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It's time to question Biden's mental health
It's time to question Biden's mental health
(03-11-2021, 09:51 PM)HealthyDebate Wrote: It's time to question Biden's mental health

Don't you know/understand that you can't question Biden or any high ranking Democrat these days? It's immoral, it's racist, it's a direct threat to ones personal well being/lively hood and it's damn near illegal to do it these days. I don't know what's worse, a senile old man who can't remember what he did a few days ago or where he's at while he's making a speech and so forth or a token narcissist who is driven by money and power who will most likely move America to the brink of Civil War?
I can see why most people fighting the regeneracy might be immoral, racist, and not concerned with America.  Illegal?  Source other than your twisted imagination?
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
The USA is hopeless.

Everything is illegal, but only the little people must obey the law.

The US is so corrupt now that the only way to become rich is to work for the 1% as actors, politicians, reporters, Gestapo, or soldiers.

Anyone who accepts the NWO gets welfare, a paycheck, or a sale. Anyone who defends freedom, balanced budgets, and peace is called a racist nutjob, gets banned, gets an IRS audit, is arrested, tortured, or killed.

There is no chance that the elites will restore the Bill of Rights, pay off the debt, or end the wars and Americans don't care.

Soros, Clinton, Bush, Trump, Obama, and Biden will never go to jail.

You can't vote because the US is not a democracy.

Americans can't protest because protesting is illegal.

You can't join a militia because militias have been infiltrated by the FBI.

You can't escape the US because the borders are closed and the world is a police state.

You don't have years or decades to prepare for the US collapse.

Soon the stock market will crash, the USA will start WWIII with China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, and Americans will be sent to the concentration camps.

The only realistic option right now seems to be is to dropout and go Galt by moving to a small white town in North Dakota and buying guns, gold, and food.

You hate to say that the sky is falling, but the sky is falling. How much more proof do you need?

Pass the word.
(03-11-2021, 11:54 PM)Classic-Xer Wrote:
(03-11-2021, 09:51 PM)HealthyDebate Wrote: It's time to question Biden's mental health

Don't you know/understand that you can't question Biden or any high ranking Democrat these days? It's immoral, it's racist, it's a direct threat to ones personal well being/lively hood and it's damn near illegal to do it these days. I don't know what's worse, a senile old man who can't remember what he did a few days ago or where he's at while he's making a speech and so forth or a token narcissist who is driven by money and power who will most likely move  America to the brink of Civil War?

What we liberals said about Trump you turn against Biden in an exercise reminiscent of foreign-language courses in which one changes a word or two and must change the sentence to fit the word that is replaced. It is trivial to a native speaker, but tricky to a learner. Americans do not need to make adjectives agree with the gender of a noun or pronoun, and our verbal system is almost perfect for a phrasebook... which does not apply to French, German, or Russian.

It is safe to assume that President Biden will better know that he is slipping when such happens. He is far more likely to heed the medical and scientific evidence. If it does not fit the precious esteem of Donald Trump he refuses it with great vehemence. 

Donald Trump sought to pit Americans against each other so that he could exploit the rancor, some of which he expressed himself. He would set himself as arbiter of what side is right and which is wrong, as if he were some great moral leader. I can't say that this is quite a perfect depiction, but I could imagine Donald Trump using his cult of personality to draw America into a divide reminiscent of Yugoslavia under Milosevic in which differences are cause for destructive anger. 

Good leaders can back down when such is appropriate. Trump did not do that. Sure, that can be decisiveness that resembles strength, but one is wise to use one's strength and resolve for good purposes. One could be resolutely wrong as could the Unabom terrorist or some wannabe Hitler. Good leaders must know the difference between Right and Wrong on the moral issues and choose the moral side even if such is temporarily inconvenient. Bad leaders fail to recognize such legitimacy as the Other Side has. Classical standards of beauty remain relevant. To this day Jews debate ethical issues that arise from challenges of modernity... and Judaism is alive and well today despite the hardships, persecutions, and slaughters. The Founding Fathers did not have all the answers, as they had yet to decide that slavery was wrong, that women were equal, that aggressive warfare for the expansion of a nation is abominable, and that workers have rights or a social order is a nightmare -- but they certainly made those debates inevitable. 

