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Fascism is on the ballot
(10-15-2020, 11:26 AM)CH86 Wrote: Donald Trump WILL Run again in 2024 (after repealing the two terms limit/he will achieve this via Berniecrats unexpectedly siding with the GOP on this one issue) but will be crushed in that election in 2024...

I suspect the polls are more or less right, Trump will loose, be found guilty of something or other, and therefore be disqualified from running in 2024. This might not stop him from going through the motions, it will just prevent him from winning. I don't expect, however, to convince an ideologue. We'll see how Earth 1 progresses.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(10-15-2020, 12:40 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(10-15-2020, 11:26 AM)CH86 Wrote: Donald Trump WILL Run again in 2024 (after repealing the two terms limit/he will achieve this via Berniecrats unexpectedly siding with the GOP on this one issue) but will be crushed in that election in 2024...

I suspect the polls are more or less right, Trump will loose, be found guilty of something or other, and therefore be disqualified from running in 2024.  This might not stop him from going through the motions, it will just prevent him from winning.  I don't expect, however, to convince an ideologue.  We'll see how Earth 1 progresses.

How are you going to win the election without the Millies/Homies/Late-wave Xers/Young minorities contingent? You guys can't win with just Sixties radicals and acolytes. We don't like president Trump BUT we're never going to vote for permanent feminist activist Rule or a global disarmament platform. We're NOT unilaterally disarming like we did during the 1990s which would bring possibly another 9/11, even worse a second Pearl Harbor. As long as the dnc insists on making the above your platform and keeps gaslighting by saying that not wanting global disarmament (when Russia and China are building Missiles like sausages) or not wanting feminist identity rulership is somehow being racist against black people ( and then parading some hippy boomer and/or Black Boomer (and it's almost always a boomer) Born before 1965 who then makes a condescending lecture); this is doubly insulting when most of those who are criticizing you are mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Young Whites, mostly born after 1965. YOU are talking to one of these mixed race young legionaries. Your feminist Harpies who think Boomers rock, are very much a tiny minority of young people.

The rest of Us want policy reform, not a cultural revolution. We usually disliked the GOP because that Party traditionally blocked such initiatives and was most hostile to such initiatives. Post-Trump the GOP seems to be gaining an advantage because at least part of that party is finally at least looking at the room and the the rest of us. The DNC however insists on keeping its head up it's Ass, which is sad because most Millennials favored policies that traditionally were closer to the DNC's platform than that of the GOP. DNC, Stop with this 60's hippy-dippy nonsense. We (Millennials) don't want World peace/World without war, or a world without economic/social Cycles. We Millennials recognize that things like wars and Economic depressions and the occasional social disruptions are facts of life and Inherent parts of human nature. Until Liberal Boomers make peace with Human nature and STOP Trying to Change Human nature and START advocating Policy reform, Economic Reform, Military reform, Social Cohesion and National security protection, you are not going to be winning young people and without the Young (born after 1970) vote you can't win any elections. We're not voting for another hippiest Control-freak.

Sorry it's the Boomers, Not Millennials or even Xers, who have gone crazy in recent years. Boomers are trying to deceive millennials into voting against their own interests. Real Millennials want the Boomer Leadership Gone, period that is what constitutes millennials prime interests. Currently it is the DNC who is worse in that Regard. If we have a Biden Term we would get at most 2 years of Biden then he would be 25th amendment-ed by the DNC and then have 10 years of Kamala. We would have essentially Boomer Tyranny until 2032 and probably no millennial president until the 2040 election. By the America would be broken beyond repair, and thats even if Kamala didn't escalate the culture wars. With four more years of Trump, he would be gone after 2024 and if tried to run another term he would probably be crushed by any remotely competent electoral adversary in 2024. We would then have a millennial president and (as most millennials are cultural moderates) he/she would likely be capable of making peace with Classic-Xer, the culture wars would end in a handshake with the various radicals sides discredited and becoming pariahs. The rest of us would have tough Xer/Millie leadership which would rebuild the military and Industry, streamline infrastructure repair, Fully integrate all minorities into US culture without emotional boomer radicals getting in the way, nationalize/anchor the tech industry and integrate it with the military. We could get the above done if it wasn't for boomer Lunatics on both Sides (but currently worse on the boomer left) messing up everything.
(10-14-2020, 08:26 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(10-14-2020, 12:43 PM)Isoko Wrote: ClassicXer, 

I hate to break it to you but the main Trump support/anti BLM coalition is mainly older white people that "want their country back." The vast majority of Americas millenials support the left. They are going to vote Biden. There is not going to be a right wing push back. Trump himself is very much a "last hurrah" in that factor. 

