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Welcome To The Modern Workplace!
(05-25-2016, 02:35 AM)Bad Dog Wrote: From VP to Dog:

VP: 1971?>Director: 1978?>Team Lead: 1966>Dog: Late Jones. Co-worker: 1985 Core Millie.

Anybody see a pattern? Smile

There would only be a pattern if you had a number of jobs with similar generational configurations and similar issues.

I work for a company with a Gen X district manager and Gen X GM.  I believe the owners are also Gen X, though I'm not 100% positive of that.  My coworkers are all Millies.  It is a good company, and growing--we are opening another location.  I like my boss and my coworkers, and people generally seem happy here, or at least content.

I was unhappy in my job before this, with a Boomer boss and Boomer and Millie coworkers.  The company closed our location, and I wondered afterwards why I didn't leave sooner.  But I love my Millie coworkers at my current job, and I've had decent Boomer managers in the past.

Perhaps you ought to try looking elsewhere.  Don't assume that just because there is a chance you might end up with another Gen X boss that you will face the same problems.
(05-27-2016, 01:35 AM)gabrielle Wrote:
(05-25-2016, 02:35 AM)Bad Dog Wrote: From VP to Dog:

VP: 1971?>Director: 1978?>Team Lead: 1966>Dog: Late Jones. Co-worker: 1985 Core Millie.

Anybody see a pattern? Smile

There would only be a pattern if you had a number of jobs with similar generational configurations and similar issues.

I work for a company with a Gen X district manager and Gen X GM.  I believe the owners are also Gen X, though I'm not 100% positive of that.  My coworkers are all Millies.  It is a good company, and growing--we are opening another location.  I like my boss and my coworkers, and people generally seem happy here, or at least content.

I was unhappy in my job before this, with a Boomer boss and Boomer and Millie coworkers.  The company closed our location, and I wondered afterwards why I didn't leave sooner.  But I love my Millie coworkers at my current job, and I've had decent Boomer managers in the past.

Perhaps you ought to try looking elsewhere.  Don't assume that just because there is a chance you might end up with another Gen X boss that you will face the same problems.

axa is a life insurance company formerly known as The Equitable.

If your company is lying about its pensions, then it is lying about everything else.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(05-27-2016, 09:55 AM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(05-27-2016, 01:35 AM)gabrielle Wrote:
(05-25-2016, 02:35 AM)Bad Dog Wrote: From VP to Dog:

VP: 1971?>Director: 1978?>Team Lead: 1966>Dog: Late Jones. Co-worker: 1985 Core Millie.

Anybody see a pattern? Smile

There would only be a pattern if you had a number of jobs with similar generational configurations and similar issues.

I work for a company with a Gen X district manager and Gen X GM.  I believe the owners are also Gen X, though I'm not 100% positive of that.  My coworkers are all Millies.  It is a good company, and growing--we are opening another location.  I like my boss and my coworkers, and people generally seem happy here, or at least content.

I was unhappy in my job before this, with a Boomer boss and Boomer and Millie coworkers.  The company closed our location, and I wondered afterwards why I didn't leave sooner.  But I love my Millie coworkers at my current job, and I've had decent Boomer managers in the past.

Perhaps you ought to try looking elsewhere.  Don't assume that just because there is a chance you might end up with another Gen X boss that you will face the same problems.

axa is a life insurance company formerly known as The Equitable.

If your company is lying about its pensions, then it is lying about everything else.

I think you meant to reply to Ragnarok.
A new surprise when I arrived for work today: the company no longer buys Kleenex boxes as office supplies, sick employees, (the majority) must provide their own... Smile
(06-02-2016, 02:15 AM)Bad Dog Wrote: A new surprise when I arrived for work today: the company no longer buys Kleenex boxes as office supplies, sick employees, (the majority) must provide their own... Smile

Get your resume in order and starting sob-searching ASAP and get off that sinking ship!
(06-02-2016, 02:15 AM)Bad Dog Wrote: A new surprise when I arrived for work today: the company no longer buys Kleenex boxes as office supplies, sick employees, (the majority) must provide their own... Smile

If you must take a downgrade in income to get away from that employer, then do so!
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(06-02-2016, 02:15 AM)Bad Dog Wrote: A new surprise when I arrived for work today: the company no longer buys Kleenex boxes as office supplies, sick employees, (the majority) must provide their own... Smile

If you ever needed a sign that you company was going under then this is it.  You need to get off the ship with the rest of the rats.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
They tell me it is part of the empioyee retention plan- buying your own Kleenex will make you feel more invested in the company! Smile

Had a third interview on Thursday, one of two finalists. I missed. They probably went for someone half my age, as usual.
(06-05-2016, 12:49 AM)Bad Dog Wrote: They tell me it is part of the empioyee retention plan- buying your own Kleenex will make you feel more invested in the company! Smile

Had a third interview on Thursday, one of two finalists. I missed. They probably went for someone half my age, as usual.

