06-06-2016, 03:06 PM
(06-06-2016, 07:42 AM)Anthony Wrote: No one understands, respects, and appreciates the fact that African-Americans have always had - and still have - legitimate grievances more than I do. Yet at the same time, it is never acceptable to collaborate with a foreign enemy in time of total war - and don't kid yourself: The Cold War was a total war - had we lost, it would have meant a Communist boot stamping on the human face forever; by contrast, there was never any concrete evidence that the Nazis had any conquest ambitions for the Western Hemisphere.
And why was the Vietnam War "immoral"? North Vietnam and its Viet Cong stooges invaded South Vietnam, which was not making any aggressive moves whatsoever towards them. And what G-d damn hypocrites the Boomer cowards and traitors were - calling this noble war "immoral" while concomitantly having sex like rabbits without even the thought of getting married, just as they called our brave police officers "pigs" while they themselves lived like pigs, hardly ever taking baths, etc.
And since when does disapproving of treason make anyone a chickenhawk? Was Dante a chickenhawk for reserving the very lowest circle of his Inferno for traitors?
Old Man Yells At Cloud, News at 10.
I bet you think the My Lai Massacre was totally OK and the "gooks" had it coming.