Its not what right wingers like to hear but it is the truth. I guess I've started to look at the bigger picture more objectively and I sort of find myself agreeing more with Eric and the other boomers.
You have your opinion, I have my opinion, we'll see who is right. You should probably ask Eric, how many times that I've been proven right over the years? Yes, I've been hearing that the vast majority of the Millies support the Left from the Left for many years and I even saw that what they said was true with Obama and the Democratic party of the time. Is Biden a Berniecrat or an old age Democrat who has lost the bulk of his luster? Does Obama have the same luster as he did back then? Americans tend to vote to move forward during crisis's despite the Democratic tendency to want to move backwards and return to the way things were before the crisis. The Democratic challenger during the Civil War, a wishy washy general who was more concerned about loosing than focused on taking the initiative and winning ran on making peace with the Confederacy and allow the Confederacy to keep its slaves. I'm sorry but Biden and his Liberal sidekick/replacement aren't strong enough leaders to represent the interests of this country and keep this country together at the same time.

Actually when Biden wins (and it is pretty definite at this point) there will be some moaning and shootings from the right wingers but it will quieten down. There won't be any major civil war or insurgency in America because of one simple fact: you guys are still very comfortable.

Can you honestly believe millions of Americans would fight a bloody civil war over Joe Biden winning the election? Or even Trump? No. I live in Russia and I can tell you, the average American does still have a better quality of life then the average Russian (although it is starting to decline in America I must confess)

So no, Biden won't cause a civil war. There will be more division and hate of Trump wins. If anything, most people just want the chaos to stop and likely will vote for Biden in hopes of achieving just that. 

As for the latest polls, it looks like Texas is now a toss up for the GOP. TEXAS! Can you believe it? Texas potentially going blue in 2020? That just goes to show how much Trump is hated.
(10-15-2020, 12:40 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(10-15-2020, 11:26 AM)CH86 Wrote: Donald Trump WILL Run again in 2024 (after repealing the two terms limit/he will achieve this via Berniecrats unexpectedly siding with the GOP on this one issue) but will be crushed in that election in 2024...

I suspect the polls are more or less right, Trump will loose, be found guilty of something or other, and therefore be disqualified from running in 2024.  This might not stop him from going through the motions, it will just prevent him from winning.  I don't expect, however, to convince an ideologue.  We'll see how Earth 1 progresses.
He could hand over the keys to the White House and proceed to split country. Personally, I don't know how you're going to remain an American and be able to survive without American support or the American economy or how you'll be able to compete with a free country that's committed to upholding the rule of law that truly represents a commitment to equality and maintaining higher living standards. He looses, you loose over half the country and the majority of the land as well.
(10-15-2020, 12:40 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(10-15-2020, 11:26 AM)CH86 Wrote: Donald Trump WILL Run again in 2024 (after repealing the two terms limit/he will achieve this via Berniecrats unexpectedly siding with the GOP on this one issue) but will be crushed in that election in 2024...

I suspect the polls are more or less right, Trump will loose, be found guilty of something or other, and therefore be disqualified from running in 2024.  This might not stop him from going through the motions, it will just prevent him from winning.  I don't expect, however, to convince an ideologue.  We'll see how Earth 1 progresses.

Nope the Polls are wrong because they oversample Boomers and democrats. The Republicans polled are mainly boomers as well. I expect Trump to win on similar margins as last time. However it will not be the same demographics that voted for him in 2016 though. I do think Biden's gains among over 65 and seniors is genuine; however that will be more than offsetted by gains Among Millennials, Latinos and Northern Blacks. It would be hilarious if Large swaths of places like New England or the Latino plurality counties in the southwest and California vote red in November. It would be doubly hilarious if Wayne County, Michigan for example; goes red at election day. Even more so if this DIDN'T wash over to the down-ballot races. Because it would be unmistakable what had happened, the establishment DNC would be utterly unable to lie and/or cover up what had actually happened. They would be unable to twist themselves into illogical knots trying to claim that voters didn't reject DNC establishment Boomer leaders and their ideas specifically.