Been there myself.  Just keep at it which is how I got through the last recession.
Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. -- H.L. Mencken

If one rejects laissez faire on account of man's fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.   -- Ludwig von Mises
Other tip-offs on a troubled company: employee reviews are far below the opinions of about everyone who gets them. A company having money problems or facing harsh competition might as well be honest. If there is no money for raises, then be honest about it. A firm cuts back on maintenance or tries to circumvent regulations. Speed-ups are possible.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Last day email from another departing employee:


Today is my last day at xxxxxxx. I have accepted a position with a local company to be a help desk analyst in their IT department. This is a great opportunity for me both monetarily and work to life balance. I have enjoyed working with each and every one of your during my time here. While I’m grateful for the opportunity that xxxxxxxx provided me into the IT field, it is time for me to move on and advance in my career. I have gained a wealth of knowledge that I will take with me going forward. I truly will miss working with all of you and hope to remain friends with many of you. Ultimately the 12 hour shifts, working holidays and weekends, and lack of an immediate correction to the wage issue that was acknowledged by management, proved to be the deciding factor in my decision to leave. There is zero proof that working this long of a shift provides any benefit to productivity. Common sense and scientific research show that after 8 hours your productivity plummets. We are asked to work long hours, weekends, and holidays. This alone should merit higher salaries than we currently are receiving. Factor in the amount of work we are asked to do and the amount should be above market standards. Empty promises and false hope will not guarantee that this will happen anytime soon. My advice to you all is do not settle for talk of a “target date” or it’s in the “pipeline” for things to change. Work hard, stay focused, and never stop learning. We will all succeed. If anyone wants to contact me you can find me on LinkedIn or Facebook. Once again I appreciate all the well wishes and encouragement from everyone. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you all.
(06-10-2016, 07:23 PM)Bad Dog Wrote: Last day email from another departing employee:


Today is my last day at xxxxxxx. I have accepted a position with a local company to be a help desk analyst in their IT department. This is a great opportunity for me both monetarily and work to life balance. I have enjoyed working with each and every one of your during my time here. While I’m grateful for the opportunity that xxxxxxxx provided me into the IT field, it is time for me to move on and advance in my career. I have gained a wealth of knowledge that I will take with me going forward. I truly will miss working with all of you and hope to remain  friends with many of you. Ultimately the 12 hour shifts, working holidays and weekends, and lack of an immediate correction to the wage issue that was acknowledged by management, proved to be the deciding factor in my decision to leave. There is zero proof that working this long of a shift provides any benefit to productivity. Common sense and scientific research show that after 8 hours your productivity plummets. We are asked to work long hours, weekends, and holidays. This alone should merit higher salaries than we currently are receiving. Factor in the amount of work we are asked to do and the amount should be above market standards. Empty promises and false hope will not guarantee that this will happen anytime soon. My advice to you all is do not settle for talk of a “target date” or it’s in the “pipeline” for things to change. Work hard, stay focused, and never stop learning. We will all succeed. If anyone wants to contact me you can find me on LinkedIn or Facebook. Once again I appreciate all the well wishes and encouragement from everyone. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you all.

If only that were your message to your current co-workers. Here's hoping to hearing of your job change.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(05-26-2016, 06:06 PM)Ragnarök_62 Wrote:
Bad Dog Wrote:The company provides networking, broadband, and IT support for businesses that are not large enough to have an enterprise IT department, or those who do not wish to have an IT department (to have someone to fire).

That rules out an outfit that is a member of an industry that's in terminal decline.  Sears and J C Penney are prime examples of zombiefied outfits which are:

1. Members of a dying industry.
2. Are playthings amongst  hedge funds.
3. Hedge funds are the vector which delivers money from suckers to these zombie companies. The hedge funds then fob off shares of said hedge funds to suckers while collecting fees.

Quote:The amazing thing is that it not an overseas firm. Smile

I agree. I'd reckon that some $.50/hr Chinese livestock could do the jobs at your joint.

