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[split] Rise Of Tribalism, Racism & Bigotry Most Associated With Which Turning & Why? - YARTed
(05-10-2019, 09:12 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(05-10-2019, 02:06 AM)TheNomad Wrote: Everyone here saying "it never stays on topic" and "he doesnt want to hear other opinions EVOLVING in the conversation" you are not getting it.

There could be a billion threads in here with a billion names.  But why does it always devolve into ppl arguing the SAME EXACT political and ideological tropes in every one of those billion threads?  ISNT it because most are not in here to communicate at all?  They are just here to be some kind of living billboard for their ideology and are looking to hose down everyone else with it.

There is no "evolved conversation" I am against.  There is no "evolving topic".  The topic gets thrown out ASAP to make room for ppl who ONLY want to spout their beliefs AT others.  They even do it while claiming the person they are responding to "never listens and is dumb".

Why do that?  It's beyond empty.  The topic does not EVOLVE, it is changed ASAP!  As soon as someone can throw their logic bomb into the thread and cause everyone to back up into their respective caves and start throwing rocks.

I make threads because I am a thoughtful person who wants to learn.  Whoever keeps saying the phrase "butt hurt" please just logout from here and mosey down to the local tavern in Alabama and revel over how the new abortion law is going to help do god's will and AL will be on "the right side of history" after the rapture comes and places like LA and NY burn in the fiery furnace of god's wrath.

I mean for real, what I just said is what EVERY thread here ends up becoming.

it's disrespectful and a disservice.  And the thread maker should have the option to remove it.  

ESPECIALLY when I make a thread and then ppl use racial slurs in it, the frakkin moderator does not care, and then my handle is associated with people using such vuglar and offensive/ignorant language.  The frakkin moderator is in the shadows when it comes to that, and I cannot even delete the thread I made for that reason.  And then the MOD comes flying out on Mjolnir to punish anyone who says they might SPAM.

Priorities.  Responsibility.
Dude, a more thoughtful person wouldn't overreact and threaten to spam a thread to death and then blame the moderator for not doing their job like a liberal moderator who would most likely do  for you on a more liberal site.

Since you don't know, it all began due to a user here using racial slurs in a thread I created.  I did not want to be associated with that, no one listened to me.

The immoral moderator named Ragnarok had nothing to do or say about people openly using NIGGER to make their point, but came at me bright and early about "threat to SPAM".  That person took no side ....... except, she did.  She used her POWER here to delete certain things and leave others based on her own ideology. 

It's disgusting and wrong.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Rise Of Tribalism, Racism & Bigotry Most Associated With Which Turning & Why? - by TheNomad - 05-11-2019, 03:47 AM
Nigger (take some responsibility) - by TheNomad - 05-11-2019, 08:58 PM

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