Link Below to a possible interpretation of what is causing the Riots. DNC is Using Antifa/BLM to terrorize their own wayward constituents. They are using Antifa/BLM to punish democratic constituents that refused to swallow Hillary in 2016. I only disagree regarding the conclusions in the link, in that I believe the DNC is Angry with Northern Blacks as well as Midwestern rust belt Whites. Note that No Riots have taken Place in the black belt of the Deep South or in Liberal Yuppie Areas. Atlanta is an exception that proves the rule because Its population is mainly Northern Black Transplants, not southerners. I don't believe this gambit would succeed though, instead there would be either mass defections to the GOP or the formation of a third party. Liberal 60's era boomers are really revealing their Control-freak nature these last couple election cycles.
Sorry CH86 but even the Conservative polls such as Rasmussen are giving Biden a healthy lead. They reported on the 12% lead for Biden a week ago and now it is has dropped to 5% but still, it is still a decent lead.

I remember 4 years ago and Rasmussen was actually reporting a lead for Trump against Hilary, only poll to do so. So if Rasmussen is showing a Biden lead, then it is likely Biden is leading, especially amongst independents. 

Your response sounds like overzealous fanaticism when quite clearly the polls are showing Biden. This isn't going to be a near thing like last time.
(10-16-2020, 02:19 AM)Isoko Wrote: Sorry CH86 but even the Conservative polls such as Rasmussen are giving Biden a healthy lead. They reported on the 12% lead for Biden a week ago and now it is has dropped to 5% but still, it is still a decent lead.

I remember 4 years ago and Rasmussen was actually reporting a lead for Trump against Hilary, only poll to do so. So if Rasmussen is showing a Biden lead, then it is likely Biden is leading, especially amongst independents. 

Your response sounds like overzealous fanaticism when quite clearly the polls are showing Biden. This isn't going to be a near thing like last time.

Actually I'm NOT a conservative. The obvious problem with the DNC currently is that it is controlled by Boomer Control-freaks who want to "mommy" the entire country and put everyone on "Time-out". The polls massively overrepresent boomers, and show a Biden lead because that cohort HAS turned against Trump due to his handling of covid. We under 50 Americans are not voting because we dislike or like Trump; but because we hate boomer tyranny. Boomers don't even actually care about the issues, even liberal issues: What the Boomers are attempting is a blatant power grab and any one with a brain in this country can see the obvious power grab. We Millennials will Crush this attempt at Boomer Tyranny, Globalist Tyranny and Human Rights tyranny being lead by wrinkled Boomers and their Feminist political Commissars.
(10-15-2020, 02:18 PM)Isoko Wrote: Can you honestly believe millions of Americans would fight a bloody civil war over Joe Biden winning the election? Or even Trump? No. I live in Russia and I can tell you, the average American does still have a better quality of life then the average Russian (although it is starting to decline in America I must confess)
Well, I'm not the GOP. As far as I can tell, the GOP are supporting Biden and more or less on the Democratic side/ Big Government side.
(10-16-2020, 02:29 AM)CH86 Wrote:
(10-16-2020, 02:19 AM)Isoko Wrote: Sorry CH86 but even the Conservative polls such as Rasmussen are giving Biden a healthy lead. They reported on the 12% lead for Biden a week ago and now it is has dropped to 5% but still, it is still a decent lead.

I remember 4 years ago and Rasmussen was actually reporting a lead for Trump against Hilary, only poll to do so. So if Rasmussen is showing a Biden lead, then it is likely Biden is leading, especially amongst independents. 

Your response sounds like overzealous fanaticism when quite clearly the polls are showing Biden. This isn't going to be a near thing like last time.