Quote:It started in Louisiana, and carries on those grand old traditional values. Smile

You mean you get off on Christmas and Thanksgiving since those are Qod's holidaze?

Quote:The floors are vacuumed every four hours.

That's to keep up appearances. Clean floors aren't an indicator of success.

Quote:The trash cans are emptied every four hours.

Well, now, I'd like to be a janitor at your company. The more often trash cans are emptied, means a lighter overall work load.

Quote:Office supplies must be paid for in your own blood (no kleenex for weeks, etc).

Use the monitor as a wiping place for snot.

Quote:Dog and pony shows for clients are led through our war room, so no IT person can wear tennis shoes, etc. No petting of the dogs or ponies is allowed. No personal items of any kind are allowed in cubicles.

Bare cubicles are the default then?

Quote:The CEO is an early Boom salesman. Top line revenue is valued.

How about bottom line revenue.  Profit = Top line revenue - ( costs + taxes)

Quote:Anyone fired is immediately shamed by having an email sent to all employees, with photo, stating said person is no longer with the company, and is not allowed in the building.
Is this even legal?

Quote:Anybody getting a picture of how corporate thinks?

Hopefully, you're just there for a gig like arrangement. I'm pretty sure both of our employers will be history before our respective SS edibility time.  Here's newsflash. I got a letter from and apparently my company has a 401K
plan and profit sharing.  I got extremely irate when our accounting person started blowing smoke up my ass about this finding. So, I called the plan's investment firm, which is aforementioned after our accountling lady said there's no such thing and never heard of  I truly hate being lied to. Some other employees said, yes, such an animal exists as well. I wonder what I can due if I get denied plan entry?
Everybody knows that these days employers very much have the law on their side, and they know it. And in today's workplace office politics and political correctness trump reason. I am now inclined to believe that the only thing that will shake things up and bring more balance in the type of labor unrest we saw around the 1890s. And many are of the opinion that this just can't happen this time around.
We will die in harness. Sad
My itinerary:

Reveille: 1700.
Meds: 1701-1705
Start Breakfast/Computer: 1705-1710
Shower: 1710-1720
Shave: 1720-1725
Set Breakfast Out: 1725-1730 (Cooling)
Dress: 1730-1740
Eat Breakfast/Collect E-Mail, review calls/messages: 1740-1755
Prepare for departure: 1755-1805
Travel to vehicle/Engine Start/Departure: 1805-1815 (This includes snow clearance and refueling, traffic delays, etc)
Travel to xxxxxxxxx: 1815-1850 (21 miles), assuming no trouble.
Walk to workstation/Start unpacking: 1850-1900
Work: 1900-0700
Walk to car in parking lot: 0700-0705.
Travel to store (22 miles): 0705-0735
Purchase minimum supplies: 0735-0745
Travel home (1 mile): 0745-0755.
Unpack/Cook Dinner: 0755-0815
Free time: 0815-0900. 45 minutes. Includes dining and shower/undress.
Sleep: 0900-1700. 8 hours enforced rest, even if not sleepy. Doctor’s orders.
bad dog Wrote:My itinerary:

Reveille: 1700.
Meds: 1701-1705
Start Breakfast/Computer: 1705-1710
Shower: 1710-1720
Shave: 1720-1725
Set Breakfast Out: 1725-1730 (Cooling)
Dress: 1730-1740
Eat Breakfast/Collect E-Mail, review calls/messages: 1740-1755

You're not supposed to work off the clock. That's problem #1 right there. If your financial situation demands working for this shitty company because it pays something over minimum wage while at the same time it treats you as a minimum wage employee, there's a problem. So, is it possible for you to start the process of demand destruction so you can work at minimum wage and at least be free of the pretenses of actually having a "professional" job?

Quote:Prepare for departure: 1755-1805
Travel to vehicle/Engine Start/Departure: 1805-1815 (This includes snow clearance and refueling, traffic delays, etc)
Travel to xxxxxxxxx: 1815-1850 (21 miles), assuming no trouble.

If you're using your own car, does your company pay you mileage?  I even get paid mileage.

Quote:Walk to workstation/Start unpacking: 1850-1900
Work: 1900-0700
Walk to car in parking lot: 0700-0705.
Travel to store (22 miles): 0705-0735
Purchase minimum supplies: 0735-0745
Travel home (1 mile): 0745-0755.
Unpack/Cook Dinner: 0755-0815
Free time: 0815-0900. 45 minutes. Includes dining and shower/undress.