As the bleakest of all Christmas carols, one written during the American Civil War, puts it

"The Wrong shall fail, the Right prevail"... 

it could have as well applied to Corregidor or Bastogne... or to a COVID-19 ward in the last year.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

The US feels like it is committing suicide.

The elites control Wall Street, Hollywood, the media, and the government.

Globalists wanting to destroy the USA with wars, welfare, debt, illegal immigrants, and tyranny is one thing, but Americans who just accept this are another.

What if every conversation, book, movie, news story, bumper sticker, website, and song was about the collapse?

Would Americans wake up, protest, prepare, buy guns and gold, and resist or would Americans just become jaded and do nothing?

Is surrender the answer to tyranny?
(03-12-2021, 06:49 PM)HealthyDebate Wrote: The US feels like it is committing suicide.

The elites control Wall Street, Hollywood, the media, and the government.

Globalists wanting to destroy the USA with wars, welfare, debt, illegal immigrants, and tyranny is one thing, but Americans who just accept this are another.

What if every conversation, book, movie, news story, bumper sticker, website, and song was about the collapse?

Would Americans wake up, protest, prepare, buy guns and gold, and resist or would Americans just become jaded and do nothing?

Is surrender the answer to tyranny?

-- no. Guillotines are
Heart my 2 yr old Niece/yr old Nephew 2020 Heart
(03-13-2021, 11:59 AM)Marypoza Wrote:
(03-12-2021, 06:49 PM)HealthyDebate Wrote: The US feels like it is committing suicide.

The elites control Wall Street, Hollywood, the media, and the government.

Globalists wanting to destroy the USA with wars, welfare, debt, illegal immigrants, and tyranny is one thing, but Americans who just accept this are another.

What if every conversation, book, movie, news story, bumper sticker, website, and song was about the collapse?

Would Americans wake up, protest, prepare, buy guns and gold, and resist or would Americans just become jaded and do nothing?

Is surrender the answer to tyranny?

-- no. Guillotines are

You're arguing with a known zealot of questionable stability. (S)he has been generating new accounts at the rate of two or more a day.
Intelligence is not knowledge and knowledge is not wisdom, but they all play well together.
(03-13-2021, 11:59 AM)Marypoza Wrote:
(03-12-2021, 06:49 PM)HealthyDebate Wrote: The US feels like it is committing suicide.

The elites control Wall Street, Hollywood, the media, and the government.

Globalists wanting to destroy the USA with wars, welfare, debt, illegal immigrants, and tyranny is one thing, but Americans who just accept this are another.

What if every conversation, book, movie, news story, bumper sticker, website, and song was about the collapse?

Would Americans wake up, protest, prepare, buy guns and gold, and resist or would Americans just become jaded and do nothing?

Is surrender the answer to tyranny?

-- no. Guillotines are

Strictly speaking, we would probably resort to nitrogen asphyxiation, which is supposedly swift and painless... much as was said of the guillotine not a part of American penal history, the electric chair, execution by cyanide gas, or lethal injection. I am satisfied with hanging as a solution for principal figures of the Third Reich, Thug Japan, and Ba'athist Iraq. There was nothing wrong with Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Kenji Doihara, or "Chemical Ali" that a well-tied rope and a seven-foot drop would not have solved.   

The post to which you respond suggests a totalitarian response to much that is troublesome. "Healthy Debate" suggests a monomaniacal response to which we would all be obliged to participate as he dictates. There will be plenty of room for conversations that have nothing to do with politics after COVID-19 dies as a public menace. The Great Books remain a solid basis for education of the leaders of our community and even commerce. Does anyone question whether the MBA cult could have learned something from Sinclair Lewis' Babbitt?  Because America is so fundamentally capitalist and commercial, we Americans need to discover that there is more to life than economic gain, personal indulgence, and bureaucratic power -- because the abuse of those inevitably create mass suffering. Wars overseas, natural disasters, and political struggles overseas can hurt us Americans badly. "Healthy Debate" says nothing about the extreme danger that global warming can pose to Humanity as a whole. Maybe I exaggerate the hazards and the lack of obvious solutions other than acquiescence with mass death that rapid climate change would bring about, but I am on the cautious side. I know what panic can do to people. 

