12-21-2019, 01:13 AM
No problem, I like the color scheme. At the heart of the realignment theory is a president's role in the process. There are recognizable differences between Trump and Hoover/Carter (especially so with the latter) but so is the case for Obama and Nixon. Changes in personal details are, in my opinion, a small hiccup in an overall process.
Technology could easily be a part of the quicker pacing, maybe because of a more readily available access to information over the last century. What took almost 80 years to completely transform is now done twice in a lifetime; going from Lincoln-McKinley to Roosevelt-Reagan in the same span of time is a significant shift. Tech and economic innovations have gone through leaps and bounds since the time of the Gilded Era. It would explain why going from Jeffersonian agrarianism to Lincoln industrialism took as long as it did, as the parties changed with them. The service economy sped along quickly after the New Deal in contrast.
In fact, the generational change in economic structures are part of a main theme in a thread over on Election Atlas, titled "Between Two Majorities," that introduced me to the causes of these realignments. It was also how I discovered TFT since Strauss-Howe comes up in the comments a few times. Not sure what the policy is on external links here but I can send you the link in PM if you'd like, I found it to be a fascinating read.
Technology could easily be a part of the quicker pacing, maybe because of a more readily available access to information over the last century. What took almost 80 years to completely transform is now done twice in a lifetime; going from Lincoln-McKinley to Roosevelt-Reagan in the same span of time is a significant shift. Tech and economic innovations have gone through leaps and bounds since the time of the Gilded Era. It would explain why going from Jeffersonian agrarianism to Lincoln industrialism took as long as it did, as the parties changed with them. The service economy sped along quickly after the New Deal in contrast.
In fact, the generational change in economic structures are part of a main theme in a thread over on Election Atlas, titled "Between Two Majorities," that introduced me to the causes of these realignments. It was also how I discovered TFT since Strauss-Howe comes up in the comments a few times. Not sure what the policy is on external links here but I can send you the link in PM if you'd like, I found it to be a fascinating read.