45 minutes of free time is a problem.  Rags works about 4 hours a day so he has 20 hours to work with. 9 hours of sleep still leaves 11 hours free time for shopping, hygiene, and food preparation. Btw, I don't shave.

Quote:Sleep: 0900-1700. 8 hours enforced rest, even if not sleepy. Doctor’s orders.

Dunno, but a check to see if your health problem is disability qualifying may be in order. I'd think the next order of business is to figure out how much you can get away with blowing things off. As such:

1. Turn over. If this is a high number, then that gives you a trump card right there.
2. Do you know stuff nobody else doesn't? That's another helper.
3. Wages. If these are low then you have the same situation I have. "You get what you pay for happens". Like I said, I just show up with a delay of 30 minutes sometimes.
4. Back to how far the company is on its way to doom. I think mine is pretty close. To enumerate and add some stuff.
a. Deferred maintenance.  We have lot's of places in the ceilings with water leaks. Nobody knows how to maintain the insert machine because apparently the company can't afford to have them come in and train the new crop. It's been years since they last showed up. Messed up printers.  I have to redo the paperwork a bunch of times because the printer jams up on my print jobs. Ancient technology is used. We still have rolodexes. It would be easy for me to put that stuff on a spreadsheet... except micromanagement forbids it. Micromanagement is another sign things are circling the drain. I think in your case, that would be that you're confined to fixing whatever in a proscribed way/ one size fits all.  Catching lies is another good one. My company lies out the ass. This is an excellent way to get out of work.  Since I found I was being denied a benefit and told them about it, that means something illegal may be going on. Big Grin   That means if they try to fire me, I can rat them out. I also think the water leaks = mold, which is another rat out thingie.

So, in short, my advise is to assess your financial situation and next, find loopholes in processes and procedure you can use to lighten your workload.  Sort of like another Wally.

[Image: october-2009.jpg]

Wiki Wrote:Wally
Main article: Wally (Dilbert)
One of the oldest engineers, Wally was originally a worker trying to get fired to get a severance package. He hates work and avoids it whenever he can. He often carries a cup of coffee, calmly sipping from it even in the midst of chaos or office-shaking revelations. Wally is extremely cynical. He is even more socially inept than Dilbert (though far less self-aware of the fact), and references to his lack of personal hygiene are not uncommon. Like the Pointy-Haired Boss, Wally is utterly lacking in ethics and will take advantage of any situation to maximize his personal gain while doing the least possible amount of honest work. Squat and balding, Wally is almost invariably portrayed wearing a short sleeved dress shirt and tie. Adams has stated that Wally was based on a Pacific Bell coworker of his who was interested in a generous employee buy-out program—for the company's worst employees. This had the effect of causing this man—whom Adams describes as "one of the more brilliant people I've met"—to work hard at being incompetent, rude, and generally poor at his job to qualify for the buy-out program. Adams has said that this inspired the basic laziness and amorality of Wally's character. Despite these personality traits Wally is accepted as part of Dilbert, Ted, Alice, and Asok's clique. Although his relationship with Alice is often antagonistic and Dilbert occasionally denies being his friend, their actions show at least a certain acceptance of him.

Now Wally should be your role model.
---Value Added Cool
I used to fix inserters, sometimes. I was the one who could get the guillotine blade right. Smile
Now,the interesting news.

Last week, the only engineer who knew a certain, difficult, product line was fired. Official reason was attendance. Real reason was that he was passed over for promotion, and did not remain silent. Many at our workplace are far in excess of the official cutoff point for tardiness/attendance, but are not acted on.

Tuesday, I was finally hired on at another company. Full-time, permanent, with benefits, forty hour week. 20% pay increase. I put in my 2 weeks written notice, gave the supervisor a phone call as well. I had one day of sick time remaining, so I decided to use it.

Guess what happened?
(06-25-2016, 08:26 PM)Bad Dog Wrote: Now,the interesting news.

Last week, the only engineer who knew a certain, difficult, product line was fired. Official reason was attendance. Real reason was that he was passed over for promotion, and did not remain silent. Many at our workplace are far in excess of the official cutoff point for tardiness/attendance, but are not acted on.

Tuesday, I was finally hired on at another company. Full-time, permanent, with benefits, forty hour week. 20% pay increase. I put in my 2 weeks written notice, gave the supervisor a phone call as well. I had one day of sick time remaining, so I decided to use it.

Guess what happened?

The engineer who got fired asked you to join him at the new company?

Soviet saying: "We pretend to work and they pretend to pay us".
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Ah, no. Try again.

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