Actually I'm NOT a conservative. The obvious problem with the DNC currently is that it is controlled by Boomer Control-freaks who want to "mommy" the entire country and put everyone on "Time-out". The polls massively overrepresent boomers, and show a Biden lead because that cohort HAS turned against Trump due to his handling of covid. We under 50 Americans are not voting because we dislike or like Trump; but because we hate boomer tyranny. Boomers don't even actually care about the issues, even liberal issues: What the Boomers are attempting is a blatant power grab and any one with a brain in this country can see the obvious power grab. We Millennials will Crush this attempt at Boomer Tyranny, Globalist Tyranny and Human Rights tyranny being lead by wrinkled Boomers and their Feminist political Commissars.
I can tell that Isoko doesn't live here.
At this point, I am much more concerned with what Trump does in his lame duck period and with which faction within the Republicans comes up on top in the post Trump era than I am with the impossible task of getting ideologues to smell reality. Both Classic’s ‘Americans’ and CH86’s younger generations seem to be projections, a bunch of people imagined to think like they do. I’ll let Pbower, Eric and the rest say who the polls say is winning and where the Democrats are strong. I am just more concerned with the next problems facing reality than their straw men.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(10-16-2020, 02:29 AM)CH86 Wrote:
(10-16-2020, 02:19 AM)Isoko Wrote: Sorry CH86 but even the Conservative polls such as Rasmussen are giving Biden a healthy lead. They reported on the 12% lead for Biden a week ago and now it is has dropped to 5% but still, it is still a decent lead.

I remember 4 years ago and Rasmussen was actually reporting a lead for Trump against Hilary, only poll to do so. So if Rasmussen is showing a Biden lead, then it is likely Biden is leading, especially amongst independents. 

Your response sounds like overzealous fanaticism when quite clearly the polls are showing Biden. This isn't going to be a near thing like last time.

Actually I'm NOT a conservative. The obvious problem with the DNC currently is that it is controlled by Boomer Control-freaks who want to "mommy" the entire country and put everyone on "Time-out". The polls massively overrepresent boomers, and show a Biden lead because that cohort HAS turned against Trump due to his handling of covid. We under 50 Americans are not voting because we dislike or like Trump; but because we hate boomer tyranny. Boomers don't even actually care about the issues, even liberal issues: What the Boomers are attempting is a blatant power grab and any one with a brain in this country can see the obvious power grab. We Millennials will Crush this attempt at Boomer Tyranny, Globalist Tyranny and Human Rights tyranny being lead by wrinkled Boomers and their Feminist political Commissars.

Sorry but you are wrong about the millenials. The vast majority of millennials support the left and globalism. Very few actually are right wing. If you look at who voted for Trump last time, it wasn't the millennials but mainly the baby boomers. Same with Brexit in the UK and other populist parties throughout Europe. 

Now the only generation I see that is starting to turn away from the left and that is generation z. Not all of them but I do see them having more political opinions and drifting more towards the right. 

But not millennials, no. They will vote as a majority for Biden. 

Looking at demographics, if Trump has lost the boomer vote, Trump had lost the race.
Classic Xer, 

As I said before, I live in Russia but come from Britain. I'm well aware of what you are talking about and I'm telling you that Trump is heavily losing popularity. If Trump actually managed to pull off a victory at this stage, it would be the greatest political upset in history. It would be the political equivalent of the OJ Simpson trial.
(10-16-2020, 12:14 AM)CH86 Wrote:
(10-15-2020, 12:40 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(10-15-2020, 11:26 AM)CH86 Wrote: Donald Trump WILL Run again in 2024 (after repealing the two terms limit/he will achieve this via Berniecrats unexpectedly siding with the GOP on this one issue) but will be crushed in that election in 2024...

I suspect the polls are more or less right, Trump will loose, be found guilty of something or other, and therefore be disqualified from running in 2024.  This might not stop him from going through the motions, it will just prevent him from winning.  I don't expect, however, to convince an ideologue.  We'll see how Earth 1 progresses.

Nope the Polls are wrong because they oversample Boomers and democrats.

Wrong... unless the polls are landline-only (many people are abandoning landlines), and even if such were so, Boomers are about 5% more R than D.  

Quote:The Republicans polled are mainly boomers as well. I expect Trump to win on similar margins as last time.

