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Grey Champions and the Election of 2016
(12-12-2016, 03:09 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Nobody is perfect. Nobody is perfectly prescient.

Red Herring. I made no claim to the contrary. I was merely pointing out that the Neo-Con ideology itself is an outgrowth of Trotskyism. There is a clear delination of those who in the 1930s were card carrying Trots down to 1960s radicals, to the Neo-Cons. This is the history.

Quote:Well, at least I have no use for one of the biggest murderers of all time... or for any corrupt kleptocrat with sociopathic tendencies. 

Good for you. That we all should be so pure. That being said many of those you follow have loads of good things to say about Castro and Che, both jailed, purged and even expropriated. Just saying.

Quote:As a liberal I know enough to stay away from them. I can't change their minds.

Pretty much why I don't debate Eric, Alphabet Soup or even you for that matter. Boomers by and large are a lost cause anyway, they've been values locked since the Awakening--Alphabet Soup is an Xer but I think he too is values locked. I can and will continue to point out the flaws of your arguments--such as they are (as we know they are mostly memorized and repeated ad nauseum)

Quote:But just think of the new law in Ohio that practically criminalizes any abortion -- basically by outlawing any abortion as soon as a fetus is known to exist. I expect some protests... abortion-rights protesters might be strident, but no more so than the Tea Party.

You really should stop watching the fake news source known as CNN. That law establishes a cut off date of 20 weeks of gestation which is actually quite common. Since a woman would be 5 months pregnant, she should already know long before then that she is pregnant. Also many other states have such a cut off point. Dead issue.

As for the Ebony magazine article...Ebony is a rag. So much so that it isn't even in the salons. I should know since I've been going to the same stylist for years since she knows how to get my hair texturing just right.

Quote:I am not Hard Left. I have had few opportunities for finding something worthy of protesting. I might soon have an excuse to go to Columbus, Ohio, about a three-hour drive from where I live.

Good, if you think that is something you should do, you definitely should go to a protest. Being raised in the Pentecostal Church I can tell you that it is akin to a powerful worship service. But then again political protests have been a sacrament on the left since the 1960s. And the Hard Left actually uses such language to describe it.

Quote:I'm not a business owner. But there are people who believe that business freedom includes the right to discriminate.

Yes, and they would be wrong to discriminate against serving or hiring people on the basis of their race or religion. I'd say the same thing for Sexual Orientation as well but I highly doubt that any left group is going to target a Halal Meat Market for refusing to serve a gay wedding. It goes against the narrative. The fact is that Donald Trump does not conduct business that way.

Quote:Donald Trump used racist rhetoric in his campaign speeches.

Really? Where? I demand sauce for this or you're just shilling for the Establishment Democrats.

Quote:We have had gridlock that has prevented either a decisive and positive resolution or an attempt to force the issues in an apocalypse. Now that America is about to be ruled by people in lockstep, people who believe that no human suffering is in excess so long as it creates high profits or high executive compensation, we are about to reap the whirlwind.

That is not the case, again Trump's personal actions speak to that--however, even if it were, I'd say it was a positive good because it would, in the case of any form of remotely industrializing cause the conditions necessary for a revolution. Indeed, the expectation that things should get better for the common people, which Trump definitely ran on could establish the conditions necessary for a revolution or civil war of some sort.

Quote:This 4T may be more like 3/4 over. At this stage I can see similar probabilities of a salubrious ending or a horrific ending of this Crisis. We are going to see domestic strife as we have never seen before. We are going to hear invective that we will shield children from after the Crisis.

Quote:I concur on Katrina. But one other form of Civil War is a Dirty War in which the Establishment sets the police and armed forces loose to stifle dissent, if necessary with mass murder as in Chile under Pinochet. I can imagine America becoming a fascist oligarchy in which the key to survival is to play dumb, work to exhaustion for near-starvation pay, be satisfied with moronic entertainment as the Opiate of the Masses,  and praise the Great and Glorious Leaders and those around him.

I agree. Whose policies have caused those conditions? I'll give you a hint, not Donald Trump. Consider for a second which side is ranting and raving now about "fake news" and "foreign propaganda". Again same hint, not Donald Trump--hell not even the GOP unless you count Archcuckservative John McInsane.

Quote:One can read  just about anything that one wants into the S&H theory. History has shown elsewhere that anything is possible in a 4T -- much of it horrible.

How about this as a thought experiment:

Let us suppose that Bannon who will be Trump's chief advisor (that is a White House staff position and he could hire a whore from 2nd Avenue if he wanted for White House positions) does subscribe to S&H theory. Let us also suppose that he feels that a crisis climax not only is coming but inevitable (like S&H theory does) and thus he can stear the direction of that climax.

Now assuming that we only have two choices: Some sort of trade war with China and maybe the EU (but unlikely to be them mostly China) OR a thermonuclear war with Russia. Which do you think he'd pick. Remember we are talking about a man with a great deal of influence over the President.

I'm going to put my shekels down on a trade war. I have this strange inkling that Trump and Bannon both prefer to not be vaporized along with the rest of humanity.
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.

Messages In This Thread
What is a Grey Champion? - by Bob Butler 54 - 05-05-2016, 07:50 AM
A Test of Theory - by Mikebert - 08-13-2016, 08:45 AM
RE: A Test of Theory - by Ragnarök_62 - 08-13-2016, 04:43 PM
RE: A Test of Theory - by Mikebert - 08-14-2016, 09:10 AM
RE: Grey Champions and the Election of 2016 - by Kinser79 - 12-12-2016, 03:35 PM

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