11-22-2020, 09:46 PM
(11-19-2020, 03:33 PM)LTsmith Wrote: I am a 1989 Millennial in Canada and I'm more or less convinced that a cold civil war fueled by digital disinformation is coming south of the border within the next couple of years.
I don't have to do much, personally, to prepare for an outright civil American conflict up here in my snowy neck of the woods. My countryfolk have the privilege of being influenced by American culture but not directly impacted by its fallout. Yes, we have our share of problems as well, but not nearly at the same intensity.
What I *would* like to prepare for, however, is the High. Even before reading S&H, I've always been civic-minded. I would like to position myself and my family to take the best advantage of and contribute positively toward the coming High. I look forward to being part of the new GI Generation, fighting for and subsequently benefiting from massive civic improvements. I'm sick of following and ready to lead.
So you think Canada can avoid the Crisis War? I doubt it. Lindsey Shepard and Jordan Peterson are Canadians, after all.
The way to be well positioned to take advantage of a High, especially as a Civic, is to fight in the Crisis and survive it.
As for "massive civic improvements", they will just be lip service, like the big two page, very artistic, corporate ads in the 1970s with just the name of the conglomerate in small print in the corner. I'm sure they meant something to GIs, but they were clearly just virtue signaling, not real.