Trump has little appeal to the Millennial generation which will be the bulk of new voters. Figure that about 1.6% of the electorate over 55 (which now includes practically no GI's, the Silent and then the later wave now approaching or just past 80, Boomers, and now the first wave of X.... all of those are now hard to distinguish in their partisan orientation. Figure that people are typically in the potential electorate for about 60 years. Surely you know what happens to a great degree among voters in their late seventies, their eighties, and nineties, don't you? About 1.6% of the electorate, largely at the upper end of the age brackets, dies off every year, and such people quite voting. 

Millennial voters are on the average about 20% more D than R, so figure that such is enough to have a swing of about 25% between older and younger voters; multiply that by at least 6.4% and you get at least a 1.6% even swing nationwide toward the Democrats between 2016 and 2020. That alone was potentially enough to swing Florida (29), Michigan (17), Pennsylvania (20), and Wisconsin (10) away from Trump and turn a  306-231 wining  environment for Trump into a  306-231 winning environment for a Democrat. That's before I discuss Californians moving into Arizona ant taking their D voting habits with them or the fast-growing Hispanic population in Arizona. 

To win in 2020, Donald Trump would have to have been a better President than people thought he would be... for that I defer to the mass dissent at his performance. Winning nominees for re-election do not have approval numbers in the low forties and disapproval in the mid-fifties.    

Quote:However it will not be the same demographics that voted for him in 2016 though. I do think Biden's gains among over 65 and seniors is genuine; however that will be more than off-set by gains Among Millennials, Latinos and Northern Blacks. It would be hilarious if Large swaths of places like New England or the Latino plurality counties in the southwest and California vote red in November. It would be doubly hilarious if Wayne County, Michigan for example; goes red at election day. Even more so if this DIDN'T wash over to the down-ballot races. Because it would be unmistakable what had happened, the establishment DNC would be utterly unable to lie and/or cover up what had actually happened. They would be unable to twist themselves into illogical knots trying to claim that voters didn't reject DNC establishment Boomer leaders and their ideas specifically.

Donald Trump is practically what Howe and Strauss said constituted the vices of Idealist generations (he is ruthless, arrogant, and selfish) as leaders and only two of the virtues (I consider him decisive... but decisively wrong!) of vision and erudite learning. He is a pathological leader, and such leads to catastrophic failure.

So what is pathological about him?

From The Allure of Toxic Leaders (Jean Lipman-Blumen) comes a veritable checklist (pp 10-20):

The characteristic destructive behaviors of toxic leaders include (as I summarize them):
  • Leaving their followers (and frequently non-followers) worse off than they found them -- compromising them legally and morally, abusing them financially and sexually, destroying old family bonds and associations, and ruining their self-esteem

    Violating the basic standards of human rights of their supporters as well as of non-supporters.

    Grossly misrepresenting the competence and benign intentions of the Leader to the extent that followers see no alternatives to the Personality Cult

    Playing to the basest fears and needs of people without solving them

    Stifling any constructive criticism of the Leader and his methods and judgment of the results

    Pervasive deceit

    Subversion of traditional controls upon pathological leadership (legal process, education, the media) to get away with unethical, illegal, and criminal acts

    Establishment of a dynastic or totalitarian succession at the expense of free elections in politics and institutional merit in businesses and government bureaucracies

    Failure to nurture others (except cronies and family members) while inappropriately clinging to power

    Pitting constituents against each other

    Treating followers well, but encouraging them to hate and destroy others

    Creating pariahs for abuse

    Making the few who do well in the system dependent upon the survival of the power of the leader

    Neglect or sponsorship of incompetence, cronyism, and corruption

Quote:Link Below to a possible interpretation of what is causing the Riots. DNC is Using Antifa/BLM to terrorize their own wayward constituents. They are using Antifa/BLM to punish democratic constituents that refused to swallow Hillary in 2016. I only disagree regarding the conclusions in the link, in that I believe the DNC is Angry with Northern Blacks as well as Midwestern rust belt Whites. Note that No Riots have taken Place in the black belt of the Deep South or in Liberal Yuppie Areas. Atlanta is an exception that proves the rule because Its population is mainly Northern Black Transplants, not southerners. I don't believe this gambit would succeed though, instead there would be either mass defections to the GOP or the formation of a third party. Liberal 60's era boomers are really revealing their Control-freak nature these last couple election cycles.

