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Joe Biden: polls of approval and favorability
(02-01-2021, 11:41 AM)David Horn Wrote: To be honest, I'm not sure that's true. You live in the solid Blue Seattle area.  I live in solid Red country, where the Trump signs and flags are still up and show no sign of coming down.  The hold by the rightwing media on the people here keeps that fire stoked and hot.  I don't see it declining soon.

I'm going by sociological studies that indicate hard right is roughly 6% of the population.  For what it's worth, hard left is around 8%.  True, though, that they may not be distributed evenly geographically.  

Quote:Really?  We are the most conservative advanced world nation on earth -- even to the right of Australia. There is no chance of sliding anywhere close to a leftwing revolution, though the potential for a rightwing attempt is omnipresent. Just ask Classic-Xer.  If anything, we may finally join the rest of the advanced world with universal healthcare and real social security, birth to grave.  It's not an accident that the most entrepreneurial nations on earth are Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands -- all social democracies. The downside risk of business failure is mitigated, encouraging people to take those business risks.  In comparison, we're relatively stagnant.

'Runaway train' revolutions happen when a society gets stuck in a positive feedback loop.  That happens all to easily within groups when anything that might provoke critical thinking of the groups values and ideology are silenced.  For the record, I see this happening on both sides at the moment.  What is critical in a functioning society is for their to be a sizeable, protected minority 'voice' that forces the majority to think critically about it's proposed policies.  In a 1T and 2T that minority is one that pulls us towards needed change, in a 3T or 4T it is more conservative and keeps us from careening off a cliff.  

The generic left-wing ideas that have been floating around since the 60's don't worry me all that much.  I think there is room to agree on objectives and quibble over the best way to get there.  There are some truly scary and illiberal ideas coming from the further left that haven't been shut down by the DNC and which are actively promoted by some of its younger members which concerns me.  It is worth remembering that the truly scary 'populists' are cynical politicians positioning themselves as being on the side of change.

Quote:The Golden Rule applies here. Listen to RW talk radio, ignore the talking heads, and concentrate on the politicians being interviewed. The venom is everywhere.  If you want comity, you have to give as well as receive. Right now, the Dems are reacting to the backstabbing they received under Obama and the excesses under Trump. If the Reps want common ground, they need to go first.

I'd be interested to know how dems feel Obama backstabbed them, that isn't a story I hear much.   

Typically, it is the winner who needs to make the first move towards comity, as they are the only ones with the power to realize it.  I'm still withholding judgement on whether the unity being preached will actually move the needle towards real consensus.   Politics is downstream of culture so, in a way, it doesn't matter what the GOP politicians are saying as much as it matters what those who might vote for them are thinking.
Quote:There are some truly scary and illiberal ideas coming from the further left that haven't been shut down by the DNC and which are actively promoted by some of its younger members which concerns me.

Those people - the DSA etc. - are all firmly within the milquetoast social democratic camp. I'm an illiberal leftist, and I can assure you that nothing under the Democratic umbrella is actually a threat to capitalism. An identity politicking Keynesian corporatist capitalism? Yes - but nothing illiberal in the sense of seeking to abolish production for exchange and the value form.
(02-01-2021, 12:19 PM)mamabug Wrote:
(02-01-2021, 11:41 AM)David Horn Wrote: To be honest, I'm not sure that's true. You live in the solid Blue Seattle area.  I live in solid Red country, where the Trump signs and flags are still up and show no sign of coming down.  The hold by the rightwing media on the people here keeps that fire stoked and hot.  I don't see it declining soon.

I'm going by sociological studies that indicate hard right is roughly 6% of the population.  For what it's worth, hard left is around 8%.  True, though, that they may not be distributed evenly geographically.  

There is also the issue of what qualifies as "the center" in comparison to other liberal democracies..
See the second chart for US politicians on the international political compass. It's enlightening.  Which brings us back to the question of radicalism and who qualifies.  If Elizabeth Warren is a centrist (both axes) then we've moved far to the authoritarian right as a nation over the last 50 years. If that's true, and my like experience tells me it is, then the fringe right is much larger and more to the fringe, than the fringe left.

mamabug Wrote:
David Horn Wrote:Really?  We are the most conservative advanced world nation on earth -- even to the right of Australia. There is no chance of sliding anywhere close to a leftwing revolution, though the potential for a rightwing attempt is omnipresent. Just ask Classic-Xer.  If anything, we may finally join the rest of the advanced world with universal healthcare and real social security, birth to grave.  It's not an accident that the most entrepreneurial nations on earth are Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands -- all social democracies. The downside risk of business failure is mitigated, encouraging people to take those business risks.  In comparison, we're relatively stagnant.

'Runaway train' revolutions happen when a society gets stuck in a positive feedback loop.  That happens all to easily within groups when anything that might provoke critical thinking of the groups values and ideology are silenced.  For the record, I see this happening on both sides at the moment.  What is critical in a functioning society is for their to be a sizeable, protected minority 'voice' that forces the majority to think critically about it's proposed policies.  In a 1T and 2T that minority is one that pulls us towards needed change, in a 3T or 4T it is more conservative and keeps us from careening off a cliff.  

