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[split] Rise Of Tribalism, Racism & Bigotry Most Associated With Which Turning & Why? - YARTed
Come quickly, the bell has rung.
Gather round and among.

There is never a reason to use a word that only exists to denigrate an entire race of peoples.  It has been said there is a right way and a wrong way to use that word, but this thread now exists to inform the uninformed.

I don't think any reasonable person wants to limit the speech of others or catalog what words anyone can or cannot say or if the hue of their skin allows them dispensation to use words, etc.  We are not now talking about WORDS.  Please, pay close attention.

Why would any reasonable person use words or phrases or epithets that are extremely likely to cause inflammation of:


... you get the idea right?

Why do you want to use words or phrases that would cause these things or be really likely to cause these things IN HUMAN INTERACTIONS?  There are human beings (most of the time) on the other side of the screen.  Why do things or say things that would really be likely to cause these negative outcomes?  What are you really perpetrating in your life through HUMAN INTERACTION?

DO you have responsibility?  Not a lawful one as in "DONT"... but a spiritual one as in "DO".  Does your desire to use that word simply because you can outweigh how it may affect the HUMAN INTERACTION outcomes it will cause?

I DONT THINK SO.  And neither does your god, probably, even tho you can't understand that.  Or your CODE or whatever you think you are doing with your life like a static robot spilling INFORMATION and DATA upon the world without any thought to how it may affect others.  Your fellow human beings.  In fact, the same people using that word or saying it's OK to use it or there's a right and wrong way to use it, those are the same people who want to invite you to their church so the holy spirit can save you from sin.  It's odd.  Their god's example of how to treat others has no meaning to them.

OK, the bell is about to get rung again, but you have home work. 

Want the proof of the level of hate of the word in the Thread Title?  The targets of that word felt so abused by it, that word was adapted into speech as a flipped coin!  Owning the word means you control how it's used in connotation.  That word was so vengeful and hateful, the targets of the word needed to own it to STOP finally the power it had in the community, even among themselves.

So, it all returns to WHY do you want to use hateful speech?  What does it foment upon the world directly because of you when you use it?

Lastly, before we go... shockingly there is a really sick and ultra sadistic (sadism means you flog yourself remember Silas from Da Vinci Code) way to use that word: when the target of that word uses it against others not in OWNING IT but in SLANDERING THEIR BROTHERS AND SISTERS with it. 

The probably worst use of that word is someone so appalled by the idea someone looks at them and sees that word.......... they have to re-direct that hate onto someone else in the hopes it won't be used on them FIRST.  That's stringing up with yo own hands and making the noose really tight while inwardly praying they don't do you next.


// dismissed

Messages In This Thread
Nigger (take some responsibility) - by TheNomad - 05-11-2019, 08:58 PM

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