not the least among them is that people would simply change their voter registration party to improve their chances of getting a job. There’s also the situation where your official party registration doesn’t always reflect your actual allegiance. Many Republicans in Johnson County will vote in Democratic primaries for local offices because the only real competition is between several Democrats, and vice versa in many Republican counties.

And party affiliation on your voter card rarely translates to activism or outspokenness in the classroom. What good would it do to ban a highly qualified physics professor applicant simply because they’re registered as a Democrat?

Not to mention that many of the faculty hired at Iowa’s universities come from out of state. Is Chelgren going to pull voter lists from every state in the country (and some states don’t even have party registration)?

The most disturbing aspect of Chelgren’s legislation, however, is that it is outright fascist. Republicans haven’t even spent two full months in power at the Iowa Statehouse and they’re already trying to impose a one-party rule in the state in perpetuity. You’re a registered Democrat? You’re banned from getting a job.

Iowa’s universities are supposed to be a place of open expression and discussion of ideas, some of which politicians in Des Moines may not agree with. Chelgren wants to stifle that culture and impose his own partisan ideology by force and threatening people’s jobs.

It’s one more step in the Republican Party’s march away from very basic democratic ideals of the United States. Maybe Chelgren should actually open up and read that little U.S. Constitution pamphlet that he loves to wave around on the Senate floor during debate. Because these days he’s sounding a lot more like a Soviet dictator than an actual American.

And if you are a Democrat you might be barred from participating in any faculty that can influence the values of young adults. You might count as a representative of Democrats if you work as a janitor, vehicle mechanic,  or warehouse worker or  someone in charge of animal care at the School of Agriculture. Mammon forbid that humane values infect American youth. Of course if you want to try to teach liberalism to cattle, horses, or poultry, that will be tolerable exercise in academic freedom.  

We have 1429 days, 14 hours, and something less than an hour of this to put up with unless Democrats win big in 2018.

This is literally fascist. Angry
The politicians do not really care about the ideology of people teaching animal husbandry. accounting, mechanical engineering, or petroleum geology. There's no politics in such activities. Philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, and history -- that is where a professor might introduce some ideas contradicting the pure plutocracy that the economic sadists who dominate the Republican Party want to impose upo0n us all. These people may not want fascism because fascism implies the risk of thermonuclear war; a new feudalism is the objective.

Consider that one of the biggest groups of college graduates is schoolteachers. That's a rather liberal group of people in politics, if not personal lifestyles. That's where the Hard Right really wants change, with civics classes teaching the virtues of hierarchy, regimentation, inequality, conformity, and exaggerated nationalism.

One might as well join $cientology, a comparatively tolerant, fun-loving, transparent, undemanding, and scrupulous entity by contrast. Now there is a scary comparison!

Academic freedom is essential for economic and technological progress, for keeping political life from spiraling into insanity, and for allowing political and even economic freedom.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.


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