This still assumes that both sides have radical positions that are nearly equal in intensity and adherence. Sorry, but I just don't see it.  Yes, the radical left is mobilized, but triggers are required to make things happen. It took George Floyd's death to bring them into the streets.  That indicates a negative feedback loop -- one that decays on its own with time.  I don't see that on the right, where this has been percolating along for decades.  Waco and Ruby Ridge are precursors, and the Oklahoma City Bombing is the first true military action.  Are the Proud Boys any less militant and wacky today?  No!

mamabug Wrote:The generic left-wing ideas that have been floating around since the 60's don't worry me all that much.  I think there is room to agree on objectives and quibble over the best way to get there.  There are some truly scary and illiberal ideas coming from the further left that haven't been shut down by the DNC and which are actively promoted by some of its younger members which concerns me.  It is worth remembering that the truly scary 'populists' are cynical politicians positioning themselves as being on the side of change.

Most of the truly whack-nut LW stuff is too fringe sociologically to be the basis of militant action.  Cancel Culture, for example, is an attempt to make things go away with magic.  It's no call to arms.  I agree that the worst actors are cynical politicians looking for their own private armies, but I see none on the left actively encouraging violence (AOC and the Squad aren't asking others to march on <insert the target of choice>), but several on the right have called for specific actions and not been disciplined in the least.  When the GOP throws Marjorie Taylor Greene under the bus, I may become less critical.

mamabug Wrote:
David Horn Wrote:The Golden Rule applies here. Listen to RW talk radio, ignore the talking heads, and concentrate on the politicians being interviewed. The venom is everywhere.  If you want comity, you have to give as well as receive. Right now, the Dems are reacting to the backstabbing they received under Obama and the excesses under Trump. If the Reps want common ground, they need to go first.

I'd be interested to know how dems feel Obama backstabbed them, that isn't a story I hear much.   

Typically, it is the winner who needs to make the first move towards comity, as they are the only ones with the power to realize it.  I'm still withholding judgement on whether the unity being preached will actually move the needle towards real consensus.   Politics is downstream of culture so, in a way, it doesn't matter what the GOP politicians are saying as much as it matters what those who might vote for them are thinking.

Actually, AOC raises the issue of Nobama a lot.  So does Obama himself.  He realized too late that he arrived at a gun fight unarmed. 

But I disagree about the politicians on the right. Several are actively fomenting violence -- even Ted Cruz who usually tries to keep it below boiling. Greene and Boebert are actually threatening other members.  It's the 1850s all over again. If this festers, it will get really bad, and it will all be on the right.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(02-01-2021, 12:41 PM)Einzige Wrote:
Quote:There are some truly scary and illiberal ideas coming from the further left that haven't been shut down by the DNC and which are actively promoted by some of its younger members which concerns me.

Those people - the DSA etc. - are all firmly within the milquetoast social democratic camp. I'm an illiberal leftist, and I can assure you that nothing under the Democratic umbrella is actually a threat to capitalism. An identity politicking Keynesian corporatist capitalism? Yes - but nothing illiberal in the sense of seeking to abolish production for exchange and the value form.

I think she was looking at violence, and I can't see that from the left either.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(02-01-2021, 02:04 PM)David Horn Wrote: I think she was looking at violence, and I can't see that from the left either.

Really not sure how many times I have to repeat that I live in the heart of antifa country. 

Well, maybe a bit to the North.  More like the antifa commuter suburbs.

Whether they are a legitimate threat?  Not sure.  DNC politicians have given them far too much cover and allowed them to build up an infrastructure which they export to other areas of the country.  On the whole, I think the establishment treats them as a rabid Rottweiler they can let off the leash every so often as a tool against the GOP but then expects to put them quietly back in their cage for another 4 years.  I don't yet know if they are strong enough to resist going back.

OTOH, if there is one thing I've learned in the last couple weeks it is just how thoroughly the establishment can use police forces to crush a group once it sets its mind to it.
Antifa are not particularly far left, in the sense that they overwhelmingly support social democratic or anarchist positions which preserve the kernel of capitalism.
(02-01-2021, 06:59 PM)mamabug Wrote:
(02-01-2021, 02:04 PM)David Horn Wrote: I think she was looking at violence, and I can't see that from the left either.

Really not sure how many times I have to repeat that I live in the heart of antifa country. 

Well, maybe a bit to the North.  More like the antifa commuter suburbs.

Whether they are a legitimate threat?  Not sure.  DNC politicians have given them far too much cover and allowed them to build up an infrastructure which they export to other areas of the country.  On the whole, I think the establishment treats them as a rabid Rottweiler they can let off the leash every so often as a tool against the GOP but then expects to put them quietly back in their cage for another 4 years.  I don't yet know if they are strong enough to resist going back.