Yes, debt is a huge problem. It is an excellent tool for keeping people so helpless that they must obey any order no matter how destructive and inhuman the consequences are. This said, Healthy Debate ignores that private debt has more personal consequences that in mass degrades life far more intimately than does public debt. Private debt necessary for mere survival or the avoidance of destitution undeniably makes people poorer. Of course people are unwise to avoid going into debt for anything that does not generate income, cut the cost of living, or improve personal life. Going deeply into debt to buy the latest thing, to buy a status symbol (they are all pathetic), to throw a lavish party, or to go on some vacation on which one really learns nothing. Yes, I recognize that life for people born about a century ago in America was generally hardscrabble by contemporary standards, but the least of problems that the GI's that were once a part of my life was that they lacked the gadgets of entertainment that I as a Boomer have known since childhood. If they were bored they turned to books because there was no idiot screen to lull them into believing that their lives were getting richer while stupefying them. If you ever met some of those GI's you would not call them unsophisticated about the basic realities of life... but I can say that many young people addled on video games, pop music, and mindless TV programming. Many of those would have richer lives if they had instead dedicated some time to Dickens or Dostoevsky.   

We can go into public debt for something that facilitates trade and commerce (canals and docks in the old days; the Interstate highways and airports today), that offers benefits for people other than the recipient (K-12 education and probably now liberal arts education that so many of us miss), averts mass death and protects or expands freedom (the Civil War and World War II), or extends lives and prevents crippling conditions for people (first-rate medical care, and public sanitation that at one time included covering the sewers).  Debt that makes people near-serfs in an economic order that enriches elites while making life miserable for nearly everyone else is a calamity for the people that one expects to pay that debt: the working poor who absorb that debt because the elites foist it upon them as a condition of work.  

Bumper stickers? Somehow I prefer "New York Yankees", "Disneyland", "Wall Drug" or "Meramec Caverns" to "Second-Amendment Solutions". It is far healthier that politics be lesser obsessions in mass consciousness than "My trip to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It is better that we have our focuses on sports rivalries between the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals than between people who believe that liberals are no different from Commies and conservatism is a thin cover for fascism. Music? What does a Beethoven string quartet written two hundred years ago have to say about contemporary politics?   

As for protest... Black Lives Matters is a valid protest much as was the protest against Jim Crow practice. Preparation? We need to improve ourselves as a people, and that means that anyone who can get something from it might as well spend some time learning the old liberal arts that had improvement of the person as an objective. The rap that it pays too much attention to Dead White Men ignores that (1) it can be expanded to include people either female or non-white, (2) that much that is relevant is non-western (especially eastern Asia... Latin America is Western, so it isn't that exotic) including in art, and (3) people can get their start in child-accessible liberal arts early. Yes, wise people read Plato in the past and still do. To be sure, much that is relevant is recent, including the newest format for great art (cinema)... and part of a solid liberal-arts education now includes cinema. One can learn something from Charlie Chaplin and from Akira Kurosawa. 

If there is any problem with the Great Books, great art, and great music is that once people get to know these they become less receptive to cultural schlock. Hokusai's waves can inundate and destroy much Kitsch

People need to recognize that the reality of their lives is too complex to encapsulate into politics, especially if that political expression has paranoid qualities, as seen in the obsession with guns and gold. Really, a dog is far safer to most people than a gun (unless one happens to be a mugger, burglar, or rapist, in which case a dog might as well be a man-eating Big Cat). Gold is a passive investment desirable as such only if things are so messed up that even currency and investments are completely unreliable -- and it is worthless if someone demands it at gunpoint.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Get out of the cities now.

Move to a small white town in South Dakota.

The USA is too far gone.

Socialism just kills the will to live.

Freedom, once lost, is lost forever.
(03-13-2021, 01:42 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Bumper stickers? Somehow I prefer "New York Yankees", "Disneyland", "Wall Drug" or "Meramec Caverns" to "Second-Amendment Solutions". It is far healthier that politics be lesser obsessions in mass consciousness than "My trip to Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It is better that we have our focuses on sports rivalries between the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals than between people who believe that liberals are no different from Commies and conservatism is a thin cover for fascism. Music? What does a Beethoven string quartet written two hundred years ago have to say about contemporary politics?   

