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Waves of Generations, based on presidency
This could be an interesting way to look at generations, by the way. And I think we will actually like the setup of this (except there are very hard/rigid cutoffs):
And by the way, this is by birth year.

Baby Boomers - b. 1945-1963

Truman-born Boomers - b. 1945-1952
The 1st terms (1945-1948) cusp with the Silents, while the 2nd terms (1949-1952) are firmly Baby Boomer. All were children of the '50s. This cohort is the typical late '60s, 70-something Boomers. Also the early 1945 babies are going to be in the Silent Generation since they are still FDR babies before he passed away and Truman stepped in. The Boomers start in mid April 1945, instead of January 1945. Celebrities like Tom Selleck are still in the Silent Generation but other celebs born the same year like Vince McMahon are now Boomers. Ends technically in January 1953. Spans from C/O 1963-1971. Full years are 1946-1952.

Eisenhower-born Boomers - b. 1953-1960
All of them are firmly Boomer to be honest, but the second-term skew towards Gen Jones. They were all children of the '60s and are equally as Boomer, if not more, than the last group, but are not the stereotypical late '40s-early '50s born Boomers. Ends technically in January 1961. Spans from C/O 1971-1979. Full years are 1954-1960.

JFK-born Boomers - b. 1961-1963
This is the tail-end of the Boomer cohort, that all cusp with Gen X, had JFK lived to run 2 terms, this cohort would be a cusp cohort instead of a very late Boomer cohort. They were kids of the '60s and were probably the original latckey kids and video game generation, growing up with the Atari as teens. Ends in November 1963. Spans from C/O 1979-1982. The only full year is 1962.

Baby Boomers are typically from 1945-1963, but in a technical sense, April 1945-November 1963. So Classes of 1963-1982. Full years are 1946-1962. Silent-Boomer cusps on the Boomer side are 1945-1948 (a.k.a. April 1945-January 1949), Core Boomers are 1949-1960 (a.k.a. January 1949-January 1961), and Boomer-Xer cusps on the Boomer side are 1961-1963 (a.k.a. January 1961-November 1963). April 1945 are the ultimate Silent-Boomer cusps since they were born before and after the death of FDR, March 1945 and earlier lean Silent and May 1945 onward lean Boomer. November 1948-January 1949 are the ultimate Early-Core Boomer cusps. Truman's 2nd term and Eisenhower babies are all in the core. 1954 are numerically the ultimate Baby Boomer birth year. November 1960-January 1961 are the ultimate Core-Late Boomer cusps. November 1963 are the ultimate Boomer-Xer cusps since they were born before and after JFK's assassination, October 1963 and earlier lean Boomer and December 1963 onward lean X. The oldest Boomers were born in April 1945 and the youngest Boomers were born in November 1963.

Generation X - b. 1964-1980

LBJ-born Xers - b. 1964-1968
Technically this cohort starts in late November 1963 after JFK got assassinated and LBJ was sworn in. They all cusp with Boomers. They grew up as children in the '70s and teens in the '80s. They were largely born after the baby boom (1964 was the last of it but skew more towards X). They are the older latchkey kids and start of the baby bust. They are also the OG Brat Packers and were probably considered the core of Gen X in the past, being born in the mid-late 1960's but are now the leaders of such. Ends in January 1969. Spans from C/O 1982-1987. Full years are 1964-1968.

Nixon-Ford born Xers - b. 1969-1976
This group is the core of Generation X, being born after a time of civil unrest in 1968, and also after the assassinations of MLK and RFK. They were kids of the '70s and '80s and also teens of the '80s and early '90s, so they are like the Hair-Metal Xers. They are the stereotypical latchkey kids and are the peak of the baby bust. This group is separated by the Nixon Xers born from roughly 1969 to early August 1974 (so the majority of the C/O 1987 up to almost all of the C/O 1992) and the Ford Xers born from roughly early August 1974 to 1976 (so the youngest members of the C/O 1992 to a good chunk of the C/O 1995). Ends technically in January 1977. Full years are 1970-1976.

Carter-born Xers - b. 1977-1980
This group is the caboose of Gen X, cusping with Gen Y. They were kids of the '80s and teens of the '90s. They were the younger latchkey kids and peak Grunge era teenagers, They were also born when the birth rates starting rising up again but helicopter parents didn't exist until sometime in the early '80s when parents were finally aware of the dangers that are out there for their children. They came of age around Windows 95 and before the millennium. This group comes to a close with those born in January 1981. Spans from C/O 1995-1999. Full years are 1978-1980.