OTOH, if there is one thing I've learned in the last couple weeks it is just how thoroughly the establishment can use police forces to crush a group once it sets its mind to it.

Police were much more suppressive, brutal and violence toward black lives matter protesters than they were to the Capitol invaders. Some police even let the latter in. Thank goodness the authorities are doing better now at getting them caught. White supremacy and reactionary terrorism is 10 times more common and deadly than the left wing or foreign kind. The Capitol rioters included some marines and police, perhaps now retired. All antifa does is confront fascists when they march. Fights between them may result. Most rioters supporting or provoking left-wing concerns do little more than break windows and set fires, and most of this by African Americans is spontaneous reaction over a day or two to the horrific injustice they have to endure every day. The Establishment does not hold any leashes on antifa or BLM. That conspiracy theory might get Trump more votes, but it is utterly useless for any other purpose.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(01-30-2021, 11:26 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-30-2021, 09:10 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Why should I do that? I had to recalculate the scores using a new method for greater accuracy. The old one was too cumbersome. Remember, I also recalculated them for either scenario, Trump or Biden winning. And I need to recalculate them after every election; the scores are based on the aspects in the horoscopes of every viable candidate in history. And the 2020 election is now part of history. So, if I had waited until after Biden won to recalculate, the scores would be the same. But, I predicted Biden's victory before the election, even though his score was slightly lower than Trump's then. So then I went ahead and re-calculated in October before the election, thinking the new scores would confirm my prediction, and that's what happened.

If you watch my video I have already posted here, I said that Biden's earlier 14-7 score was within the margin of error, which meant that he could have won.

Harris' score has gone down even further from her already-very-low score from these new calculations, even though her own aspects are not in the database, because she quit before the primaries. You can predict that she will be the President, and I am predicting that she won't be, on the basis of her score. So you can whine and complain about my prediction all you want, but only events will confirm which one of us is right.
Bullshit, you ginned it up and you know it. Playing coy with me isn't going to work. Biden was the only establishment Democrat left who had a chance to defeat Trump. I don't think his 14-7 score was much of a factor in his victory either. America barely seen him during the campaign. Her horrible score doesn't matter at this point. She's next in line and she's most likely going to be President soon. Biden is doing/signing all kinds of crazy shit and getting things ready for her to come in and take over the reigns. He's in office and that's all that matters to the corporates and Uber rich and the Progressives who him elected. He will be on his way out of office and the nation will begin showing signs of splitting and joining forces soon enough. The Red (free) states have plenty of room for growth and plenty of food and plenty of business and a pro business attitude and pro life philosophy and a Constitution that has stood for centuries  and Old Glory and an capitalist system that works as long as ethical standards are maintained and laws are more strictly enforced and corruption associated with government is heavily punished. I don't know or really care how things work out for the segments of the country funded and controlled by the politicians in Washington DC "Modern day version of Rome". How many times have I said America will be watching as Rome burns? I've said it many times. I've also that America was built to survive. I've also directly associated America with providence many times. I've also warned you not to mess with America many times. You're not listening or paying attention or thinking much like our current President who ain't quite with it anymore either.

Ha ha. I would not expect that explaining things to YOU would work.

The score would have been exactly the same had I waited until the election to recalculate. That's the key point. All my research figuring is online so anyone can check to see what I based the scores on and how I arrived at them.

I know you don't think Biden's score was a factor in his victory, but her 3-17 score is a warning that Harris will not win if nominated. I would predict that her chances of even getting nominated are not good, but it could happen. If it does, you will be happy.

"He's in office and that's all that matters to the corporates and Uber rich" No, that is opposite the truth. They are not happy. Your favorite Party and your Leader supports trickle-down economics, as YOU do. That is the rich man's policy. Your red (suffering under tyranny) states are poor and pathetic and losing ground every day.

"I've also warned you not to mess with America many times. You're not listening or paying attention or thinking much like our current President who ain't quite with it anymore either."

Well, thanks for the warning again. I confess, I have heard it before. ha ha! But I think I am going to mess with your "America" all that I can anyway. The more Biden is "doing/signing all kinds of crazy shit" according to you, the happier I will be.

I even hope that, someday, he will successfully take all your guns away. Now THAT is all YOU care about, and I care for you and other people enough to applaud this if it ever happens. Ho ho, he he, ha ha Smile
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(02-01-2021, 02:01 PM)David Horn Wrote: Actually, AOC raises the issue of Nobama a lot.  So does Obama himself.  He realized too late that he arrived at a gun fight unarmed. 

But I disagree about the politicians on the right. Several are actively fomenting violence -- even Ted Cruz who usually tries to keep it below boiling. Greene and Boebert are actually threatening other members.  It's the 1850s all over again. If this festers, it will get really bad, and it will all be on the right.
The Progressive Democrats are the instigators and the middle of the country knows it and the instigators are going to get their clocks cleaned by the American Right because no one in the middle is going to care.  We can't have a system with a double standard in America these days. America won't stand for it. You're either with the program as far as the rest of America goes or you're on your own.
(02-02-2021, 05:28 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-01-2021, 02:01 PM)David Horn Wrote: Actually, AOC raises the issue of Nobama a lot.  So does Obama himself.  He realized too late that he arrived at a gun fight unarmed. 

