03-05-2018, 10:56 AM
(03-04-2018, 09:41 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: You don't see an issue/problem with a LEGAL age group of LEGAL status, who are LEGAL to LEGALLY purchase a LEGAL product (firearm, alcohol, cigarettes or any other products available for sale to public in their store) being refused and denied of the right of doing so? THE LAW OR THEMSELVES. IT OBVIOUSLY WASN'T THE LAW.
Who gave them that right (a group of arrogant blue idiots view themselves as being above the law who are used being held unaccountable or a group self righteous blues who view themselves as morally superior to everyone else or a group foolish blues who make their business decisions based feelings or popularity instead of business knowledge and common sense) to do what they did in AMERICA?
Your right to buy in no way implies my obligation to sell, unless I already sell the product or service to some but deny that product or service to members of a protected class. The second half of that sentence is only true because laws have been passed to make it true. Barring those laws, businesses could discriminate on any bases they choose. You may not like that, but that's the limit of the mandate. All the protected classes have been defined by our civil rights laws and, indirectly, by the constitution. In this case, you are implying that the 2nd Amendment mandates that 18 year olds cannot be denied the right to buy the guns of their choice. Even Scalia balked at that. I don't care for the Heller ruling, but Scalia made it clear that limits can be imposed.
Classic-Xer Wrote:ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE RUSSIANS (AN OLD RUSSIAN ASSOCIATED WITH THE OLD SOVIET UNION IN YOUR CASE OR REMNANT FROM THE COLD WAR IN YOUR CASE) that I'm still hearing about in the news? If so, that would explain why you are so off as far as your understanding and knowledge of AMERICA AND AMERICANS. Now, if its a matter of reasoning and serious lack of reasoning for whatever reason, that would explain it too. My values are clear and rather steady and widely held and recognized. My values aren't confusing and do not contradict and run into conflict and sparsely held and unrecognizable.
For a movement built on loving the Russians, this is, frankly, a bit bizarre ... but carry on.
Classic-Xer Wrote:If the banks don't kill them by shutting down or severely limiting their credit lines, the class action lawsuits and major lawsuits and the federal and state fines associated with breaking the law and the business disruptions that scare off/turn off customers and costumer losses and the sell off of stock by shareholders are going to severely cripple and most likely kill them from losses of operating capital and cash flow. Bye Bye Dick's Sporting Goods.
This I seriously doubt. Dick's may lose some business, gain some other business it wouldn't have otherwise, and will thrive or fail as a result. Management made a business decision. That's the job of management, and it looks like sound judgement to me. I doubt they did it for purely selfless reasons. Likewise, their creditors are not likely to alter their relationships in any way.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.