(08-10-2016, 04:49 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:(08-10-2016, 04:23 PM)X_4AD_84 Wrote:You don't need much decorum when you're dealing with progressive shitheads or competing against low down Democrats. Screw decorum, I would have been eaten alive (socially overwhelmed) had I stuck to decorum. We like a real man who knows the game of his adversary and plays the game to win. Mitt Romney should've cut through the liberal child play, set him on edge and drilled Obama. But no, no ,no...we have to be nice to the first cherry picked Black president. Washington DC, Washington politics and the media associated are becoming an ugly joke. There's you're problem dude and your bade Hillary doesn't have the balls or the interest in fixing it.(08-10-2016, 02:46 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: When you think it can't get lower, then here it comes: a call to murderous violence against political opponents.
I hate making this comparison, but the late Ugandan tyrant Idi Amurderin' -- I mean Idi Amin -- frequently joked about killing people. He also killed people with serious intent, and in horrible numbers.
Donald Trump makes me wish that I were a German instead of a German-American.
Once in a while you may hear a talk host or passerby make a statement to the effect of "one of the reasons for the 2nd Amendment is to prevent tyranny" which I actually agree with and have no issue with. But in the context it was said, I sure didn't take Trump's statement that way, I took it as a veiled threat. Plus, even beyond that, even though talk hosts and passerby may make statements like the one in my first sentence, that is just not something a PotUS candidate says. I know, how quaint and old fashioned, this concept of decorum. We don't need no stinkin' decorum. We like a real man who tells it like it is ... blah, blah.
Do politics your way -- the Trump way -- and America would degenerate quickly into a political hell-hole in which everyone who runs afoul of the Great and Infallible Leader risks being assassinated. Maybe it's a jab from an umbrella that deposits a pellet of ricin stuck just beneath your skin, for which there is no antidote by some tourist while you are in London (that's how Georgi Markov, a dissident Bulgarian writer, met his end at the behest of the Commie secret police of the time). Ricin is even deadlier than cyanide. Or as you and your recent captor share a toast to your soon-to-arrive freedom you get a dose of thallium (a favorite trick of Saddam Hussein's Mukhabarat) which ensures that you don't get to enjoy freedom for long in Perth or Prague.
Barack Obama won the Presidency despite being black and won re-election decisively, which says much about him. In view of all the derision about him mostly for what he is or what he is alleged to be, I can't see how the Right treated him 'nicely':
This comes from the fascistic Posse Comitatus site, which has some vile commentary:
African lion or Lyin African. One is in the zoo and the other is the Communist Marxist Obama in the White House. How the public tide of opinion has turned on the Liberal Communist Party and their commie henchmen (including the Jewess Nancy Pelosi) in the White House. And the masses continue to awaken to these political whores in all aspects. The picture below is worth
10,000 words of truth.
[color=#3366ff]Dr. James P. Wickstrom, D. Litt.
President Obama seems to get caught in few lies for a high-profile politician. Enough said. (FYI -- Nancy Pelosi isn't Jewish, as if being Jewish would make one questionable as a person).
Doctor of Letters -- where did "Doctor" Wickstrom get that -- some diploma mill? I could write better than that when I was in junior high school.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.