But I disagree about the politicians on the right. Several are actively fomenting violence -- even Ted Cruz who usually tries to keep it below boiling. Greene and Boebert are actually threatening other members.  It's the 1850s all over again. If this festers, it will get really bad, and it will all be on the right.
The Progressive Democrats  are the instigators and the middle of the country knows it and  the instigators are going to get their clocks cleaned by the  American Right because no one in the middle is going to care.  We can't have a system with a double standard in America these days. America won't stand for it. You're either with the program as far as the rest of America goes or you're on your own.

Either you want to solve the problems of COVID, its economic fallout, systematic racism, red racist violence and global warming, or you don't.

Turnings turn.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
(02-02-2021, 02:19 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(01-30-2021, 11:26 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-30-2021, 09:10 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Why should I do that? I had to recalculate the scores using a new method for greater accuracy. The old one was too cumbersome. Remember, I also recalculated them for either scenario, Trump or Biden winning. And I need to recalculate them after every election; the scores are based on the aspects in the horoscopes of every viable candidate in history. And the 2020 election is now part of history. So, if I had waited until after Biden won to recalculate, the scores would be the same. But, I predicted Biden's victory before the election, even though his score was slightly lower than Trump's then. So then I went ahead and re-calculated in October before the election, thinking the new scores would confirm my prediction, and that's what happened.

If you watch my video I have already posted here, I said that Biden's earlier 14-7 score was within the margin of error, which meant that he could have won.

Harris' score has gone down even further from her already-very-low score from these new calculations, even though her own aspects are not in the database, because she quit before the primaries. You can predict that she will be the President, and I am predicting that she won't be, on the basis of her score. So you can whine and complain about my prediction all you want, but only events will confirm which one of us is right.
Bullshit, you ginned it up and you know it. Playing coy with me isn't going to work. Biden was the only establishment Democrat left who had a chance to defeat Trump. I don't think his 14-7 score was much of a factor in his victory either. America barely seen him during the campaign. Her horrible score doesn't matter at this point. She's next in line and she's most likely going to be President soon. Biden is doing/signing all kinds of crazy shit and getting things ready for her to come in and take over the reigns. He's in office and that's all that matters to the corporates and Uber rich and the Progressives who him elected. He will be on his way out of office and the nation will begin showing signs of splitting and joining forces soon enough. The Red (free) states have plenty of room for growth and plenty of food and plenty of business and a pro business attitude and pro life philosophy and a Constitution that has stood for centuries  and Old Glory and an capitalist system that works as long as ethical standards are maintained and laws are more strictly enforced and corruption associated with government is heavily punished. I don't know or really care how things work out for the segments of the country funded and controlled by the politicians in Washington DC "Modern day version of Rome". How many times have I said America will be watching as Rome burns? I've said it many times. I've also that America was built to survive. I've also directly associated America with providence many times. I've also warned you not to mess with America many times. You're not listening or paying attention or thinking much like our current President who ain't quite with it anymore either.

Ha ha. I would not expect that explaining things to YOU would work.

The score would have been exactly the same had I waited until the election to recalculate. That's the key point. All my research figuring is online so anyone can check to see what I based the scores on and how I arrived at them.

I know you don't think Biden's score was a factor in his victory, but her 3-17 score is a warning that Harris will not win if nominated. I would predict that her chances of even getting nominated are not good, but it could happen. If it does, you will be happy.

"He's in office and that's all that matters to the corporates and Uber rich" No, that is opposite the truth. They are not happy. Your favorite Party and your Leader supports trickle-down economics, as YOU do. That is the rich man's policy. Your red (suffering under tyranny) states are poor and pathetic and losing ground every day.

"I've also warned you not to mess with America many times. You're not listening or paying attention or thinking much like our current President who ain't quite with it anymore either."

Well, thanks for the warning again. I confess, I have heard it before. ha ha! But I think I am going to mess with your "America" all that I can anyway. The more Biden is "doing/signing all kinds of crazy shit" according to you, the happier I will be.

I even hope that, someday, he will successfully take all your guns away. Now THAT is all YOU care about, and I care for you and other people enough to applaud this if it ever happens. Ho ho, he he, ha ha Smile
You don't think big tech and the uber rich support trickle down too. He can try to take all our guns away but I doubt he'll find anyone dumb enough to do it for him. I mean, they don't have enough people to take them away from the criminals let alone the law abiding citizens who aren't dumb to give them up. So, would you prefer that we buy guns legally or illegally because we'll be guying them regardless of what the laws say like the criminals are doing on a regular basis today? I'm good either way.
(02-02-2021, 05:50 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-02-2021, 02:19 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(01-30-2021, 11:26 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-30-2021, 09:10 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Why should I do that? I had to recalculate the scores using a new method for greater accuracy. The old one was too cumbersome. Remember, I also recalculated them for either scenario, Trump or Biden winning. And I need to recalculate them after every election; the scores are based on the aspects in the horoscopes of every viable candidate in history. And the 2020 election is now part of history. So, if I had waited until after Biden won to recalculate, the scores would be the same. But, I predicted Biden's victory before the election, even though his score was slightly lower than Trump's then. So then I went ahead and re-calculated in October before the election, thinking the new scores would confirm my prediction, and that's what happened.

