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Not Everyone is Crying for Ukraine
I have just sent the following letter to the editor of the (left-leaning, to put it charitably) Asbury Park Press:

Dear Editor:

After the Nazis and their Ukrainian allies murdered 24 million Russians during World War II, with Ukrainian guards also enthusiastically assisting the Nazis in the slaughter of millions of Jews and Roma (Gypsies) at such infamous death camps as Treblinka and Sobibor, and after the Communist tyrant Khrushchev, in the name of "destalinization," arbitrarily tore Crimea and the Donets Basin away from Russia and gave them to Ukraine in 1954, expecting the Russians to kiss and make up is like asking African-Americans to forget slavery, Native Americans to forget the genocide that was perpetrated against them, and for the Irish to believe that centuries of British abuse never happened.

Before President Biden tries to "fix" this corner of the world, he had better read a history book.
"These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation" - Justice David Brewer, Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 1892
YOU'd better read the news. There are very few Nazis now. Nazis sympathizers were all over Eastern Europe in Hitler's day. They are not there now in any serious numbers.

Speaking of history, Ukraine was cruelly subjugated by Stalin for two decades. Ukraine precedes Russia as a nation by 500 years. Khruschev was a huge improvement over Stalin, and it was possible to neotiate with him and start detente. Putin has torn it to shreds. He is much worse than anyone since Stalin. He massacred millions of Syrians to help Assad destroy his country. No current NATO country ever wants to be sujugated to a tyrant again, whether nazi, communist or tsarist. Neither does Ukraine. They are fighting back well and Putin will never be able to pacify resistance to him or any puppet he tries to install in some kind of phony regime.

NATO is united by this cruel invasion. Sanctions must be tougher. Russia should not be able to sell a drop of oil or gas to The West or to any of its partners. Even Kazakhstan is not on board with this. NATO is supplying singer missiles so the Ukrainians can knock the Russia planes bombing them out of the sky, just like the Afghans did. Tanks and guns are rolling in and the Ukrainians are bringing them to their soldiers. I don't know how long this stupid war will last, but it looks like Putin will have to occupy what he can, against his stated wishes, and keep fighting as long as he tries to conquer this country. And it must be so, otherwise Russia will be up against NATO borders, and any incident or further Russian attack could trigger a nuclear war. This must be prevented by helping Ukraine to stay free.

Letter to the editor, eh? Maybe I should look into that.

At the least, the USA is going to have to supply natural gas to Germany and Italy replace the Russian source. The West is going to need to step up transition to renewables so Russia can't hold us hostage to their gas again. Climate change and Putin's invasion are linked. The fourth turning is truly upon us and we are at 1938. If Putin is not stopped in his tracks and his regime ruined, then world war will result. America needs again to be the arsenal of democracy. Biden needs to step up his rhetoric and convince people to back him by rallying the nation in this triple emergency of climate change, covid and Putin.
"I close my eyes, and I can see a better day" -- Justin Bieber

Keep the spirit alive;
Eric M
(02-27-2022, 07:23 PM)Anthony Wrote: I have just sent the following letter to the editor of the (left-leaning, to put it charitably) Asbury Park Press:

Dear Editor:

After the Nazis and their Ukrainian allies murdered 24 million Russians during World War II, with Ukrainian guards also enthusiastically assisting the Nazis in the slaughter of millions of Jews and Roma (Gypsies) at such infamous death camps as Treblinka and Sobibor, and after the Communist tyrant Khrushchev, in the name of "destalinization," arbitrarily tore Crimea and the Donets Basin away from Russia and gave them to Ukraine in 1954, expecting the Russians to kiss and make up is like asking African-Americans to forget slavery, Native Americans to forget the genocide that was perpetrated against them, and for the Irish to believe that centuries of British abuse never happened.

Before President Biden tries to "fix" this corner of the world, he had better read a history book.

We are all aware of what the fascists did.  The Nazis might have won on the Eastern Front had they granted independence to Ukraine,which would have given Germany its strongest, best-motivated, and most-reliable ally. The Nazis did grant the Ukrainian people one dubious freedom -- that of murdering Jews, Roma, Poles, and Communists.Hitler was so  stupid toward Ukraine that he gave Odessa to Romania. Ukraine would have been the breadbasket of the German-dominated part of Europe.

Let's not forget that Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians to death because he dreaded a great nation (Ukraine is a great nation already) within his horrid empire. It is not surprising that when the Wehrmacht entered Ukraine that, as in the Baltic Republics, the Ukrainian people saw th Germans as liberators. The Nazis quickly betrayed any such good will and got little in return.

Putin made claims that Ukraine has more than its share of fascists. OK, one fascist is one too many. Any Ukrainian who still admires Stepan Bandera is as much a disgrace as a neo-Nazi in America. But all this happened 75 years ago and it is no longer relevant. Look at it this way: if Germany and Israel were to end up on the same side in war, what would the Israelis call the Germans now?


Seventy-five years is more than enough time for the melting-away of old enmities. OK, the Holocaust and Holodomor remain infamies to be refuted through the ages, just like the Inquisition and the Atlantic Slave Trade.
The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the dedicated Communist  but instead the people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction, true and false, no longer exists -- Hannah Arendt.

(02-27-2022, 10:01 PM)Eric the Green Wrote: YOU'd better read the news. There are very few Nazis now. Nazis sympathizers were all over Eastern Europe in Hitler's day. They are not there now in any serious numbers.

