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[split] Rise Of Tribalism, Racism & Bigotry Most Associated With Which Turning & Why? - YARTed
(05-11-2019, 01:13 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(05-11-2019, 03:47 AM)TheNomad Wrote: Since you don't know, it all began due to a user here using racial slurs in a thread I created.  I did not want to be associated with that, no one listened to me.

The immoral moderator named Ragnarok had nothing to do or say about people openly using NIGGER to make their point, but came at me bright and early about "threat to SPAM".  That person took no side ....... except, she did.  She used her POWER here to delete certain things and leave others based on her own ideology. 

It's disgusting and wrong.

I know of one recent incident involving the use of that term here. I thought the poster actually did a pretty good job with the way they used the term as a means to teach others about their ability  separate themselves from the term and prove that they're independent from those the term more  directly applies to these days and those using it for there own interests. As I recall, the poster who did that was Kinser. I also recall being accused of being involved with racism by a liberal black woman who used the term as means to describe what she had been taught as being my personal my view of her and what she had been taught to believe as being the reason for my negative feelings/ opinions toward her and the liberal groups that she identifies with and associates with and my supposed opinion/view of all those who have same color of skin as her as if I've never seen black people or never entered a black community and never have spoken to different  black people during my life. As it turned out, she understood the obvious difference between her and a typical nigger. She was clearly able to separate herself from them and she quickly  learned that I recognized and understood the difference between her and the typical niggers too. It's to bad that it took a powerful move and the use of some rather tough eye opening/ mind opening rhetoric and a humbling experience to force her to rethink and accept the personal need to change some of her wayward liberal views of middle America today. I didn't intend to completely reveal her personal insecurities and completely embarrass her and completely scare her off as occurred. All I intended to do was wise her up to the fact that the street wise American people substantially outnumber the exclusively liberal educated/ liberal influenced by a significant amount these days. BTW, the negative term that bothers you so much bothers me as much as the terms honky, cracker, racist, fascist, fucker, asshole or dickhead.

The only valid use of the N-word is reportage, and that usually implies a display of contempt for the person who uses the word, as in "The Grand Dragon called the President of Howard University a n----r". Kinser is wrong to call black people that he holds in contempt "n----rs" because the sort of person who calls the President of Howard University a "n----r" out of contempt for all black people may intend the same fate for both the black bourgeoisie (who are generally good and likable people) and such losers as dopers and criminals to a similar fate, the equivalent of Zyklon-B in a gas chamber made to look like a shower. After all, it is the black bourgeoisie that is far more dangerous to the sick ideals of white supremacy and white identity because it is able to seduce white people to have black spouses -- and black children, the worst offense to white racists.

I am convinced that the people most vulnerable to genocide in America in the wake of a Hitler-like leader are the model minorities. The petty criminals are already defensive about everything involving the government, and they might be useful to a genocidal regime as kapos in the camps because they are accustomed to doing bad things to people. I believe it was Primo Levi who described a kapo, relating what one such traitor said to people who had played by the rules. Rough quote:

Are there any magistrates or attorneys here? I am a criminal, a killer. The world that you have known has turned upside down. We, the criminals, are the bosses here, and we now judge you. I am organizing a Scheisskomando, and you are going to clean the toilets.

The successful members of any discernible minority that a criminal regime targets for annihilation will go to the shooting pits or the gas chambers having no clue about what they did to deserve what is happening to them. This is a 4T, the time in which the worst things are possible. German Jews were the definitive "model minority". They had never done anything to deserve hatred, abuse, and annihilation. But I can say that of the victims of many crimes.

...It is essential that we all watch the State for any tendencies to single out people for abuse, whether verbal, economic, or physical. It all begins with putting people into neat categories that come to mean who gets the goodies and who loses.

By the way -- I strongly disparage  the use of derogatory language about white people from some disadvantaged parts of America where educational standards are low and economic opportunities have largely vanished.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Rise Of Tribalism, Racism & Bigotry Most Associated With Which Turning & Why? - by pbrower2a - 05-11-2019, 04:36 PM
Nigger (take some responsibility) - by TheNomad - 05-11-2019, 08:58 PM

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