If you watch my video I have already posted here, I said that Biden's earlier 14-7 score was within the margin of error, which meant that he could have won.

Harris' score has gone down even further from her already-very-low score from these new calculations, even though her own aspects are not in the database, because she quit before the primaries. You can predict that she will be the President, and I am predicting that she won't be, on the basis of her score. So you can whine and complain about my prediction all you want, but only events will confirm which one of us is right.
Bullshit, you ginned it up and you know it. Playing coy with me isn't going to work. Biden was the only establishment Democrat left who had a chance to defeat Trump. I don't think his 14-7 score was much of a factor in his victory either. America barely seen him during the campaign. Her horrible score doesn't matter at this point. She's next in line and she's most likely going to be President soon. Biden is doing/signing all kinds of crazy shit and getting things ready for her to come in and take over the reigns. He's in office and that's all that matters to the corporates and Uber rich and the Progressives who him elected. He will be on his way out of office and the nation will begin showing signs of splitting and joining forces soon enough. The Red (free) states have plenty of room for growth and plenty of food and plenty of business and a pro business attitude and pro life philosophy and a Constitution that has stood for centuries  and Old Glory and an capitalist system that works as long as ethical standards are maintained and laws are more strictly enforced and corruption associated with government is heavily punished. I don't know or really care how things work out for the segments of the country funded and controlled by the politicians in Washington DC "Modern day version of Rome". How many times have I said America will be watching as Rome burns? I've said it many times. I've also that America was built to survive. I've also directly associated America with providence many times. I've also warned you not to mess with America many times. You're not listening or paying attention or thinking much like our current President who ain't quite with it anymore either.

Ha ha. I would not expect that explaining things to YOU would work.

The score would have been exactly the same had I waited until the election to recalculate. That's the key point. All my research figuring is online so anyone can check to see what I based the scores on and how I arrived at them.

I know you don't think Biden's score was a factor in his victory, but her 3-17 score is a warning that Harris will not win if nominated. I would predict that her chances of even getting nominated are not good, but it could happen. If it does, you will be happy.

"He's in office and that's all that matters to the corporates and Uber rich" No, that is opposite the truth. They are not happy. Your favorite Party and your Leader supports trickle-down economics, as YOU do. That is the rich man's policy. Your red (suffering under tyranny) states are poor and pathetic and losing ground every day.

"I've also warned you not to mess with America many times. You're not listening or paying attention or thinking much like our current President who ain't quite with it anymore either."

Well, thanks for the warning again. I confess, I have heard it before. ha ha! But I think I am going to mess with your "America" all that I can anyway. The more Biden is "doing/signing all kinds of crazy shit" according to you, the happier I will be.

I even hope that, someday, he will successfully take all your guns away. Now THAT is all YOU care about, and I care for you and other people enough to applaud this if it ever happens. Ho ho, he he, ha ha Smile
You don't think big tech and the uber rich support trickle down too. He can try to take all our guns away but I doubt he'll find anyone dumb enough to do it for him. I mean, they don't have enough people to take them away from the criminals let alone the law abiding citizens who aren't dumb to give them up. So, would you prefer that we buy guns legally or illegally because we'll be guying them regardless of what the laws say like the criminals are doing on a regular basis today? I'm good either way.

[Image: firearms-regulation-liberals-communists-...620662.png]
(02-02-2021, 05:50 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-02-2021, 02:19 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(01-30-2021, 11:26 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-30-2021, 09:10 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Why should I do that? I had to recalculate the scores using a new method for greater accuracy. The old one was too cumbersome. Remember, I also recalculated them for either scenario, Trump or Biden winning. And I need to recalculate them after every election; the scores are based on the aspects in the horoscopes of every viable candidate in history. And the 2020 election is now part of history. So, if I had waited until after Biden won to recalculate, the scores would be the same. But, I predicted Biden's victory before the election, even though his score was slightly lower than Trump's then. So then I went ahead and re-calculated in October before the election, thinking the new scores would confirm my prediction, and that's what happened.

If you watch my video I have already posted here, I said that Biden's earlier 14-7 score was within the margin of error, which meant that he could have won.