Speaking of history, Ukraine was cruelly subjugated by Stalin for two decades. Ukraine precedes Russia as a nation by 500 years. Khruschev was a huge improvement over Stalin, and it was possible to neotiate with him and start detente. Putin has torn it to shreds. He is much worse than anyone since Stalin. He massacred millions of Syrians to help Assad destroy his country. No current NATO country ever wants to be sujugated to a tyrant again, whether nazi, communist or tsarist. Neither does Ukraine. They are fighting back well and Putin will never be able to pacify resistance to him or any puppet he tries to install in some kind of phony regime.

NATO is united by this cruel invasion. Sanctions must be tougher. Russia should not be able to sell a drop of oil or gas to The West or to any of its partners. Even Kazakhstan is not on board with this. NATO is supplying singer missiles so the Ukrainians can knock the Russia planes bombing them out of the sky, just like the Afghans did. Tanks and guns are rolling in and the Ukrainians are bringing them to their soldiers. I don't know how long this stupid war will last, but it looks like Putin will have to occupy what he can, against his stated wishes, and keep fighting as long as he tries to conquer this country. And it must be so, otherwise Russia will be up against NATO borders, and any incident or further Russian attack could trigger a nuclear war. This must be prevented by helping Ukraine to stay free.

Letter to the editor, eh? Maybe I should look into that.

At the least, the USA is going to have to supply natural gas to Germany and Italy replace the Russian source. The West is going to need to step up transition to renewables so Russia can't hold us hostage to their gas again. Climate change and Putin's invasion are linked. The fourth turning is truly upon us and we are at 1938. If Putin is not stopped in his tracks and his regime ruined, then world war will result. America needs again to be the arsenal of democracy. Biden needs to step up his rhetoric and convince people to back him by rallying the nation in this triple emergency of climate change, covid and Putin.

P1: Many say that Khruschev was really the architect of the Cuban Missile Crisis. And yet he supposedly had such great respect for Kennedy that he wept like a baby at the news of his murder. He was the first Soviet leader to attempt to more or less normalize relations with the Western world. And there was much speculation that this could have been why he was driven from power a year later.
(02-27-2022, 11:10 PM)pbrower2a Wrote:
(02-27-2022, 07:23 PM)Anthony Wrote: I have just sent the following letter to the editor of the (left-leaning, to put it charitably) Asbury Park Press:

Dear Editor:

After the Nazis and their Ukrainian allies murdered 24 million Russians during World War II, with Ukrainian guards also enthusiastically assisting the Nazis in the slaughter of millions of Jews and Roma (Gypsies) at such infamous death camps as Treblinka and Sobibor, and after the Communist tyrant Khrushchev, in the name of "destalinization," arbitrarily tore Crimea and the Donets Basin away from Russia and gave them to Ukraine in 1954, expecting the Russians to kiss and make up is like asking African-Americans to forget slavery, Native Americans to forget the genocide that was perpetrated against them, and for the Irish to believe that centuries of British abuse never happened.

Before President Biden tries to "fix" this corner of the world, he had better read a history book.

We are all aware of what the fascists did.  The Nazis might have won on the Eastern Front had they granted independence to Ukraine,which would have given Germany its strongest, best-motivated, and most-reliable ally. The Nazis did grant the Ukrainian people one dubious freedom -- that of murdering Jews, Roma, Poles, and Communists.Hitler was so  stupid toward Ukraine that he gave Odessa to Romania. Ukraine would have been the breadbasket of the German-dominated part of Europe.

Let's not forget that Stalin starved millions of Ukrainians to death because he dreaded a great nation (Ukraine is a great nation already) within his horrid empire. It is not surprising that when the Wehrmacht entered Ukraine that, as in the Baltic Republics, the Ukrainian people saw th Germans as liberators. The Nazis quickly betrayed any such good will and got little in return.

Putin made claims that Ukraine has more than its share of fascists. OK, one fascist is one too many. Any Ukrainian who still admires Stepan Bandera is as much a disgrace as a neo-Nazi in America. But all this happened 75 years ago and it is no longer relevant. Look at it this way: if Germany and Israel were to end up on the same side in war, what would the Israelis call the Germans now?


Seventy-five years is more than enough time for the melting-away of old enmities. OK, the Holocaust and Holodomor remain infamies to be refuted through the ages, just like the Inquisition and the Atlantic Slave Trade.

If the Ukrainians wanted to get even with the Russians for the Holodomor, they would have had my blessing, if I wasn't yet unborn in the years following Operation Barbarossa.

But the Jews and Roma had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the Holodomor.

The perverted dynamic that was at work here is that since the Nazis were the enemy of the Ukrainians' enemies (the Russians), the Nazis were the Ukrainians' friends - so it "logically" followed that the Jews and Roma were the Ukrainians' enemies' enemies' enemies, and therefore their enemies, too.

The same thing happened here in 1981, when white middle-class Americans gleefully cheered when Ronny Rayguns fired the air traffic controllers en masse; after all the unions - including PATCO - were the white middle class's enemies' enemies' enemies', and therefore, their enemies too (Reagan got elected in 1980 because he successfully presented himself as the enemy of the white middle class's enemies - the hippies and the blacks - making him the friend of the white middle class).
"These, and many other matters which might be noticed, add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a Christian nation" - Justice David Brewer, Church of the Holy Trinity v. United States, 1892

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