06-07-2016, 05:35 PM
X_4AD_84 Wrote:Ahhhhh Vietnam.
So, it is true that the US supported a bad government. And yes there were atrocities and injustices from that side of the fence.
Dioxin laden Agent Orange comes to mind. Of course that really messed up our soldiers over there.
Quote:On the other hand, the North Vietnamese really were a satellite of the Communist Bloc. There is no doubt. They were not some Vietnamese versions of the US late 1700s patriots. So, we had to do something.
Why did we have to do something there? In the end, Vietnam didn't do anything to us.
Quote:Of course, that something ought to have been swifter and more aggressive - e.g. actual invasion and occupation of North Vietnam. Meanwhile, the North also had their atrocities and injustices up the yin yang.1. As Odin mentioned, that would have drawn in China.
2. There is no reason for the US to intervene militarily when some stupid atrocity happens. Humans are an apex predator and are thus, just innately tacky.
Quote:Oh, and then there was the 1000 year old animosity between the North and South that predated all modern geopolitics and domestic Vietnamese polity.
That's another reason to butt out. The same goes for that hellhole, the Mideast.
Quote:A classic mess.Said messes get much bigger when the US intervenes.

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