Does that seem a wise and effective strategy? You can trust that Democrats want as big a win as possible to ensure that

(1) Donald Trump goes down to defeat
(2) Democrats regain the Senate, and
(3) Democrats keep the House

The alternative is that Democrats lose the 2020 election, Donald Trump gets re-elected, and America degenerates into a high-tech version of feudalism in which extant elites enrich themselves at the expense of everyone else by ensuring that the vast majority of people see the sole purpose of life in the enrichment, enforcement, and indulgence of the will of those elites at the expense of any dignity (economic or moral) and even their debased lives.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(10-16-2020, 02:29 AM)CH86 Wrote:
(10-16-2020, 02:19 AM)Isoko Wrote: Sorry CH86 but even the Conservative polls such as Rasmussen are giving Biden a healthy lead. They reported on the 12% lead for Biden a week ago and now it is has dropped to 5% but still, it is still a decent lead.

I remember 4 years ago and Rasmussen was actually reporting a lead for Trump against Hilary, only poll to do so. So if Rasmussen is showing a Biden lead, then it is likely Biden is leading, especially amongst independents. 

Your response sounds like overzealous fanaticism when quite clearly the polls are showing Biden. This isn't going to be a near thing like last time.

Actually I'm NOT a conservative. The obvious problem with the DNC currently is that it is controlled by Boomer Control-freaks who want to "mommy" the entire country and put everyone on "Time-out". The polls massively overrepresent boomers, and show a Biden lead because that cohort HAS turned against Trump due to his handling of covid. We under 50 Americans are not voting because we dislike or like Trump; but because we hate boomer tyranny. Boomers don't even actually care about the issues, even liberal issues: What the Boomers are attempting is a blatant power grab and any one with a brain in this country can see the obvious power grab. We Millennials will Crush this attempt at Boomer Tyranny, Globalist Tyranny and Human Rights tyranny being lead by wrinkled Boomers and their Feminist political Commissars.

According to S&H, Biden is a Silent and Trump is the Boomer. So, you are voting for the Boomer, Cynic Hero?
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(10-16-2020, 12:14 AM)CH86 Wrote:
(10-15-2020, 12:40 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(10-15-2020, 11:26 AM)CH86 Wrote: Donald Trump WILL Run again in 2024 (after repealing the two terms limit/he will achieve this via Berniecrats unexpectedly siding with the GOP on this one issue) but will be crushed in that election in 2024...

I suspect the polls are more or less right, Trump will loose, be found guilty of something or other, and therefore be disqualified from running in 2024.  This might not stop him from going through the motions, it will just prevent him from winning.  I don't expect, however, to convince an ideologue.  We'll see how Earth 1 progresses.

Nope the Polls are wrong because they oversample Boomers and democrats. The Republicans polled are mainly boomers as well. I expect Trump to win on similar margins as last time. However it will not be the same demographics that voted for him in 2016 though. I do think Biden's gains among over 65 and seniors is genuine; however that will be more than offsetted by gains Among Millennials, Latinos and Northern Blacks. It would be hilarious if Large swaths of places like New England or the Latino plurality counties in the southwest and California vote red in November. It would be doubly hilarious if Wayne County, Michigan for example; goes red at election day. Even more so if this DIDN'T wash over to the down-ballot races. Because it would be unmistakable what had happened, the establishment DNC would be utterly unable to lie and/or cover up what had actually happened. They would be unable to twist themselves into illogical knots trying to claim that voters didn't reject DNC establishment Boomer leaders and their ideas specifically.

Link Below to a possible interpretation of what is causing the Riots. DNC is Using Antifa/BLM to terrorize their own wayward constituents. They are using Antifa/BLM to punish democratic constituents that refused to swallow Hillary in 2016. I only disagree regarding the conclusions in the link, in that I believe the DNC is Angry with Northern Blacks as well as Midwestern rust belt Whites. Note that No Riots have taken Place in the black belt of the Deep South or in Liberal Yuppie Areas. Atlanta is an exception that proves the rule because Its population is mainly Northern Black Transplants, not southerners. I don't believe this gambit would succeed though, instead there would be either mass defections to the GOP or the formation of a third party. Liberal 60's era boomers are really revealing their Control-freak nature these last couple election cycles.

