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Are early even decade cohorts usually cusps of two generations?
(03-17-2020, 09:55 AM)Ghost Wrote: Archetypes (rough estimates):
1959-1962: Prophet/Nomad cusp (1959-1960 are more on the Prophet side of things, 1961-1962 are more on the Nomad side of things)
1980-1983: Nomad/Hero cusp (1980-1981 are more on the Nomad side of things, 1982-1983 are more on the Hero side of things)
2001-2004: Hero/Artist cusp (2001-2002 are more on the Hero side of things, 2003-2004 are more on the Artist side of things)

Cultural/Mainstream Generations (rough estimates):
1962-1967: Boomer/X cusp (1962-1964 are more on the Boomer side of things, 1965-1967 are more on the X side of things)
1978-1983: Xennials (1978-1980 are more on the X side of things, 1981-1983 are more on the Millennial side of things)
1994-1999: Zillennials (1994-1996 are more on the Millennial side of things, 1997-1999 are more on the Z side of things)

I agree with this 100%. I do believe that those born in the very early 21st century would be the actual cusp, when it comes to generation archetypes. The cultural/mainstream generations seem to be right, since those born upto 1964 would be a demographic Boomer and mid-late 60s babies do have some Boomer qualities, late 70s and early 80s babies are always torn between X and Millennial, and mid-late 90s babies would be in-between Millennial and Z. I personally see myself as a tail-end Millennial cusper, but us early 00's babies do seem much more culturally Z, but still have some leftover Millennial traces.

Even though, it does make sense that the Gen Jones cusp would be 1959-1962 and 1961 would be the first to lean X, at the end of the day, those born from 1961-1964 will probably never truly know what generation they fall into because they are technically "set-in-stone" Baby Boomers, but feel much closer to Gen X, so they will always be in that in-between gen limbo. In fact, I might add on this:

S&H definitions, starting with Boomers upto Zoomers:

Artist/Prophet cusp (a mix of Artist & Prophet; 1940-1942 lean Artist because they probably remember the end of WWII and were too old for the '60s young adult movements, and 1943-1945 lean Prophet because they can't remember WWII and were children of the '50's who were the oldest participating in the movements of the '60's): 1940-1945 (born in the early-mid '40s during the war, prior to the baby boom)

Off-cusp "Core" Prophets (100% Prophet or very close to it; those born on the edges will have some leftover Artist or rising Nomad qualities): 1946-1957 (the true "baby boom", roughly born from the late 40s to mid 50s and the main "yuppies" of the 80s; the older ones were the main activist, dodge-drafting hippies of the late 60s and early 70s)

Prophet/Nomad cusp: (a mix of Prophet & Nomad; 1958-1960 lean Prophet and 1961-1963 lean Nomad): 1958-1963 (born during the decline in birth rate, while still being high)

Off-cusp "Core" Nomads (100% Nomad or very close to it those born on the edges will have some leftover Prophet or rising Hero qualities): 1964-1979 (the group that really resembles Nomads and were born at the end of the baby boom, entirety of the baby bust, and upto the rise of births from the mid 60's, throughout the 70's; graduated high school in the 80s and 90s, post-MTV but most likely graduated college pre-9/11)

Nomad/Hero cusp (a mix of Nomad & Hero; 1980-1981 lean Nomad because they graduated high school in the 90's pre-Y2K and probably the last to remember the Challenger explosion, and 1982-1983 lean Hero for graduating high school in the 2000's and symbolic "new millennium" and can't remember the Challenger explosion): 1980-1983 (most disputed start and end dates for Millennials and Gen X; born in the early 80's; roughly the last to have the most of their childhood in the 80's, albeit late 80's, were in college during 9/11 and can't remember the end of the Awakening era before the start of the Unraveling)

Off-cusp "Core" Heroes (100% Hero or very close to it those born on the edges will have some leftover Nomad or rising Artist qualities): 1984-2000 (born roughly from the mid-80's to the late 90's, last of the 20th century babies; children of the 90's and 2000's; graduated high school post-9/11 onward, and are the true teens and youth of the early 21st century, hence the term "Millennial")

Hero/Artist cusp (a mix of Hero & Artist; 2001-2002 lean Hero because they had most of their youth prior to the 2018 midterms and climate change crisis, graduate high school before the post-coronavirus atmosphere, last children of the 00's, born before the establishment of Homeland security and the last to reliably have memory of life during a somewhat prosperous time before the iPhone and 2008 crisis, and 2003-2004 lean Artist because they were children of the 10's, had most of their youth after the climate change crisis, and were born after the establishment of Homeland security and probably can't really remember life pre-iPhone and 2008 crisis): 2001-2004 (born in the very early 21st century and came of age around the predicted 2020 crisis, coronavirus and potential recession)

