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[split] Trump Trainwreck - Ongoing diary of betrayal and evil
(12-28-2016, 11:59 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(12-28-2016, 07:00 PM)taramarie Wrote: By the way, Eric if you can prove that it does work I can consider that too. I am interested in what strategy works best is all and I am trying to find it. I am merely observing you guys and seeing that conversation does not seem to go anywhere.
In my opinion, results work/speak the best. The problem with results  is that results take time. Who has the time/patience to wait for results? Progressives don't have time, progressives have upcoming elections to win and their political powers to defend as much as possible. The conversations as you say may not seem to go anywhere but the conversations do eventually get results over time. I've seen results over a ten year period that you haven't seen. Eric already lost the war on all the fronts that really matter to most Americans. Eric won a few battles that didn't matter all that much as far as the greater scheme of things.

I do not see results too often in the sense of minds changed as a result of my posts, either mine or other minds. But it does occasionally happen. This forum can't be judged on how many minds are changed, or results in that sense. Right now, the civility of the forum seems OK, on the whole. It was better in the older period, and got worse a few years ago; that's my opinion.

Eric has lost the battle in the 2 most recent USA elections; Classic is right. But the 4T is not over by a long shot, and the battles will get more intense before it ends in 2028-29. The Left may be just getting warmed up, and it needs to get hot. I hope the resistance will be as stiff as possible to Classic Xer's side of things, led by Drumpf. I don't know what the results will be. I have astrology to suggest that things will turn out well by the end of the 4T, but well for whom, and at what price, and by who's definition? We will see if it works out well for most people, at a reasonable cost, and by my definition. If progressives win the "war," then it WILL work out well in all these says. If reactionaries like Classic Xer win the war instead, only the wealthy will benefit, and life on this planet will be in severe danger.

And I am very confident that only IF the progressives win, will progress resume and America prosper. It could not be clearer for those who know the facts, that the main threat to America comes from libertarian economics, and its allied attitudes of racism, militarism and conservative religious fundamentalism. It could not be clearer that libertarian economics has already failed badly, over and over again. It could not be clearer that folks like Classic Xer (not to mention ideologues like Galen) are deceived, and will not face this failure of their ideology.

Still, I think Obama had some victories, which no doubt could well be overturned again. Health insurance was improved for some people, at lower cost that it would have been otherwise. Rape of the biosphere for fossil fuels was at least slowed down through car mileage requirements. The recession was stopped from being a catastrophe. Gays can get married. Banks are re-regulated to stave off the next financial collapse. Much more needed to be done, that wasn't. Drumpf and his foolish Party may be able to reverse all these things, and more; and set us on a drastically backward course back to the 19th century age of robber barons and official state corruption; we'll see.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M

Messages In This Thread
RE: Trump Trainwreck - Ongoing diary of betrayal and evil - by Eric the Green - 12-29-2016, 02:30 AM

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