Generation X typically spans from 1964-1980, but in a technical sense, November 1963-January 1981. So Classes of 1982-1999. Full years are 1964-1980. Boomer-Xer cusps on the X side are 1964-1968 (a.k.a. November 1963-January 1969), Core Xers are 1969-1976 (a.k.a. January 1969-January 1977), and Xer-Millie cusps on the X side are 1977-1980 (a.k.a. January 1977-January 1981). November 1963 are the ultimate Boomer-Xer cusps since they were born before and after JFK's assassination, October 1963 and earlier lean Boomer and December 1963 onward lean X. November 1968-January 1969 are the ultimate Early-Core Xer cusps. Numerically as a whole, 1972 is the ultimate X birth year, but numerically in the core, 1972 and 1973 are. The real core though are August 1974 babies because they are both Nixon and Ford babies, and being born in those two presidencies are as X as you can get. July 1974 and earlier lean toward earlier X and September 1974 onward lean toward later X. November 1976-January 1977 are the ultimate Core-Late Xer cusps. November 1980-January 1981 babies are the ultimate cusps of X and Y since they were born between Reagan being elected and Reagan's inauguration. The oldest Xers were born in November 1963 and the youngest Xers were born in January 1981.

Millennials - b. 1981-2000
Reagan-born Millennials - b. 1981-1988
This group is the leader of Generation Y. All born in the '80s. First-wave Gen Y are very similar to Gen X but they still grew up differently than them as they were the first kids being helicopter parented and protected while Gen X still had a carefree upbringing with little protection as a kid in the '70s and early-mid '80s. They were the last to grow up primarily or fully analog, but all entered high school after the release of Windows 95 so they never had a high school experience without the internet but basically had a whole high school experience or almost did before social media. Most of them could vote for Bush but the youngest couldn't vote until Obama ran. They were late '80s and '90s kids. They are the last to remember the Cold War. The first term Reagan babies cusp with Gen X, while the second term Reagan babies are firmly Gen Y. Grew up in the Neon era of the Late '80s-Early '90s, core '90s, and Y2K era, came of age in the Y2K era and core '00s. Were all in high school for Columbine, Y2K, 9/11, the start of the Iraq War, etc. This group ends with those born in January 1989. Spans from C/O 1999-2007. Full years are 1982-1988.

Bush Sr.-born Millennials - b. 1989-1992
This group is the quintessential group of Millennials. They were the kids of the late '90s and teens of the mid-late '00s. They grew up similar to both the Reagan-born and Clinton-born Millennials but had more of the stereotypical Millennial experience than both of them. They grew up in the core '90s, Y2K era, and core '00s, but came of age in the core '00s and Electropop era. Born at the tail end of the Cold War and the USSR (at least most of them). Were preteens during 9/11 and teens during Hurricane Katrina and the Great Recession, so they were the most affected by the recession. They were the peak emo and MySpace teens and could vote for Obama in either 2008, 2012, or both, which definitely makes them quintessential Millennials because emo and MySpace were like the most Millennial things and having your first eligible election while Obama was running for president is also very core Millennial. The last to remember a life before Windows 95, the OJ Simpson trials, and the Clinton impeachment. Were all in high school during the entire Iraq War, Hurricane Katrina, Great Recession, Obama election, etc. This group ends with those born in January 1993. Spans from C/O 2007-2011. Full years are 1990-1992.

Clinton-born Millennials - b. 1993-2000
This group is the caboose of Generation Y. They were the kids of the '00s. They were the last to truly know a prosperous America with good economic pleasure during the '90s and early-mid '00s before the recession in which they were teens, tweens, and kids for. They are the last to remember Columbine, Y2K, 9/11, a pre-9/11 world, the Millennium era, Hurricane Katrina, Pluto being a legit planet, etc. Born post-USSR, pre-9/11. Were kids at best, toddlers at worst during 9/11. They were the last to get into emo but their main subculture was scene. They grew up in the Y2K era, core '00s, and Electropop era, while coming of age in the Electropop era and the core '10s. The oldest could vote for Obama but the whole group overall couldn't vote until Trump ran for president. They are the first to fully know a world with the internet but grew up in the transition of analog and digital media. They were in high school for the Great Recession, Sandy Hook shootings, Osama Bin Laden assassination, 2016 election, Parkland, etc. The younger members cusp with Gen Z. This group ends with those born in January 2001. Spans from C/O 2011-2019. Full years are 1994-2000.

