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[split] Rise Of Tribalism, Racism & Bigotry Most Associated With Which Turning & Why? - YARTed
(05-09-2019, 09:46 PM)taramarie Wrote:
(05-09-2019, 07:27 PM)TheNomad Wrote:
(05-08-2019, 12:56 AM)taramarie Wrote:
(05-07-2019, 04:02 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(05-07-2019, 09:20 AM)David Horn Wrote: High on my list of extreme improbabilities is the concept that a supreme being would be so petulant and petty that failing to believe in his/her meme would make you a permanent exile from his/her heaven.  It's irrationality at its worst.
Dude, Heaven's doors aren't  open to the public. One has to please Jesus and prove themselves worthy of belonging before entering Heaven. I wonder what Queen Nancy going to do when she learns that her ticket that she purchased for herself is fake and learns that  Jesus is an asshole  doesn't care how important she thinks she is or how much she's spent making herself look good to everyone else.
My partner who happens to be Christian says the same thing. However believes that one does not have to believe in a God to find your "heaven" when you die. You just have to be a good person and he states also that there are some pretty shitty Christians who do not follow what their bible and church preaches. That basically actions speak louder than their supposed beliefs. He stated pope francis also said that those who are kind will find their "heaven" when they die and will not be separated from their loved ones as some toxic individuals preach and/or will not suffer in death. Of course I do not believe in the theory, but its the toxic connotation attached to such ideas that does disturb me. I actually like my partners interpretation of his belief. Far healthier than some who state one must be a believer and if not one will burn in hell regardless if you have lived a kind hearted selfless life. Not a very healthy belief system some have.

this thread is

Rise Of Tribalism, Racism & Bigotry Most Associated With Which Turning & Why?

what does jesus or heaven have going on in that?

or burning in hell or any of that?

please move this thread to the off-topic/trash bin.

I began this thread, why don't i have the ability to delete it once it becomes a wasteland for babbling herds in the wilderness?

if a mod does not start doing their job, im going to SPAM this shit to death.
Lol calm down this happens in every thread. What makes your thread so special? This is what makes interesting discussion.

What makes it "special" is that it is "his" thread and he expects that it will stay exactly on the topic he thinks it should even though having been on this and the old forum for over 10 years I can tell you that never happens.  And such isn't just a feature (and it is a feature not a bug) of this forum but every other forum I've ever encountered with mixed company.

It is clear he hasn't learned that the topic of a thread is whatever the posters in the thread desire it to be, whether they are creating it or replying to it.  IIRC I ended up arguing with Eric over astrology in my Wheels Within Wheels thread which directly dealt with my Mega-Saeculum Hypothesis, and I had no problem with him being an Ignoramus in it--of course that was back when I still bothered to read things he posted (these days I just skip them unless he is unintentionally right about something [broken clocks and stuff]).
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Rise Of Tribalism, Racism & Bigotry Most Associated With Which Turning & Why? - by Kinser79 - 05-09-2019, 10:07 PM
Nigger (take some responsibility) - by TheNomad - 05-11-2019, 08:58 PM

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