A few riots have happened where police have killed or injured innocent black people. Understandable entirely, even if not wise. Period.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(10-15-2020, 01:39 PM)CH86 Wrote:
(10-15-2020, 12:40 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(10-15-2020, 11:26 AM)CH86 Wrote: Donald Trump WILL Run again in 2024 (after repealing the two terms limit/he will achieve this via Berniecrats unexpectedly siding with the GOP on this one issue) but will be crushed in that election in 2024...

I suspect the polls are more or less right, Trump will loose, be found guilty of something or other, and therefore be disqualified from running in 2024.  This might not stop him from going through the motions, it will just prevent him from winning.  I don't expect, however, to convince an ideologue.  We'll see how Earth 1 progresses.

How are you going to win the election without the Millies/Homies/Late-wave Xers/Young minorities contingent? You guys can't win with just Sixties radicals and acolytes. We don't like president Trump BUT we're never going to vote for permanent feminist activist Rule or a global disarmament platform. We're NOT unilaterally disarming like we did during the 1990s which would bring possibly another 9/11, even worse a second Pearl Harbor. As long as the dnc insists on making the above your platform and keeps gaslighting by saying that not wanting global disarmament (when Russia and China are building Missiles like sausages) or not wanting feminist identity rulership is somehow being racist against black people ( and then parading some hippy boomer and/or Black Boomer (and it's almost always a boomer) Born before 1965 who then makes a condescending lecture); this is doubly insulting when most of those who are criticizing you are mostly Blacks, Hispanics, Asians and Young Whites, mostly born after 1965. YOU are talking to one of these mixed race young legionaries. Your feminist Harpies who think Boomers rock, are very much a tiny minority of young people.

The rest of Us want policy reform, not a cultural revolution. We usually disliked the GOP because that Party traditionally blocked such initiatives and was most hostile to such initiatives. Post-Trump the GOP seems to be gaining an advantage because at least part of that party is finally at least looking at the room and the the rest of us. The DNC however insists on keeping its head up it's Ass, which is sad because most Millennials favored policies that traditionally were closer to the DNC's platform than that of the GOP. DNC, Stop with this 60's hippy-dippy nonsense. We (Millennials) don't want World peace/World without war, or a world without economic/social Cycles. We Millennials recognize that things like wars and Economic depressions and the occasional social disruptions are facts of life and Inherent parts of human nature. Until Liberal Boomers make peace with Human nature and STOP Trying to Change Human nature and START advocating Policy reform, Economic Reform, Military reform, Social Cohesion and National security protection, you are not going to be winning young people and without the Young (born after 1970) vote you can't win any elections. We're not voting for another hippiest Control-freak.

Sorry it's the Boomers, Not Millennials or even Xers, who have gone crazy in recent years. Boomers are trying to deceive millennials into voting against their own interests. Real Millennials want the Boomer Leadership Gone, period that is what constitutes millennials prime interests. Currently it is the DNC who is worse in that Regard. If we have a Biden Term we would get at most 2 years of Biden then he would be 25th amendment-ed by the DNC and then have 10 years of Kamala. We would have essentially Boomer Tyranny until 2032 and probably no millennial president until the 2040 election. By the America would be broken beyond repair, and thats even if Kamala didn't escalate the culture wars. With four more years of Trump, he would be gone after 2024 and if tried to run another term he would probably be crushed by any remotely competent electoral adversary in 2024. We would then have a millennial president and (as most millennials are cultural moderates) he/she would likely be capable of making peace with Classic-Xer, the culture wars would end in a handshake with the various radicals sides discredited and becoming pariahs. The rest of us would have tough Xer/Millie leadership which would rebuild the military and Industry, streamline infrastructure repair, Fully integrate all minorities into US culture without emotional boomer radicals getting in the way, nationalize/anchor the tech industry and integrate it with the military. We could get the above done if it wasn't for boomer Lunatics on both Sides (but currently worse on the boomer left) messing up everything.