Off-cusp "Core" Artists (100% Artist or very close to it those born on the edges will have some leftover Hero or rising Prophet qualities): 2005-2020 (I put the end date at 2020 because they were the last born before the aftermath of the coronavirus, even though they were born during it)

New Artist/Prophet cusp (a mix of Artist & Prophet): 2021-TBD (born after coronavirus)

Cultural/Mainstream definitions (mainly Pew), starting with Boomers upto Zoomers:

Swing Generation (Silent/Boomer cusp; 1943-1945 lean Silent for being born during the war before the post-war baby boom and graduated high school before the JFK assassination but can't remember the war, 1946-1948 lean Boomer for being born during the post-war baby boom but graduated high school before the hippie movement): 1943-1948

Baby Boomers: 1946-1964 (born during the baby boom)

Off-cusp Boomers (Basically pure Boomers who graduated high school after the start of the hippie movement in the late 60s but before 1980 and the 1979 Iran-hostage crisis): 1949-1961

Boomer/X cusp (1962-1964 lean Boomer for being born during the baby boom but graduated in the 80s, which seem to be very Xer-like, and probably did not get into the disco craze; 1965-1967 lean X for being after the baby boom, hence the baby bust, but were in high school when Gen X culture in high school was not fully set in yet so there was some Boomer influences there, and could vote graduated college in the 80's, which is a bit Boomer-like): 1962-1967 

Generation X: 1965-1980

Off-cusp X'ers (Basically pure X; entered high school in a Gen X, MTV atmosphere and graduated high school before Windows 95, those on the edges could possibly have some influences from outside generations): 1968-1977

Xennials (X/Millennial cusp; 1978-1980 lean X for graduating high school pre-Columbine and had most of their high school years before the golden age of rap died when Tupac and Biggie died; 1981-1983 lean Millennial for graduating high school post-Columbine and had most of their youth and high school years in a more upbeat, positive, teen pop vibe): 1978-1983 (graduated high school post-Windows 95, but pre-9/11; most of elementary school after Challenger explosion but before collapse of USSR)

Millennials: 1981-1996 (K-12 post-Challenger but pre-9/11, graduated high school post-Columbine but pre-Isis and political "peak" of the 2010's, born during the Reagan era 80s, upto the first term of the Clinton presidency in the mid-90's)

Off-cusp Millennials (Basically pure Millennial, but could possibly have some leftover influences from the previous and succeeding generation; entered high school in a post-9/11 atmosphere but before the end of the Iraq War, the backlash of 9/11, most of the childhood in the the last decade of the 20th century, also were all teens and the main high school kids of the "noughties", and had most of their elementary school years post-USSR and pre-9/11): 1984-1993

Zillennials (Millennial/Z cusp; 1994-1996 lean Millennial for being born in the mid 90's, having most of their high school years in a somewhat pure Millennial atmosphere, being in K-12 schooling during 9/11, which makes the last to have a real memory of the event, have their main childhood in the "Millennial era" early 00's, most of K-5 elementary school during Web 1.0, and the last to remember the "golden age" of the 90's; 1997-1999 lean Z for being born in the late 90's, having most of their high school years in a transitional era of Millennial and Z culture, not yet in K-12 during 9/11 but are probably the very last to have any memory of it, main childhood in the more established mid 00's, most of K-5 elementary school during Web 2.0, and while they would have memory of the 90's leftover culture of the early 00's they remember the 90's itself): 1994-1999 (born in the mid-to-late 1990's, graduated high school post-Iraq War but pre-Parkland, elementary school years deeply rooted in the 00's post-Columbine and pre-Osama Bin Laden death, most of childhood of the early-mid 00's and most of elementary school post-9/11)

Generation Z: 1997-2012 (born from Clinton's second term in the late 90's to Obama's first term in the early 10's, entered K-12 post-9/11 but pre-Parkland, and most of K-5 during Web 2.0 but before a completely post-coronavirus "feel" as we are still in it)

Off-cusp Z'ers (Basically pure Z, but could possibly have some leftover influences from the previous and succeeding generation; born in the 2000's decade, absolutely don't remember 9/11 but could possibly have memories of a world before smartphones were dominated, graduated post-Parkland, and reached their double-digits in the 2010's and twenties in the 2020's): 2000-2009

Zalphas (Z/Alpha cusp; 2010-2012 lean Z for being born before the 2012 "end of the world", could remember the Trump election, last children of the 10's, most of elementary school before coronavirus, with the exception of 2012, and were in K-12 before Parkland; 2013-2015 lean Alpha for being born during a "new-normal" society, after the 2012 "end of the world", could probably not remember the Trump election, first children of the new "Roaring 20's", most of elementary after coronavirus pandemic, including 2012 babies, born after Sandy Hook and Newtown shooting, and entered K-12 after Parkland): 2010-2015 (born in the early-mid 10's)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Are early even decade cohorts usually cusps of two generations? - by Cocoa Puff - 03-17-2020, 04:59 PM

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