Harris' score has gone down even further from her already-very-low score from these new calculations, even though her own aspects are not in the database, because she quit before the primaries. You can predict that she will be the President, and I am predicting that she won't be, on the basis of her score. So you can whine and complain about my prediction all you want, but only events will confirm which one of us is right.
Bullshit, you ginned it up and you know it. Playing coy with me isn't going to work. Biden was the only establishment Democrat left who had a chance to defeat Trump. I don't think his 14-7 score was much of a factor in his victory either. America barely seen him during the campaign. Her horrible score doesn't matter at this point. She's next in line and she's most likely going to be President soon. Biden is doing/signing all kinds of crazy shit and getting things ready for her to come in and take over the reigns. He's in office and that's all that matters to the corporates and Uber rich and the Progressives who him elected. He will be on his way out of office and the nation will begin showing signs of splitting and joining forces soon enough. The Red (free) states have plenty of room for growth and plenty of food and plenty of business and a pro business attitude and pro life philosophy and a Constitution that has stood for centuries  and Old Glory and an capitalist system that works as long as ethical standards are maintained and laws are more strictly enforced and corruption associated with government is heavily punished. I don't know or really care how things work out for the segments of the country funded and controlled by the politicians in Washington DC "Modern day version of Rome". How many times have I said America will be watching as Rome burns? I've said it many times. I've also that America was built to survive. I've also directly associated America with providence many times. I've also warned you not to mess with America many times. You're not listening or paying attention or thinking much like our current President who ain't quite with it anymore either.

Ha ha. I would not expect that explaining things to YOU would work.

The score would have been exactly the same had I waited until the election to recalculate. That's the key point. All my research figuring is online so anyone can check to see what I based the scores on and how I arrived at them.

I know you don't think Biden's score was a factor in his victory, but her 3-17 score is a warning that Harris will not win if nominated. I would predict that her chances of even getting nominated are not good, but it could happen. If it does, you will be happy.

"He's in office and that's all that matters to the corporates and Uber rich" No, that is opposite the truth. They are not happy. Your favorite Party and your Leader supports trickle-down economics, as YOU do. That is the rich man's policy. Your red (suffering under tyranny) states are poor and pathetic and losing ground every day.

"I've also warned you not to mess with America many times. You're not listening or paying attention or thinking much like our current President who ain't quite with it anymore either."

Well, thanks for the warning again. I confess, I have heard it before. ha ha! But I think I am going to mess with your "America" all that I can anyway. The more Biden is "doing/signing all kinds of crazy shit" according to you, the happier I will be.

I even hope that, someday, he will successfully take all your guns away. Now THAT is all YOU care about, and I care for you and other people enough to applaud this if it ever happens. Ho ho, he he, ha ha Smile
You don't think big tech and the uber rich support trickle down too. He can try to take all our guns away but I doubt he'll find anyone dumb enough to do it for him. I mean, they don't have enough people to take them away from the criminals let alone the law abiding citizens who aren't dumb to give them up. So, would you prefer that we buy guns legally or illegally because we'll be guying them regardless of what the laws say like the criminals are doing on a regular basis today? I'm good either way.

Big tech and the uber rich support trickle down, and that's what you and the Republican Party supports. Democrats do not.

Gun laws work. Societies that have them have less violent crime and less gun violence. So, once most people in the USA agree with the conservative "liberals" that Einzige quoted, and not with the commies he quoted, then if you buy guns on the black market, we will keep taking them away from you no matter how long it takes. And clearly you have violent aims, so they should be taken away from YOU. We're a comin' fer youse guns, baby Smile And if you violently rebel, it will be a lot easier to take your guns, because prisoners have a lot tougher time getting them.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(02-02-2021, 03:44 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(02-02-2021, 05:50 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-02-2021, 02:19 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(01-30-2021, 11:26 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(01-30-2021, 09:10 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Why should I do that? I had to recalculate the scores using a new method for greater accuracy. The old one was too cumbersome. Remember, I also recalculated them for either scenario, Trump or Biden winning. And I need to recalculate them after every election; the scores are based on the aspects in the horoscopes of every viable candidate in history. And the 2020 election is now part of history. So, if I had waited until after Biden won to recalculate, the scores would be the same. But, I predicted Biden's victory before the election, even though his score was slightly lower than Trump's then. So then I went ahead and re-calculated in October before the election, thinking the new scores would confirm my prediction, and that's what happened.

If you watch my video I have already posted here, I said that Biden's earlier 14-7 score was within the margin of error, which meant that he could have won.