Ha ha. Your ramblings arouse a few thoughts. First of all, you respect my horoscope method enough to ask what your score is, and it was better than I expected. But I guess you don't know that Kamala Harris has had a 4-16 score on my system, and although I am currently revising this method and scores, it is unlikely to improve based on what I have seen so far. Kamala is just not an appealing candidate, and unlikable candidates don't win. She will never win a presidential election, and even if she inherits the office for a year or two, she would be by far the lowest scoring person ever to do even that, so I consider that unlikely.

The terrorists who attacked on 9-11 would not have been deterred from hijacking airplanes by the Cold War Military Machine, and during Reagan's time terrorists were almost as dangerous and successful in their attacks.

The Millennials are of course social liberals, feminists, globalists, and beyond dispute they are diverse, so the culture war among races and genders would not be continued by them. I agree on the needed economic reforms similar to those of 80-90 years ago. Yours is a world of yesterday however, before the cultural and social movements of the sixties, but as one historian said, social liberties once gained are seldom reversed. As a boomer I am really fond of hippies, peace and ecology, experienced some of this revolution and its glories, even if mindful too of its shortcomings and fantasies, and I see the cycles of time and know that we are still the future, and your world of 80-90 years ago isn't coming back, despite Trump's dishonest and phony show-biz efforts. It's on the ballot, and it will lose.

Yours is a fantasy world similar to that of Mussolini and Hitler who made the trains run on time, built the military, celebrated masculinity, gave people jobs building infrastructure, supported integrating big industry with the military, favored wars against enemies, etc. I don't think Millennials and Xers will support continuing to convert the USA into this world.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
I agree with you Eric when it comes to millenials in America (and the larger Anglo world such as Britain and Canada). The vast majority of them actually are very defensive and supportive of the new multicultural/multiracial society that has been born. They don't have the desire to return to the past. 

However, millenials in Europe are a different kettle of fish. Aside from some outliers such as Germany and Sweden, I would say the vast majority of millenials in Europe have some form of populist right wing sympathy. Greek millenials are very patriotic and right wing. The majority of French millenials supported LePen with arguments made similar to Classic Xer and CH86. Italian millenials usually vote for the populists. Spain has a growing right wing populist movement and its millenials supporters. Eastern European millenials have views that would not be out of place in 1950s Britain. You get the point. 

Like I said before, Trump would actually be very successful in Europe. I think the reason for this is that the Anglo countries tend to be more defensive of democratic structures compared to Europeans that like to embrace their caesars every so many generations.
(10-16-2020, 07:19 AM)Isoko Wrote: Like I said before, Trump would actually be very successful in Europe. I think the reason for this is that the Anglo countries tend to be more defensive of democratic structures compared to Europeans that like to embrace their caesars every so many generations. 

Maybe Trump like. Trump himself has many personal failings that seem to be coming home to roost. I suspect those particular failings will be avoided for a bit.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
Right Bob. Trump himself is what led to the decline in his movement. The European caesars tend to be more smarter and sophisticated. They are not frightened of losing elections because their political systems allow them to return once the conditions are right, compared to Trump who knows once he is out, he is never coming back.
(10-16-2020, 04:02 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Well, I'm not the GOP. As far as I can tell, the GOP are supporting Biden and more or less on the Democratic side/ Big Government side.

There is a split.  The White House, the racists, the establishment looking to keep hold of the base, the elitists, the Trump base, are mostly with Trump.  Many establishment types openly hated Trump when he was seeking the nomination, supported him out of fear of reprisal and to get support of the Trump base.  Now they are looking to survive Trump's crash without inviting retribution.  How to seem loyal without seeming loyal?  Loyalty to Trump gains you support of his base, but the enmity of the bigger faction that sees his failings.

The true conservatives are temporarily with Biden.  This includes the Lincoln Project, the Republicans Against Trump, VoteVets and the like.

You seem to be unusual in approving of the violence without being racists about it.  Sort of Tea Party rejection of the elite faction and loyalty to Trump without the racism that is often behind it.

To me, the problem is that the political structure at present only allows two viable parties.  Will it be a divide between establishment and liberal Democratic wings, or can one faction gain control of enough conservatives to remain the most viable challenger?  Right now the Democrats are fairly united, but they typically aren't.  We will see what happens when Trump as a common threat is not around.  The Tea Party became enamored of first Palin then Trump.  It seems likely they will become enamored of someone else, but have they learned from their mistakes?
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

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