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[split] Rise Of Tribalism, Racism & Bigotry Most Associated With Which Turning & Why? - YARTed
(05-12-2019, 05:48 AM)pbrower2a Wrote: Reasonable solutions?

1. Raise expectations in education for blacks, as is so with other minorities. Formal education is the best preparation for success in life. Obviously, parents can insist upon kids not watching so much mind-numbing Schund on the idiot screen or playing so many video games. Most television programming is made for dimwits.

Studies across cultures have shown that the longer that girls are in school, the later they will start having children, whether in marriage or outside. Teenage motherhood is in decline, which is good news.

2. Crack down on crime.  Repeat offenders are not simply unlucky; they are usually evil people. Maybe law enforcement, like all public services, is less effective where fiscal conditions make all public services less available.

3. Improve public transit. As it is, kids in the poorest urban neighborhoods are already learning that the retail and food-service jobs are in the suburbs and are commuting in the reverse of the 'classical' way of white suburbanites who live in the suburbs and work for bureaucratic organizations remaining in the cities.

4. Have policies that give advantages to small businesses. It is highly unlikely that any black person will found the new Wal*Mart, Microsoft, Big Oil company, or giant brokerage house. Our tax laws now favor monopolized, vertically-integrated firms that either crush competition or render it irrelevant. Although well-educated people can get well-paid jobs in Big Business, well-educated people of any kind are largely job-takers and not job-creators.

The current federal corporate tax and most state income taxes are effectively flat taxes that tax a profitable small business as hard as a giant entity. It may be ironic, but the 1950s, the last heyday of high taxes on earned income, were the last heyday for small business, when retail, banking, and manufacturing were practically cottage industries. The current tax structure seems to have the purpose of protecting giant corporations from small-scale competition.  


1. Encourage blacks to abandon liberal politics. The Right has little to offer except inequality, fear, and superstition.

2. Tell blacks to suck it up and accept that they will be second-class citizens. This has been done, and the results have been awful.

Actually you're so-called "not-so-reasonable" solutions are also reasonable to a degree.  Those very liberal politics that have been supported by blacks by decades have not paid off.  As such anyone who isn't stupid or crazy must realize that they must try something different.  After all every single one of your "reasonable" solutions are offered by one part and it isn't the Democrats.

As to point 2 of the "not-so-resonable" solutions I would say that there is a caveat.  My grandfather told me a long time ago, and he was part of the black bourgeoisie, indeed he made a small fortune even though the family eventually declined in over all wealth since his death since I believe only one of his grandchildren (myself) actually listened to him.  He said:  "You have to work twice as hard at whatever you do than a white man or you will be condemned to be second-class.  It is your choice.  Be the second-class negro the man wants you to be or put your shoes on and get your ass to work."
It really is all mathematics.

Turn on to Daddy, Tune in to Nationalism, Drop out of UN/NATO/WTO/TPP/NAFTA/CAFTA Globalism.

Messages In This Thread
Nigger (take some responsibility) - by TheNomad - 05-11-2019, 08:58 PM
RE: Nigger (take some responsibility) - by Kinser79 - 05-12-2019, 06:42 PM

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