03-13-2018, 10:50 PM
(03-13-2018, 05:35 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:(03-13-2018, 10:27 AM)David Horn Wrote:Trump has placed the Democratic party in a tough position. Does the Democratic party stick with American tradition or let go of it? Do you see any one affiliated with the right trashing liberal College's, burning down portions of cities, rioting with police, tearing down statues, entering political rally's and taking over the stage, overwhelming security and chasing guest speakers off stages and so forth? You hear them because they aren't really needed on the right.(03-11-2018, 04:29 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:(03-11-2018, 10:13 AM)David Horn Wrote: Actually, voting is one area that youth are actually better prepared than their elders, because it's less emotional to begin with. That's the point of pushing for the vote for 16 year olds. Personally, I'm not sold on voting at 16, but I'm not totally opposed either.
Hmm. Blue voting and blue politics seem to be more driven by emotion and more reliant upon emotion. I see a lot of emotion being used in politics on the left side. I see political gatherings that remind me of pep rally's associated with my youth/ younger days. I've seen airheads and idiots who didn't seem to understand or recognize the seriousness of the issues at hand or the issues that were at stake at the time.
The SJWs are the left's version of the Trumpists, so yes, both sides do it. The biggest difference is centrality. The GOP has swallowed the fear mongering and nativist nonsense from the Trump team, hook, line and sinker. If that becomes the baseline attitude in the Democratic Party as well, then we have real troubles ahead.
FWIW, there are voices on the left fighting back against this tendency on that side. I don't hear those voices on the right.
You have a point that the left fringe has a violent side.
But, with caveats. The antifa group may have broken a window or two at Berkeley and chased a racist speaker away from Cal. But they also stand up to right wing violent groups too, who start fights and who ran down a peaceful protester in VA.
Ferguson MO got burned down, but burning cities was mainly something that left radicals did when you were a baby. It's not a big deal on the left now. And when conservative police kill black people for no reason, young black people can get frustrated when not allowed justice.
I don't know if a mob has torn down a statue yet. But city and state officials have rightly removed statues memorializing racists, and the current ambassador to the UN took down a confederate flag.
The left did not have a candidate who encouraged police and followers at his rallies to beat people up. The right did, and he was elected president by the electoral college.
I think the left will adhere to American values for the most part, in the sense that most will prefer to vote Democratic or vote for some other non-GOP party rather than engage in riots.