Generation Y typically spans from 1981-2000, but in a technical sense, January 1981-January 2001 (a solid 20 years). So Classes of 1999-2019. Full years are 1982-2000. November 1980-January 1981 babies are the ultimate cusps of X and Y since they were born between Reagan being elected and Reagan's inauguration. Xer-Millie cusps on the Millie side are 1981-1984 (a.k.a. January 1981-January 1985), Core Millies are 1985-1996 (a.k.a. January 1985-January 1997), and Millie-Zoom cusps on the Millie side are 1997-2000 (a.k.a. January 1997-January 2001). January 1981 are the ultimate Xer-Millie cusps, December 1980 and earlier lean X and February 1981 onward lean Millie. November 1984-January 1985 are the ultimate Early-Core Millie cusps. Numerically, 1990 and 1991 (more specifically 1991) are the ultimate Millennials. November 1996-January 1997 are the ultimate Core-Late Millie cusps. November 2000-January 2001 babies are the ultimate cusps of Y and Z since they were born between Bush being elected and Bush's inauguration. The oldest Millies were born in January 1981 and the youngest Millies were born in January 2001.

Generation Z - b. 2001-2016

Bush Jr.-born Zoomers - b. 2001-2008
This group is the first wave of Generation Z. Born during Bush administration, grew up primarily before the coronavirus pandemic and could have possibly even came of age around it. They were the last to potentially grow up without things being fully digital and smartphones going mainstream (the older ones could have caught some digital things as well). They are the late '00s and '10s children who grew up in the Electropop era and core '10s, and have started to come of the age in the late '10s, around the COVID-19 pandemic. They were and largely still are in high school for events like the 2016 election, Parkland, COVID-19, etc. They never truly knew a prosperous and optimistic America, but a very pessimistic America, growing up after the Great Recession, and were generally born after 9/11 (except the very oldest) so they always knew a post-9/11 world. They are the main consumers of apps like TikTok and the older ones are also content creators for the younger kids. They are the last to have a complete childhood and also have some teen experience in a pre-COVID-19 world. Those born at the very beginning (1st term) cusp with Millennials. This group ends with January 2009. Spans from C/O 2019-2027. Full years are 2002-2008.

Obama-born Zoomers - b. 2009-2016
Born during Obama administration, grew up primarily before, during, or after the coronavirus pandemic and was possibly not even in school during it. They grew up in a complete digital world. They grew up in the Core 2010's-present. The oldest is in middle school right now so there is not much to say about them. They are big consumers of apps like TikTok. And are probably the first real group of kids to not regularly play outside (not gatekeeping but because of technology being so prevalent, there is not much of a need to go outside anymore). They are probably the last to spend any or all of their childhood pre-COVID-19 and know a pre-COVID-19 world. Those born at the very end (2nd term) cusp with Gen Alpha. This group ends with January 2017. Spans from C/O 2027-2035. Full years are 2010-2016.

Generation Z typically spans from 2001-2016, but in a technical sense, January 2001-January 2017. So Classes of 2019-2035. Full years are 2002-2016. November 2000-January 2001 babies are the ultimate cusps of Y and Z since they were born between Bush being elected and Bush's inauguration. Millie-Zoom cusps on the Zoom side are 2001-2004 (a.k.a. January 2001-January 2005), Core Zooms are 2005-2012 (a.k.a. January 2005-January 2013), and Zoom-Alpha cusps on the Zoom side are 2013-2016 (a.k.a. January 2013-January 2017). January 2001 are the ultimate Millie-Zoom cusps, December 2000 and earlier lean Millie and February 2001 onward lean Zoom. November 2004-January 2005 are the ultimate Early-Core Zoom cusps. Numerically, 2008 and 2009 (more specifically 2009) are the ultimate Zoomers. November 2012-January 2013 are the ultimate Core-Late Zoom cusps. November 2016-January 2017 babies are the ultimate cusps of Z and A since they were born between Trump being elected and Trump's inauguration. The oldest Zooms were born in January 2001 and the youngest Zooms were born in January 2017.

Generation Alpha - b. 2017-present

Trump-born Alpha - b. 2017-present
This group is the oldest of Generation Alpha. They cusp with Gen Z. They don't at all remember a pre-COVID-19 world and are still being born. They will grow up throughout the 2020's into the 2030's. If Trump wins the 2020 election (which I think he most likely will), then this group will go throughout 2024 into January 2025, but IF Biden wins (and this a BIG IF), then this group ends this year in 2020 into January 2021. Either way, the babies being born the next four years are firmly Gen Alpha. Spans from C/O 2035-2039 or 2043.

Messages In This Thread
Waves of Generations, based on presidency - by Cocoa_Puff - 09-21-2020, 05:18 PM

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