Harris' score has gone down even further from her already-very-low score from these new calculations, even though her own aspects are not in the database, because she quit before the primaries. You can predict that she will be the President, and I am predicting that she won't be, on the basis of her score. So you can whine and complain about my prediction all you want, but only events will confirm which one of us is right.
Bullshit, you ginned it up and you know it. Playing coy with me isn't going to work. Biden was the only establishment Democrat left who had a chance to defeat Trump. I don't think his 14-7 score was much of a factor in his victory either. America barely seen him during the campaign. Her horrible score doesn't matter at this point. She's next in line and she's most likely going to be President soon. Biden is doing/signing all kinds of crazy shit and getting things ready for her to come in and take over the reigns. He's in office and that's all that matters to the corporates and Uber rich and the Progressives who him elected. He will be on his way out of office and the nation will begin showing signs of splitting and joining forces soon enough. The Red (free) states have plenty of room for growth and plenty of food and plenty of business and a pro business attitude and pro life philosophy and a Constitution that has stood for centuries  and Old Glory and an capitalist system that works as long as ethical standards are maintained and laws are more strictly enforced and corruption associated with government is heavily punished. I don't know or really care how things work out for the segments of the country funded and controlled by the politicians in Washington DC "Modern day version of Rome". How many times have I said America will be watching as Rome burns? I've said it many times. I've also that America was built to survive. I've also directly associated America with providence many times. I've also warned you not to mess with America many times. You're not listening or paying attention or thinking much like our current President who ain't quite with it anymore either.

Ha ha. I would not expect that explaining things to YOU would work.

The score would have been exactly the same had I waited until the election to recalculate. That's the key point. All my research figuring is online so anyone can check to see what I based the scores on and how I arrived at them.

I know you don't think Biden's score was a factor in his victory, but her 3-17 score is a warning that Harris will not win if nominated. I would predict that her chances of even getting nominated are not good, but it could happen. If it does, you will be happy.

"He's in office and that's all that matters to the corporates and Uber rich" No, that is opposite the truth. They are not happy. Your favorite Party and your Leader supports trickle-down economics, as YOU do. That is the rich man's policy. Your red (suffering under tyranny) states are poor and pathetic and losing ground every day.

"I've also warned you not to mess with America many times. You're not listening or paying attention or thinking much like our current President who ain't quite with it anymore either."

Well, thanks for the warning again. I confess, I have heard it before. ha ha! But I think I am going to mess with your "America" all that I can anyway. The more Biden is "doing/signing all kinds of crazy shit" according to you, the happier I will be.

I even hope that, someday, he will successfully take all your guns away. Now THAT is all YOU care about, and I care for you and other people enough to applaud this if it ever happens. Ho ho, he he, ha ha Smile
You don't think big tech and the uber rich support trickle down too. He can try to take all our guns away but I doubt he'll find anyone dumb enough to do it for him. I mean, they don't have enough people to take them away from the criminals let alone the law abiding citizens who aren't dumb to give them up. So, would you prefer that we buy guns legally or illegally because we'll be guying them regardless of what the laws say like the criminals are doing on a regular basis today? I'm good either way.

Big tech and the uber rich support trickle down, and that's what you and the Republican Party supports. Democrats do not.

[Image: abfrontpageofglbsigning-050317.png]

- Bill Clinton signing the repeal of Glass-Steagal
(02-01-2021, 06:59 PM)mamabug Wrote:
(02-01-2021, 02:04 PM)David Horn Wrote: I think she was looking at violence, and I can't see that from the left either.

Really not sure how many times I have to repeat that I live in the heart of antifa country. 

Well, maybe a bit to the North.  More like the antifa commuter suburbs.

The real problem with radicals on the left: they aren't really organized.  Groups like BLM are real organizations, but they are political and not a threat.  Antifa is only a concept (per the FBI and Homeland Security).  So yes, they show up to provide security for leftist rallies and demonstrations, but it's all ad hoc.  Actors on the right: not so much.  So its apples and oranges here.

mamabug Wrote:Whether they are a legitimate threat?  Not sure.  DNC politicians have given them far too much cover and allowed them to build up an infrastructure which they export to other areas of the country.  On the whole, I think the establishment treats them as a rabid Rottweiler they can let off the leash every so often as a tool against the GOP but then expects to put them quietly back in their cage for another 4 years.  I don't yet know if they are strong enough to resist going back.

You think 'the establishment' controls this? Personally, I don't just doubt that. I thoroughly disbelieve it unless shown proof to the contrary. All movement type groups are thorns in the sides of 'the establishment'. That's their role in life.

mamabug Wrote:OTOH, if there is one thing I've learned in the last couple weeks it is just how thoroughly the establishment can use police forces to crush a group once it sets its mind to it.

Protests? Yes. Riots? Not so much. Waco, Ruby Ridge and the Capitol pretty much prove that riot run until they stop.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(02-02-2021, 05:28 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-01-2021, 02:01 PM)David Horn Wrote: Actually, AOC raises the issue of Nobama a lot.  So does Obama himself.  He realized too late that he arrived at a gun fight unarmed. 

But I disagree about the politicians on the right. Several are actively fomenting violence -- even Ted Cruz who usually tries to keep it below boiling. Greene and Boebert are actually threatening other members.  It's the 1850s all over again. If this festers, it will get really bad, and it will all be on the right.

The Progressive Democrats  are the instigators and the middle of the country knows it and  the instigators are going to get their clocks cleaned by the American Right because no one in the middle is going to care.  We can't have a system with a double standard in America these days. America won't stand for it. You're either with the program as far as the rest of America goes or you're on your own.