New York Yankees? What a horrible bumper sticker! Wink
That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth.
There is not much you can do when a country wants to commit suicide.

Not only are Americans fat and retarded, they are proud of it.

Part of the reason that the USA is collapsing now is because Americans have tunnel vision and can't see hypocrisy.

Americans think that tyranny only targets others, but they are exempt from the police state.

Americans think debt doesn't matter because debt doesn't need to be paid back.

Americans say war is just fine because the US is not bombing any country now.

Americans don't care if Trump uses a teleprompter, but Americans lose their minds if Biden does.

Americans think that Nazis are cruel and Commies are kind.

Americans don't realize that those who fail to learn from history are bound to repeat it.

The Soviet Union failed, but Americans now scream that the US must become Communist.

Americans were outraged about Kavanaugh, but one week later Americans forgot who Kavanaugh is.

Americans don't care about NSA wiretapping, but Americans are outraged that illegal immigrants exist.

Americans don't mind welfare, but Americans explode that welfare checks are too small.

Americans don't care about TSA groping, but Americans lose their minds that anyone dares to protest tyranny.

Americans don't realize that companies have a vested interest in not polluting because businesses fear public relation disasters.

Americans have no idea that Socialism means that no one is responsible for anything.

In capitalism, businesses want to satisfy as many customers as they can without waste. When there is central planning, quantity and meeting production goals are the focus.

In the USSR, there were shortages because factory managers would make one million size 2 shoes because they could increase their total output, but later found out that adults had nothing to wear.

There was starvation in China because regional directors would lie and say that they had record harvests, but then everyone starved in the winter.

In police states, there are no morals because there are no churches. In police states, no one has remorse because everyone is just following orders.

Why would you want to satisfy customers if everyone made the same wage, you had a guaranteed job, and you didn't own the factory?

Would you rather own a BMW or a Yugo?

Would you rather graduate from Harvard or the University of New Mexico?

There was time when people tried to escape tyranny, but why bother trying to escape Cuba now if the whole world is a police state?

In police states, people are forced to work with sticks instead of carrots.

In police states, your success becomes the state success and you can't criticize the government.

When there is freedom, your success becomes your success and you can criticize the government.
(03-13-2021, 07:44 PM)Bob Butler 54 Wrote:
(03-13-2021, 01:42 PM)pbrower2a Wrote: Bumper stickers? Somehow I prefer "New York Yankees", "Disneyland", "Wall Drug" or "Meramec Caverns" to "Second-Amendment Solutions". It is far healthier that politics be lesser obsessions in mass consciousness than "My trip to Great Smoky Mountains National Park". It is better that we have our focuses on sports rivalries between the Chicago Cubs and St. Louis Cardinals than between people who believe that liberals are no different from Commies and conservatism is a thin cover for fascism. Music? What does a Beethoven string quartet written two hundred years ago have to say about contemporary politics?   

New York Yankees?  What a horrible bumper sticker!    Wink

I am not and have never been a Yankees fan. The only time in which I cheered the New York Yankees was in the  2001 World Series... well that was on behalf of New York residents who had just experienced the obscene. I think we remember. Otherwise (I live in Michigan, and "my" Detroit Tigers seem to alternate between the cusp of greatness and the horrifically awful. They may be headed to a 90-loss season, which is a huge improvement over what they have been over the last fifteen years (or so it seems for many reasons -- it is five years in a time that for me has been mostly grim, dreary, and joyless). In recent years the Detroit Cocker Spaniels have been basically a Double-A team playing in the majors... something like the Washington Generals basketball team that is the foil team for the Harlem Globetrotters, except that it has no humorous elements. With the Detroit baseball team, any great season is a lifelong memory.  

I can understand people in New York State, northern New Jersey, and western New England cheering them on... but in a place like Michigan, cheering the Yankees is like watching some Texas oilman winning at poker with a buy-the-pot strategy and delighting in that oilman's win.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(03-13-2021, 05:26 PM)upside2 Wrote: Get out of the cities now.

Move to a small white town in South Dakota.

The USA is too far gone.

Socialism just kills the will to live.

Freedom, once lost, is lost forever.

South Dakota state government just handled COVID-19 incompetently to the extreme.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

Do Americans who hate freedom feel like traitors?

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