Saying 'up' is 'down' doesn't make it so.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
Antifa are basically the militant wing of the social democratic sector of the Democratic Party.
(02-02-2021, 03:46 PM)Einzige Wrote:
(02-02-2021, 03:44 PM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(02-02-2021, 05:50 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(02-02-2021, 02:19 AM)Eric the Green Wrote:
(01-30-2021, 11:26 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Bullshit, you ginned it up and you know it. Playing coy with me isn't going to work. Biden was the only establishment Democrat left who had a chance to defeat Trump. I don't think his 14-7 score was much of a factor in his victory either. America barely seen him during the campaign. Her horrible score doesn't matter at this point. She's next in line and she's most likely going to be President soon. Biden is doing/signing all kinds of crazy shit and getting things ready for her to come in and take over the reigns. He's in office and that's all that matters to the corporates and Uber rich and the Progressives who him elected. He will be on his way out of office and the nation will begin showing signs of splitting and joining forces soon enough. The Red (free) states have plenty of room for growth and plenty of food and plenty of business and a pro business attitude and pro life philosophy and a Constitution that has stood for centuries  and Old Glory and an capitalist system that works as long as ethical standards are maintained and laws are more strictly enforced and corruption associated with government is heavily punished. I don't know or really care how things work out for the segments of the country funded and controlled by the politicians in Washington DC "Modern day version of Rome". How many times have I said America will be watching as Rome burns? I've said it many times. I've also that America was built to survive. I've also directly associated America with providence many times. I've also warned you not to mess with America many times. You're not listening or paying attention or thinking much like our current President who ain't quite with it anymore either.

Ha ha. I would not expect that explaining things to YOU would work.

The score would have been exactly the same had I waited until the election to recalculate. That's the key point. All my research figuring is online so anyone can check to see what I based the scores on and how I arrived at them.

I know you don't think Biden's score was a factor in his victory, but her 3-17 score is a warning that Harris will not win if nominated. I would predict that her chances of even getting nominated are not good, but it could happen. If it does, you will be happy.

"He's in office and that's all that matters to the corporates and Uber rich" No, that is opposite the truth. They are not happy. Your favorite Party and your Leader supports trickle-down economics, as YOU do. That is the rich man's policy. Your red (suffering under tyranny) states are poor and pathetic and losing ground every day.

"I've also warned you not to mess with America many times. You're not listening or paying attention or thinking much like our current President who ain't quite with it anymore either."

Well, thanks for the warning again. I confess, I have heard it before. ha ha! But I think I am going to mess with your "America" all that I can anyway. The more Biden is "doing/signing all kinds of crazy shit" according to you, the happier I will be.

I even hope that, someday, he will successfully take all your guns away. Now THAT is all YOU care about, and I care for you and other people enough to applaud this if it ever happens. Ho ho, he he, ha ha Smile
You don't think big tech and the uber rich support trickle down too. He can try to take all our guns away but I doubt he'll find anyone dumb enough to do it for him. I mean, they don't have enough people to take them away from the criminals let alone the law abiding citizens who aren't dumb to give them up. So, would you prefer that we buy guns legally or illegally because we'll be guying them regardless of what the laws say like the criminals are doing on a regular basis today? I'm good either way.

Big tech and the uber rich support trickle down, and that's what you and the Republican Party supports. Democrats do not.

[Image: abfrontpageofglbsigning-050317.png]

- Bill Clinton signing the repeal of Glass-Steagal

That's old news now, pal. I was not a Democrat in those days. We're talking about the Democratic Party now. But you are so absolutist in your opinions that you can't accept any nuance or qualification of any statement.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(02-02-2021, 03:44 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: Big tech and the uber rich support trickle down, and that's what you and the Republican Party supports. Democrats do not.

Gun laws work. Societies that have them have less violent crime and less gun violence. So, once most people in the USA agree with the conservative "liberals" that Einzige quoted, and not with the commies he quoted, then if you buy guns on the black market, we will keep taking them away from you no matter how long it takes. And clearly you have violent aims, so they should be taken away from YOU. We're a comin' fer youse guns, baby Smile  And if you violently rebel, it will be a lot easier to take your guns, because prisoners have a lot tougher time getting them.
Which Democrats don't support it these days? I've been in some really nice homes that are owned by Democratic voters. Go ahead and come for American's guns (mine included) and make the same mistake as the British in the past. Like I said, once the war with the Democrats begins, there will be no place that's safe for the Democrats (any Democrat) to live/go/visit in the entire country.
(02-03-2021, 12:40 AM)Classic-Xer Wrote: Which Democrats don't support it these days? I've been in some really nice homes that are owned by Democratic voters. Go ahead and come for American's guns (mine included) and make the same mistake as the British in the past. Like I said, once the war with the Democrats begins, there will be no place that's safe for the Democrats (any Democrat) to live/go/visit in the entire country.

I could respond, but I don't speak chicken very well.
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.

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